// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {assert, assertNotReached} from './assert.js';
* @typedef {{
* substitutions: (!Array<string>|undefined),
* attrs: (!Array<string>|undefined),
* tags: (!Array<string>|undefined),
* }}
export let SanitizeInnerHtmlOpts;
* Make a string safe for Polymer bindings that are inner-h-t-m-l or other
* innerHTML use.
* @param {string} rawString The unsanitized string
* @param {SanitizeInnerHtmlOpts=} opts Optional additional allowed tags and
* attributes.
* @return {string}
export const sanitizeInnerHtmlInternal = function(rawString, opts) {
opts = opts || {};
return parseHtmlSubset(`<b>${rawString}</b>`, opts.tags, opts.attrs)
let sanitizedPolicy = null;
* Same as |sanitizeInnerHtmlInternal|, but it passes through sanitizedPolicy
* to create a TrustedHTML.
* TrustedTypePolicy: createHTML() takes an optional array but our usage for
* sanitizeInnerHtml uses a singular opt argument. We specify the first element.
* @param {string} rawString The unsanitized string
* @param {SanitizeInnerHtmlOpts=} opts Optional additional allowed tags and
* attributes.
* @return {TrustedHTML}
export function sanitizeInnerHtml(rawString, opts) {
if (sanitizedPolicy === null) {
// Initialize |sanitizedPolicy| lazily.
sanitizedPolicy =
window.trustedTypes.createPolicy('ash-deprecated-sanitize-inner-html', {
createHTML: (string, ...opts) =>
sanitizeInnerHtmlInternal(string, opts[0]),
createScript: (message) => assertNotReached(message),
createScriptURL: (message) => assertNotReached(message),
return sanitizedPolicy.createHTML(rawString, opts);
* Parses a very small subset of HTML. This ensures that insecure HTML /
* javascript cannot be injected into WebUI.
* @param {string} s The string to parse.
* @param {!Array<string>=} extraTags Optional extra allowed tags.
* @param {!Array<string>=} extraAttrs
* Optional extra allowed attributes (all tags are run through these).
* @throws {Error} In case of non supported markup.
* @return {DocumentFragment} A document fragment containing the DOM tree.
export const parseHtmlSubset = (function() {
'use strict';
/** @typedef {function(!Node, string):boolean} */
let AllowFunction;
/** @type {!AllowFunction} */
const allowAttribute = (node, value) => true;
* Allow-list of attributes in parseHtmlSubset.
* @type {!Map<string, !AllowFunction>}
* @const
const allowedAttributes = new Map([
(node, value) => {
// Only allow a[href] starting with chrome:// or https:// or equaling
// to #.
return node.tagName === 'A' &&
(value.startsWith('chrome://') || value.startsWith('https://') ||
value === '#');
(node, value) => {
// Only allow a[target='_blank'].
// TODO(dbeam): are there valid use cases for target !== '_blank'?
return node.tagName === 'A' && value === '_blank';
* Allow-list of optional attributes in parseHtmlSubset.
* @type {!Map<string, !AllowFunction>}
* @const
const allowedOptionalAttributes = new Map([
['class', allowAttribute],
['id', allowAttribute],
['is', (node, value) => value === 'action-link' || value === ''],
['role', (node, value) => value === 'link'],
(node, value) => {
// Only allow img[src] starting with chrome://
return node.tagName === 'IMG' && value.startsWith('chrome://');
['tabindex', allowAttribute],
['aria-hidden', allowAttribute],
['aria-labelledby', allowAttribute],
* Allow-list of tag names in parseHtmlSubset.
* @type {!Set<string>}
* @const
const allowedTags = new Set(
['A', 'B', 'I', 'BR', 'DIV', 'EM', 'KBD', 'P', 'PRE', 'SPAN', 'STRONG']);
* Allow-list of optional tag names in parseHtmlSubset.
* @type {!Set<string>}
* @const
const allowedOptionalTags = new Set(['IMG', 'LI', 'UL']);
* This policy maps a given string to a `TrustedHTML` object
* without performing any validation. Callsites must ensure
* that the resulting object will only be used in inert
* documents. Initialized lazily.
* @type {!TrustedTypePolicy}
let unsanitizedPolicy;
* @param {!Array<string>} optTags an Array to merge.
* @return {!Set<string>} Set of allowed tags.
function mergeTags(optTags) {
const clone = new Set(allowedTags);
optTags.forEach(str => {
const tag = str.toUpperCase();
if (allowedOptionalTags.has(tag)) {
return clone;
* @param {!Array<string>} optAttrs an Array to merge.
* @return {!Map<string, !AllowFunction>} Map of allowed
* attributes.
function mergeAttrs(optAttrs) {
const clone = new Map([...allowedAttributes]);
optAttrs.forEach(key => {
if (allowedOptionalAttributes.has(key)) {
clone.set(key, allowedOptionalAttributes.get(key));
return clone;
function walk(n, f) {
for (let i = 0; i < n.childNodes.length; i++) {
walk(n.childNodes[i], f);
function assertElement(tags, node) {
if (!tags.has(node.tagName)) {
throw Error(node.tagName + ' is not supported');
function assertAttribute(attrs, attrNode, node) {
const n = attrNode.nodeName;
const v = attrNode.nodeValue;
if (!attrs.has(n) || !attrs.get(n)(node, v)) {
throw Error(node.tagName + '[' + n + '="' + v + '"] is not supported');
return function(s, extraTags, extraAttrs) {
const tags = extraTags ? mergeTags(extraTags) : allowedTags;
const attrs = extraAttrs ? mergeAttrs(extraAttrs) : allowedAttributes;
const doc = document.implementation.createHTMLDocument('');
const r = doc.createRange();
if (window.trustedTypes) {
if (!unsanitizedPolicy) {
unsanitizedPolicy = trustedTypes.createPolicy(
{createHTML: untrustedHTML => untrustedHTML});
s = unsanitizedPolicy.createHTML(s);
// This does not execute any scripts because the document has no view.
const df = r.createContextualFragment(s);
walk(df, function(node) {
switch (node.nodeType) {
assertElement(tags, node);
const nodeAttrs = node.attributes;
for (let i = 0; i < nodeAttrs.length; ++i) {
assertAttribute(attrs, nodeAttrs[i], node);
case Node.TEXT_NODE:
throw Error('Node type ' + node.nodeType + ' is not supported');
return df;