
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <!-- Desktop only -->
  <if expr="not is_android and not is_ios">
    <!-- Discount consent strings -->
    <!-- TODO( Delete the following strings. -->
    <message name="IDS_DISCOUNT_CONTEXTUAL_CONSENT_TITLE" desc="The title shown on the consent bubble for getting discount.">
      Get discount on <ph name="MERCHANT_NAME">$1</ph> and more
    <message name="IDS_DISCOUNT_CONTEXTUAL_CONSENT_CONTENT" desc="Text shown on the consent bubble asking if users would like to give their consent to the feature.">
      Let Google use your carts to find personalized discounts when available
    <message name="IDS_DISCOUNT_CONTEXTUAL_CONSENT_NO_THANKS" desc="Text shown on the reject button of the consent bubble. By clicking this button, users has chosen not to accept the consent.">
      No thanks
    <message name="IDS_DISCOUNT_CONTEXTUAL_CONSENT_GET_DISCOUNTS" desc="Text shown on the accept button of the consent bubble. By clicking this button, users has chosen to accept the consent.">
      Get discounts
    <message name="IDS_DISCOUNT_CONTEXTUAL_CONSENT_ACCEPTED_CONFIRMATION_TITLE" desc="The title shown on the consent confirmation bubble after the user has accepted the consent.">
      Google will find discounts for you
    <message name="IDS_DISCOUNT_CONTEXTUAL_CONSENT_ACCEPTED_CONFIRMATION_CONTENT" desc="The text shown on the consent confirmation bubble telling user where to look for discounts.">
      When Google finds available discounts, they will show during checkout
    <message name="IDS_DISCOUNT_CONTEXTUAL_CONSENT_ACCEPTED_CONFIRMATION_DONE" desc="The text shown on the consent confirmation bubble bubble. User can click this button to close the bubble.">
    <!-- Discount consent strings -->
    <message name="IDS_NATIVE_NTP_CART_DISCOUNT_CONSENT_ACCEPT_BUTTON" desc="Text shown on the accept button of the consent dialog. By clicking this button, users has chosen to accept the consent to let Google find discounts for your carts.">
      Yes, I'm in
    <!-- This string can skip translation because the feature is targeted en-us locale. Only the
         en-us user can access the feature UI. -->
    <!-- TODO( Remove the special character and enable translation. -->
    <message name="IDS_NATIVE_NTP_CART_DISCOUNT_CONSENT_TITLE" translateable="false" desc="The title shown on the native consent dialog for getting discount.">
      Let Google help you find&#13;discounts for your carts

    <message name="IDS_NATIVE_NTP_CART_DISCOUNT_CONSENT_BODY" desc="The actual consent descrition that shows in the native consent dialog.">
      Let Google use your carts to search for personalized discounts. When available, discounts will automatically show up on your carts.
    <message name="IDS_NTP_CART_DISCOUNT_STEP_ONE_CONTENT" desc="Text shown in the consent card within the cart module. This is the first step of the discount consent flow.">
      Let Google help you find discounts for your carts

    <!-- For Desktop Price Tracking -->
    <message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_TRACK_PRICE" desc="Text shown for a button in the omnibox when the user is on a product page and the product's price is not currently being tracked. User can click this button to open a dialog and track this product from the dialog.">
      Track price
    <message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_TRACK_PRICE_DIALOG_TITLE" desc="The title text for the dialog that is shown when a user tracks the product displayed on the current web page.">
      Track price
    <message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_TRACK_PRICE_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION" desc="The description text for the dialog that is shown when a user tracks the product displayed on the current web page. It describes what will happen when price tracking is initiated.">
      Get alerts if the price drops on any site
    <message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_TRACK_PRICE_DIALOG_EMAIL_DESCRIPTION" desc="The description text for the dialog that is shown when a user tracks the product displayed on the current web page. It describes what will happen when price tracking is initiated.">
      Get alerts if the price drops on any site. Alerts will be sent to your email.
    <message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_TRACK_PRICE_DIALOG_ACTION_BUTTON" desc="The action button text for the dialog that is shown when a user tracks the product displayed on the current web page. User can click this button to track this product's price.">
      Track price
    <message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_TRACK_PRICE_DIALOG_ERROR_DESCRIPTION" desc="The description text for the dialog that is shown when a user initiates price tracking for the product displayed on the current page from the dialog but the request fails. It tells user that the tracking request failed.">
      Something went wrong. Try again.
    <message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_TRACK_PRICE_DIALOG_ERROR_BUTTON" desc="The action button text for the dialog that is shown when a user initiates price tracking for the product displayed on the current page from the dialog but the request fails. User can click this button to re-try tracking the product.">
      Try again
    <message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_TRACK_PRICE_DIALOG_TITLE_FIRST_RUN" desc="The title text for the dialog that is shown at the first time a user tracks the product displayed on the current web page.">
      Track prices with Chrome
    <message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_TRACK_PRICE_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION_FIRST_RUN" desc="The description text for the dialog that is shown at the first time a user tracks the product displayed on the current web page. It describes what will happen when price tracking is initiated, and tells users which bookmarks folder this page will be saved.">
      You’ll get email alerts if the price drops on any site. This page will be saved to <ph name="LAST_BOOKMARKS_FOLDER">$1<ex>Other Bookmarks</ex></ph>.
    <message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_TRACK_PRICE_DIALOG_CANCEL_BUTTON" desc="The button text for the dialog that is shown at the first time a user tracks the product displayed on the current web page. User can click this button to dismiss this dialog.">

