
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

syntax = "proto3";

option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;

package coupon_db;

// Used for storing information of a FreeListing coupon.
message FreeListingCouponInfoProto {
  // Description of the coupon. It's a combination of coupon_title and
  // coupon_description fields from server response.
  string coupon_description = 1;
  // The promo coupon code that can be applied.
  string coupon_code = 2;
  // The ID to identify the coupon.
  int64 coupon_id = 3;
  // The expiry time of this coupon.
  double expiry_time = 4;
  // Timestamp of the last time that a coupon displays in bubble.
  int64 last_display_time = 5;

// Used for storing coupon data for one merchant website.
message CouponContentProto {
  // Merchant origin indicating source of the coupons.
  string key = 1;

  // All the FreeListing coupons of this merchant.
  repeated FreeListingCouponInfoProto free_listing_coupons = 2;