
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module commerce.mojom;

import "ui/webui/resources/cr_components/commerce/shopping_service.mojom";
import "url/mojom/url.mojom";

// This contains the current state and the expected state of a feature.
struct EligibleEntry {
  // The current state of the feature, enabled or disabled.
  bool value;
  // The expected state of the feature. This can be either enabled(true) or
  // disabled(false);
  bool expected_value;

// This outlines each factor that contributes to whether a user is eligible
// for the shopping-list feature.
struct ShoppingListEligibleDetail {
  EligibleEntry is_region_locked_feature_enabled;
  EligibleEntry is_shopping_list_allowed_for_enterprise;
  EligibleEntry is_account_checker_valid;
  EligibleEntry is_signed_in;
  EligibleEntry is_syncing_bookmarks;
  EligibleEntry is_anonymized_url_data_collection_enabled;
  EligibleEntry is_subject_to_parental_controls;

// Used by the WebUI to bootstrap bidirectional communication.
interface CommerceInternalsHandlerFactory {
  // The WebUI calls this method when the page is first initialized.
      pending_remote<CommerceInternalsPage> page,
      pending_receiver<CommerceInternalsHandler> handler);

struct Subscription {
  uint64 cluster_id;
  array<shopping_service.mojom.BookmarkProductInfo> product_infos;

// TODO( add more comments and investigate
// mojo_base.mojom.Time or mojo_base.mojom.JSTime for creation_time
// and update_time.
struct ProductSpecificationsSet {
  string uuid;
  string name;
  string creation_time;
  string update_time;
  // Information about each item in the ProductSpecificationsSet
  // such as URL and title.
  array<shopping_service.mojom.UrlInfo> url_infos;

// Browser-side handler for requests from WebUI page.
interface CommerceInternalsHandler {
  // Returns whether the user is eligible to use the shopping list feature.
  GetIsShoppingListEligible() => (bool eligible);
  // Returns the ShoppingListEligibleDetail.
  GetShoppingListEligibleDetails() =>(ShoppingListEligibleDetail detail);
  // Resets the user preference for receiving price tracking emails so that the
  // default value is used (e.g. no value is stored). This helps test UI flows
  // that depend on that preference not being set.
  // Returns the product info for the provided URL if it exists.
  GetProductInfoForUrl(url.mojom.Url url) =>
      (shopping_service.mojom.ProductInfo info);
  // Returns the products the user has subscribed to.
  GetSubscriptionDetails() =>
     (array<Subscription> subscriptions);
  // Return product specifications the user has synced.
  GetProductSpecificationsDetails() =>
     (array<ProductSpecificationsSet> product_specifications_set);
  // Reset all statuses related to product specification feature. This includes
  // removing all existing product specification sets of the current user.

// WebUI-side handler for requests from the browser.
interface CommerceInternalsPage {
  // A notification that the eligibility status for the shopping list feature
  // changed.
  OnShoppingListEligibilityChanged(bool eligible);