    <!-- Generic price tracking strings -->
    <message name="IDS_PRICE_TRACKING_SAVE_DESCRIPTION" desc="Text displayed to the user explaining that the product on the web page is being tracked.">
      You’re tracking this product.
    <message name="IDS_PRICE_TRACKING_SAVE_LOCATION" desc="Text displayed to the user explaining where the product they are tracking is saved in bookmarks. This is not shown if the bookmark does not exist for the page or the user is not tracking the product.">
      This page is saved in <ph name="LAST_BOOKMARKS_FOLDER">$1<ex>Other Bookmarks</ex></ph>.

    <!-- Email consent dialog for price tracking -->
    <message name="IDS_PRICE_TRACKING_EMAIL_CONSENT_BODY" desc="The main body text that is shown in the price drop email consent dialog offering to send an email notification when the product price drops on any site.">
      Get emails sent to <ph name="EMAIL">$1<ex>[email protected]</ex></ph> when the price of items you track drops on any site.
    <message name="IDS_PRICE_TRACKING_EMAIL_CONSENT_TITLE" desc="The title of the dialog that shows after a user has tracked a product asking for consent to send price drop email notifications.">
      Want emails when prices drop?
    <message name="IDS_PRICE_TRACKING_EMAIL_CONSENT_LEARN_MORE_LINK_TEXT" desc="The text that will link to a help article that explains price tracking shown in the price drop email consent dialog.">
      Learn more about price tracking
    <message name="IDS_PRICE_TRACKING_NOT_NOW" desc="The text that shows on the price drop email consent dialog to reject notifications.">
      No thanks
    <message name="IDS_PRICE_TRACKING_YES_IM_IN" desc="The text that shows on the price drop email consent dialog to allow notifications.">
      Yes, I'm in

    <message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_TRACKING_PRICE" desc="Text shown for a button in the omnibox when the user is on a product page and the product's price is currently being tracked. User can click this button to open a dialog and view the tracking details or untrack this product from the dialog.">
      Tracking price
    <message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_TRACKING_PRICE_DIALOG_TITLE" desc="The title text for the dialog that is shown when a user checks the tracking details of the product displayed on the current web page. This dialog is shown only when the product is currently being tracked.">
      Tracking price
    <message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_TRACKING_PRICE_DIALOG_ACTION_BUTTON" desc="The action button text for the dialog that is shown when a user checks the tracking details of the product displayed on the current web page. This dialog is shown only when the product is currently being tracked and the user can click this button to acknowledge this tracking.">
    <message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_TRACKING_PRICE_DIALOG_UNTRACK_BUTTON" desc="The button text for the dialog that is shown when a user checks the tracking details of the product displayed on the current web page. This dialog is shown only when the product is currently being tracked and the user can click this button to untrack this product.">
    <message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PRICE_TRACKING_OFF_DIALOG_TITLE" desc="The title text for the dialog that is shown when a user untracks the product displayed on the current web page. It indicates this product is no longer being tracked.">
      Price tracking off
    <message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PRICE_TRACKING_OFF_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION" desc="The description text for the dialog that is shown when a user untracks the product displayed on the current web page. It indicates this product is no longer being tracked.">
      Alerts for this product have been turned off
    <message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PRICE_TRACKING_OFF_DIALOG_DESCRIPTION_BOOKMARK_REMOVED" desc="The description text for the dialog that is shown when a user untracks the product displayed on the current web page. It indicates this product is no longer being tracked and this page is removed from bookmarks.">
      Alerts for this product have been turned off and the bookmark removed
    <message name="IDS_OMNIBOX_PRICE_TRACKING_OFF_DIALOG_ACTION_BUTTON" desc="The action button text for the dialog that is shown when a user untracks the product displayed on the current web page.. User can click this button to acknowledge that this product is no longer being tracked.">

