
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


namespace commerce {

// The host for the commerce internals page.
inline constexpr char kChromeUICommerceInternalsHost[] =;

// The host for compare.
inline constexpr char kChromeUICompareHost[] =;

// The URL for managing compare entities.
inline constexpr char kChromeUICompareListsUrl[] =;

// The URL for compare.
inline constexpr char kChromeUICompareUrl[] =;

// The URL for compare disclosure.
inline constexpr char kChromeUICompareDisclosureUrl[] =;

// The URL for compare learn more page.
inline constexpr char kChromeUICompareLearnMoreUrl[] =;

// The host for the shopping insights side panel page.
inline constexpr char kChromeUIShoppingInsightsSidePanelHost[] =;

// The url for the shopping insights side panel page.
inline constexpr char kChromeUIShoppingInsightsSidePanelUrl[] =;

// Content type for network request.
inline constexpr char kContentType[] =;

// Http DELETE method.
inline constexpr char kDeleteHttpMethod[] =;

// Empty data for POST request.
inline constexpr char kEmptyPostData[] =;

// Http GET method.
inline constexpr char kGetHttpMethod[] =;

// The maximum enforced interval (in days) between two triggers of the product
// specifications entry point.
inline constexpr int kProductSpecMaxEntryPointTriggeringInterval =;

// OAuth name used for network request.
inline constexpr char kOAuthName[] =;

// OAuth scope used for network request.
inline constexpr char kOAuthScope[] =;

// Open graph keys.
inline constexpr char kOgImage[] =;
inline constexpr char kOgPriceAmount[] =;
inline constexpr char kOgPriceCurrency[] =;
inline constexpr char kOgProductLink[] =;
inline constexpr char kOgTitle[] =;
inline constexpr char kOgType[] =;

// Specific open graph values we're interested in.
inline constexpr char kOgTypeOgProduct[] =;
inline constexpr char kOgTypeProductItem[] =;

// Http POST method.
inline constexpr char kPostHttpMethod[] =;

// Prefix for model quality logging entry for product specifications.
inline constexpr char kProductSpecificationsLoggingPrefix[] =;

// A means of specifying the URL for the product specifications backend from
// the command line.
inline constexpr char kProductSpecificationsUrlKey[] =;

// The conversion multiplier to go from standard currency units to
// micro-currency units.
inline constexpr long kToMicroCurrency =;

// Please do not use below UTM constants beyond commerce use cases.
// UTM campaign label.
inline constexpr char kUTMCampaignLabel[] =;

// UTM campaign value for partner merchant carts when discount is enabled.
inline constexpr char kUTMCampaignValueForCartDiscount[] =;

// UTM campaign value for partner merchant carts when discount is disabled.
inline constexpr char kUTMCampaignValueForCartNoDiscount[] =;

// UTM campaign value for non-partner merchant carts.
inline constexpr char kUTMCampaignValueForChromeCart[] =;

// UTM campaign value for discounts in history clusters.
inline constexpr char kUTMCampaignValueForDiscounts[] =;

// UTM medium label.
inline constexpr char kUTMMediumLabel[] =;

// General UTM medium value.
inline constexpr char kUTMMediumValue[] =;

// Prefix of UTM labels, including the underscore.
inline constexpr char kUTMPrefix[] =;

// UTM source label.
inline constexpr char kUTMSourceLabel[] =;

// General UTM source value.
inline constexpr char kUTMSourceValue[] =;

}  // namespace commerce