
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

syntax = "proto2";

package commerce;

option java_package = "org.chromium.components.commerce";

option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;

// These messages are primarily used for over-the-wire communications. If this
// information needs to be stored locally, consider building a separate proto.
message PriceInsightsData {
  optional uint64 product_cluster_id = 1;

  // Typical price range of this product cluster.
  optional PriceRange price_range = 2;

  // Price history of one catalog under this product cluster that has relatively
  // low price compared to other catalogs.
  optional PriceHistory price_history = 3;

  enum PriceBucket {
    UNKNOWN = 0;
    LOW_PRICE = 1;
    HIGH_PRICE = 3;

  // Position of the catalog's latest price with respect to the 90-day price
  // range.
  optional PriceBucket price_bucket = 4;

  // Whether we have multiple catalogs under this product cluster in the page.
  optional bool has_multiple_catalogs = 5;

message PriceRange {
  // Code for the currency e.g. USD.
  optional string currency_code = 1;

  // Price considered to be lowest typical among offers of this product.
  optional int64 lowest_typical_price_micros = 2;

  // Price considered to be highest typical among offers of this product.
  optional int64 highest_typical_price_micros = 3;

message PricePoint {
  // Date in format 'yyyy-mm-dd'.
  optional string date = 1;

  // The lowest price for the date.
  optional int64 min_price_micros = 2;

message PriceHistory {
  // Code for the currency e.g. USD.
  optional string currency_code = 1;

  // Attributes for this catalog, e.g. Unlocked, 4GB, Black.
  optional string attributes = 2;

  // The price points list where index 0 contains the start_date' price, and the
  // next index contains the next date, and so on.
  repeated PricePoint price_points = 3;

  // Direct link to the Jackpot page of this product, and specify the attributes
  // if applicable.
  optional string jackpot_url = 4;