    <message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_STAR_DIALOG_TRACK_PRICE_DESCRIPTION" desc="The description text for the dialog that is shown when a user clicks the bookmark star icon on a product web page. It describes what will happen when price tracking is initiated.">
      Get email alerts if the price drops on any site
    <message name="IDS_BOOKMARK_STAR_DIALOG_TRACK_PRICE_DESCRIPTION_EMAIL_OFF" desc="The description text for the dialog that is shown when a user clicks the bookmark star icon on a product web page. We use this text only if the email notification is currently turned off by the user. It describes what will happen when price tracking is initiated.">
      View price drops in the side panel

    <message name="IDS_BOOKMARKS_MANAGER_TRACKED_PRODUCTS" desc="Text shown for a product-specific bookmarks folder in the bookmarks manager. User can click this item to view their tracked product.">
      Tracked products
    <message name="IDS_BOOKMARKS_MANAGER_UNTRACK_BUTTON" desc="Text shown when user right-clicks a tracked product from the bookmarks manager. User can click this button to untrack this product.">

    <message name="IDS_PRICE_TRACKING_SIDE_PANEL_IPH" desc="Text shown after user tracks a product for the first time. Text attached to the side panel indicating user can see their tracked products there.">
      See all your tracked products here
    <message name="IDS_SIDE_PANEL_TRACKED_PRODUCTS" desc="Text shown for a product-specific bookmark folder in the side panel. Users can click this item to view their tracked products.">
      Tracked Products
    <message name="IDS_PRICE_TRACKING_CHIP_IPH" desc="Text shown when user see the price tracking chip for the first time. Text attached to the price tracking chip to show the usefulness of the feature.">
      Get email alerts if the price drops on any site

    <if expr="use_titlecase">
      <message name="IDS_SIDE_PANEL_UNTRACK_BUTTON" desc="Text shown when user right-clicks a tracked product from the side panel. User can click this button to untrack this product.">
        Untrack Price
      <message name="IDS_SIDE_PANEL_TRACK_BUTTON" desc="Text shown when user right-clicks an untracked product from the side panel. User can click this button to track this product.">
        Track Price
      <message name="IDS_BOOKMARKS_MENU_UNTRACK_PRICE" desc="Text shown as a menu item when the user is on a product page and the product's price is currently being tracked. User can click this button to untrack this product.">
        Untrack Price
      <message name="IDS_BOOKMARKS_MENU_TRACK_PRICE" desc="Text shown as a menu item when the user is on a product page and the product's price is not currently being tracked. User can click this button to track this product.">
        Track Price
      <message name="IDS_PRICE_TRACKING_UNTRACK_PRODUCT_ACCESSIBILITY" desc="Accessibility string for the price tracking toggle button and bell icon when this product is currently being tracked. User can click this button or icon to untrack this product.">
        Untrack Price
      <message name="IDS_PRICE_TRACKING_TRACK_PRODUCT_ACCESSIBILITY" desc="Accessibility string for the price tracking toggle button and bell icon when this product is not currently being tracked. User can click this button or icon to track this product.">
        Track Price
      <message name="IDS_PRICE_TRACKING_SIDE_PANEL_ERROR_BUTTON" desc="Text shown in side panel toast button when an attempt to track or untrack a product failed. Clicking the button would retry the failed attempt to track or untrack a product.">
        Try Again
    </if> <!-- use_titlecase -->
    <if expr="not use_titlecase">
      <message name="IDS_SIDE_PANEL_UNTRACK_BUTTON" desc="Text shown when user right-clicks a tracked product from the side panel. User can click this button to untrack this product.">
        Untrack price
      <message name="IDS_SIDE_PANEL_TRACK_BUTTON" desc="Text shown when user right-clicks an untracked product from the side panel. User can click this button to track this product.">
        Track price
      <message name="IDS_BOOKMARKS_MENU_UNTRACK_PRICE" desc="Text shown as a menu item when the user is on a product page and the product's price is currently being tracked. User can click this button to untrack this product.">
        Untrack price
      <message name="IDS_BOOKMARKS_MENU_TRACK_PRICE" desc="Text shown as a menu item when the user is on a product page and the product's price is not currently being tracked. User can click this button to track this product.">
        Track price
      <message name="IDS_PRICE_TRACKING_UNTRACK_PRODUCT_ACCESSIBILITY" desc="Accessibility string for the price tracking toggle button and bell icon when this product is currently being tracked. User can click this button or icon to untrack this product.">
        Untrack price
      <message name="IDS_PRICE_TRACKING_TRACK_PRODUCT_ACCESSIBILITY" desc="Accessibility string for the price tracking toggle button and bell icon when this product is not currently being tracked. User can click this button or icon to track this product.">
        Track price
      <message name="IDS_PRICE_TRACKING_SIDE_PANEL_ERROR_BUTTON" desc="Text shown in side panel toast button when an attempt to track or untrack a product failed. Clicking the button would retry the failed attempt to track or untrack a product.">
        Try again
    </if> <!-- not use_titlecase -->

    <message name="IDS_PRICE_TRACKING_SETTINGS_TITLE" desc="Text shown in chrome settings. User can turn on or off the toggle next to this setting item to manage whether they want to receive price drop notifications.">
      Get price tracking notifications
    <message name="IDS_PRICE_TRACKING_SETTINGS_EMAIL_DESCRIPTION" desc="Text shown in chrome settings indicating that the price drop notifications will be sent via email. User can turn on or off the toggle next to this setting item to manage whether they want to receive such notifications.">
      Price drop alerts will be sent to <ph name="EMAIL_ADDRESS">$1<ex>[email protected]</ex></ph>
    <message name="IDS_PRICE_TRACKING_SETTINGS_POPUP_DESCRIPTION" desc="Text shown in chrome settings indicating that the price drop notifications will be sent via chrome popups. User can turn on or off the toggle next to this setting item to manage whether they want to receive such notifications.">
      Price drop alerts show up as popup notifications on your desktop
    <message name="IDS_PRICE_TRACKING_SIDE_PANEL_ERROR_MESSAGE" desc="Text shown in side panel toast when an attempt to track or untrack a product failed.">
      Something went wrong.

    <message name="IDS_SHOPPING_COLLECTION_IPH_TITLE" desc="The title of the in-product-help explaining what the shopping list bookmark folder is.">
      What is the Shopping list?
    <if expr="use_titlecase">
      <message name="IDS_SHOPPING_COLLECTION_IPH_BODY" desc="The body text of the in-product-help explaining what the shopping list bookmark folder is.">
        A new smart folder that helps you save all your shopping pages in one place, and automatically track prices, get price insights, and more.
    </if> <!-- use_titlecase -->
    <if expr="not use_titlecase">
      <message name="IDS_SHOPPING_COLLECTION_IPH_BODY" desc="The body text of the in-product-help explaining what the shopping list bookmark folder is.">
        A new smart folder that helps you save all your shopping pages in one place, and automatically track prices, get price insights, and more
    </if> <!-- not use_titlecase -->

    <!-- For Desktop Price Insights -->
    <if expr="use_titlecase">
      <message name="IDS_SHOPPING_INSIGHTS_SIDE_PANEL_TITLE" desc="The title name of the Shopping Insights feature in the side panel combo box.">
        Shopping Insights
      <message name="IDS_PRICE_HISTORY_TITLE" desc="The title name of the Price History section in the Shopping Insights side panel.">
        Price History
      <message name="IDS_PRICE_HISTORY_TITLE_MULTIPLE_OPTIONS" translateable="false" desc="The title of the Price History section in the Shopping Insights side panel when we find multiple options of this product.">
        Price History Across the Web for this Option
      <message name="IDS_PRICE_HISTORY_MULTIPLE_OPTIONS_LOW_PRICE" desc="Text shown in the Price History section in the Shopping Insights side panel, indicating an option has relatively low price.">
        Low Priced Option
      <message name="IDS_PRICE_HISTORY_MULTIPLE_OPTIONS_HIGH_PRICE" desc="Text shown in the Price History section in the Shopping Insights side panel, indicating an option has relatively high price.">
        High Priced Option
      <message name="IDS_PRICE_HISTORY_MULTIPLE_OPTIONS_TYPICAL_PRICE" desc="Text shown in the Price History section in the Shopping Insights side panel, indicating an option's price is typical.">
        Typical Price
      <message name="IDS_SHOPPING_INSIGHTS_SIDE_PANEL_TRACK_PRICE_TITLE" desc="The title name of the Price Tracking section in the Shopping Insights side panel.">
        Save and Track Price
      <message name="IDS_SHOPPING_INSIGHTS_ICON_TOOLTIP_TEXT" desc="The tooltip text for the price insights icon in the location bar.">
        Shopping Insights
    </if> <!-- use_titlecase -->
    <if expr="not use_titlecase">
      <message name="IDS_SHOPPING_INSIGHTS_SIDE_PANEL_TITLE" desc="The title name of the Shopping Insights feature in the side panel combo box.">
        Shopping insights
      <message name="IDS_PRICE_HISTORY_TITLE" desc="The title name of the Price History section in the Shopping Insights side panel.">
        Price history
      <message name="IDS_PRICE_HISTORY_TITLE_MULTIPLE_OPTIONS" translateable="false" desc="The title of the Price History section in the Shopping Insights side panel when we find multiple options of this product.">
        Price history across the web for this option
      <message name="IDS_PRICE_HISTORY_MULTIPLE_OPTIONS_LOW_PRICE" desc="Text shown in the Price History section in the Shopping Insights side panel, indicating an option has relatively low price.">
        Low priced option
      <message name="IDS_PRICE_HISTORY_MULTIPLE_OPTIONS_HIGH_PRICE" desc="Text shown in the Price History section in the Shopping Insights side panel, indicating an option has relatively high price.">
        High priced option
      <message name="IDS_PRICE_HISTORY_MULTIPLE_OPTIONS_TYPICAL_PRICE" desc="Text shown in the Price History section in the Shopping Insights side panel, indicating an option's price is typical.">
        Typical price
      <message name="IDS_SHOPPING_INSIGHTS_SIDE_PANEL_TRACK_PRICE_TITLE" desc="The title name of the Price Tracking section in the Shopping Insights side panel.">
        Save and track price
      <message name="IDS_SHOPPING_INSIGHTS_ICON_TOOLTIP_TEXT" desc="The tooltip text for the price insights icon in the location bar.">
        Shopping insights
    </if> <!-- not use_titlecase -->

    <message name="IDS_SHOPPING_INSIGHTS_BUYING_OPTIONS" desc="Text shown in Shopping Insights side panel. Clicking this link will bring users to a new tab where users can check price insights of all available buying options.">
      Buying options
    <message name="IDS_PRICE_HISTORY_TODAY_PRICE" desc="Text shown on the price history graph indicating today's price.">
    <message name="IDS_PRICE_HISTORY_YESTERDAY_PRICE" desc="Text shown on the price history graph indicating yesterday's price.">
    <message name="IDS_PRICE_HISTORY_DESCRIPTION" desc="The description of the Price History section in the Shopping Insights side panel explaining how the prices are gathered.">
      Typical prices are based on stores across the web over the past 90 days.
    <if expr="is_win or is_linux">
        <message name="IDS_PRICE_HISTORY_GRAPH_ACCESSIBILITY" desc="Accessibility string for the price history graph indicating how users can review the price changes on the graph.">
          Browse mode, you can change to Forms mode to use the left/right arrow to review price changes on the graph
        <message name="IDS_PRICE_HISTORY_GRAPH_ACCESSIBILITY" desc="Accessibility string for the price history graph indicating how users can review the price changes on the graph.">
          You can use the left/right arrow to review price changes on the graph
    <message name="IDS_SHOPPING_INSIGHTS_COLLECT_FEEDBACK" desc="Text shown in Shopping Insights side panel. Clicking this link will pop up the feedback dialog which allows users to share feedback about the feature.">
      Give feedback
    <message name="IDS_SHOPPING_INSIGHTS_FEEDBACK_FORM_TITLE" desc="The title name of the feedback form which allows users to share feedback about the Shopping Insights feature.">
      Tell us about your experience
    <message name="IDS_PRICE_HISTORY_SINGLE_OPTION_LOW_PRICE" desc="Text shown in the Price History section in the Shopping Insights side panel, indicating this option has relatively low price. This string is used when we only find one buying option on the page.">
      This price is low
    <message name="IDS_PRICE_HISTORY_SINGLE_OPTION_HIGH_PRICE" desc="Text shown in the Price History section in the Shopping Insights side panel, indicating this option has relatively high price. This string is used when we only find one buying option on the page.">
      This price is high
    <message name="IDS_PRICE_HISTORY_SINGLE_OPTION_TYPICAL_PRICE" desc="Text shown in the Price History section in the Shopping Insights side panel, indicating this option's price is typical. This string is used when we only find one buying option on the page.">
      This price is typical
    <message name="IDS_SHOPPING_INSIGHTS_SIDE_PANEL_TRACK_PRICE_DESCRIPTION" desc="The description of the Price Tracking section in the Shopping Insights side panel.">
      You'll get email alerts if the price drops on any site.
    <message name="IDS_SHOPPING_INSIGHTS_SIDE_PANEL_TRACK_PRICE_ERROR" desc="The description of the Price Tracking section in the Shopping Insights side panel when a user failed to track the product displayed on the current web page.">
      Something went wrong. Your change wasn't saved.

    <!-- For Desktop Discounts on navigation -->
    <message name="IDS_DISCOUNT_USE_THIS_CODE_AT_CHECKOUT_WITH_EXPIRATION_DATE" desc="Text shown in the discount dialog to tell users where to use the discount code and the discount expiration date.">
      Use this code at checkout. Valid until <ph name="DATE">$1<ex>2023-01-01</ex></ph>.
    <message name="IDS_DISCOUNT_EXPIRATION_DATE" desc="Text shown in the discount dialog to tell users the discount expiration date.">
      Valid until <ph name="DATE">$1<ex>2023-01-01</ex></ph>.
    <message name="IDS_DISCOUNT_CODE_COPY_BUTTON_TEXT" desc="The copy button text. User uses this button to copy the discount code, so that they can paste the code during checkout.">
    <message name="IDS_TWO_STRINGS_CONNECTOR" desc="This is used to connect two sentences together by using a ending period and a space. The first sentence does not contain an ending period, but the second sentence will.">
      <ph name="FIRST_STRING">$1<ex>Use this code at checkout</ex></ph>. <ph name="SECOND_STRING">$2<ex>Valid until Aug 15 2023.</ex></ph>
    <message name="IDS_TWO_STRINGS_CONNECTOR_WITH_SPACE" desc="This is used to connect two sentences together with a space.">
      <ph name="FIRST_STRING">$1<ex>Use this code at checkout. Valid until Aug 15 2023.</ex></ph> <ph name="SECOND_STRING">$2<ex>See Seller's terms and conditions</ex></ph>
    <message name="IDS_SELLER_TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS_DIALOG_TITLE" desc="This is the title for the 'Terms and condition' dialog which shows users the additional qualification of the discount from the seller.">
      Seller's terms and conditions
    <message name="IDS_SELLER_TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS_DIALOG_FOOTER" desc="This is the footer in the 'Terms and condition' dialog. It's a disclaimer that the terms and conditions are provided by the seller.">
      Terms and conditions provided by <ph name="URL">$1<ex></ex></ph>
    <message name="IDS_SEE_SELLER_TERMS_AND_CONDITIONS" desc="This is used as a linked text in the discount dialog, when user clicks the text, it opens the 'Seller's terms and conditions' dialog to see additional qualification of the discount.">
      See seller's terms and conditions
        <message name="IDS_DISCOUNTS_COUPON_CODE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP" desc="The tooltip message for a button containing a copyable coupon code in the discounts bubble on Desktop. This message is shown when the button is hovered over and if the button has not been clicked.">
      Click to copy
    <message name="IDS_DISCOUNTS_COUPON_CODE_BUTTON_TOOLTIP_CLICKED" desc="The tooltip message for a button containing a copyable coupon code in the discounts bubble on Desktop. This message is shown when the button is hovered over and if the button has been clicked.">
      Copied to clipboard
    <if expr="use_titlecase">
      <message name="IDS_DISCOUNT_ICON_EXPANDED_TEXT" desc="The text to use when the icon is expanded in the location bar, indicating discount has been found for the viewing product.">
        Discount Found
    </if> <!-- use_titlecase -->
    <if expr="not use_titlecase">
      <message name="IDS_DISCOUNT_ICON_EXPANDED_TEXT" desc="The text to use when the icon is expanded in the location bar, indicating discount has been found for the viewing product.">
        Discount found
    </if> <!-- not use_titlecase -->

  <!-- Android only -->
  <if expr="is_android">
    <!-- For Android Price Tracking -->
    <message name="IDS_PRICE_ANNOTATIONS_SETTINGS_TITLE" desc="The title text for price annotations settings in Google services. User can turn on or off the toggle next to this item to manage whether they want to see price drops on their open tabs.">
      Show price drops on tabs
    <message name="IDS_PRICE_ANNOTATIONS_SETTINGS_DESCRIPTION" desc="The description text for price annotations settings in Google services. User can turn on or off the toggle next to this item to manage whether they want to see price drops on their open tabs.">
      Price drop alerts will show up on your open tabs
    <message name="IDS_PRICE_NOTIFICATIONS_SETTINGS_TITLE" desc="The title text for price notifications settings in Google services. User can click into this item to view the detailed settings." formatter_data="android_java">
      Get price tracking notifications
    <message name="IDS_PRICE_NOTIFICATIONS_SETTINGS_DESCRIPTION" desc="The description text for price notifications settings in Google services. User can click into this item to view the detailed settings." formatter_data="android_java">
      Manage mobile and email notifications
    <message name="IDS_PRICE_NOTIFICATIONS_SETTINGS_DETAILED_PAGE_TITLE" desc="The title text for the detailed page settings of price notifications in Google services." formatter_data="android_java">
      Price tracking notifications
    <message name="IDS_PRICE_NOTIFICATIONS_SETTINGS_DETAILED_PAGE_DESCRIPTION" desc="The description text for the detailed page settings of price notifications in Google services." formatter_data="android_java">
      Manage how you receive price drop alerts for products you track
    <message name="IDS_PRICE_NOTIFICATIONS_SETTINGS_MOBILE_TITLE" desc="The title text for managing mobile price drop popup notifications shown on the detailed page settings in Google services." formatter_data="android_java">
    <message name="IDS_PRICE_NOTIFICATIONS_SETTINGS_MOBILE_DESCRIPTION_ON" desc="The description text for managing mobile price drop popup notifications when the notification is currently enabled. Shown on the detailed page settings in Google services. It tells users that they can disable the popup notification in the Chrome notification settings." formatter_data="android_java">
      Price drop alerts are on. You can change this in <ph name="BEGIN_LINK">&lt;link&gt;</ph><ph name="NOTIFICATION_SETTINGS">%1$s<ex>settings</ex></ph><ph name="END_LINK">&lt;/link&gt;</ph>.
    <message name="IDS_PRICE_NOTIFICATIONS_SETTINGS_MOBILE_DESCRIPTION_OFF" desc="The description text for managing mobile price drop popup notifications when the notification is currently disabled. Shown on the detailed page settings in Google services. It tells users that they can enable the popup notification in the Chrome notification settings." formatter_data="android_java">
      Chrome notifications must be on. You can turn them on in <ph name="BEGIN_LINK">&lt;link&gt;</ph><ph name="NOTIFICATION_SETTINGS">%1$s<ex>settings</ex></ph><ph name="END_LINK">&lt;/link&gt;</ph>.
    <message name="IDS_CHROME_NOTIFICATION_SETTINGS_FOR_PRICE_TRACKING" desc="The button text within the description for managing mobile price drop popup notifications. When user clicks this button, we send them to the Chrome notification settings." formatter_data="android_java">
    <message name="IDS_PRICE_NOTIFICATIONS_SETTINGS_EMAIL_TITLE" desc="The title text for managing price drop email notifications shown on the detailed page settings in Google services. User can turn on or off the toggle next to this item to manage whether they want to receive price drop emails." formatter_data="android_java">
    <message name="IDS_PRICE_NOTIFICATIONS_SETTINGS_EMAIL_DESCRIPTION" desc="The description text for managing price drop email notifications shown on the detailed page settings in Google services. User can turn on or off the toggle next to this item to manage whether they want to receive price drop emails." formatter_data="android_java">
      Send to <ph name="EMAIL_ADDRESS">%1$s<ex>[email protected]</ex></ph>

  <!-- For Price Tracking on all platforms -->
  <message name="IDS_PRICE_DROP_POPUP_CONTENT_TITLE" desc="Text shown on the price drop popup notification. It tells users how much price drop on the corresponding product." formatter_data="android_java">
    <ph name="PRICE_DROP">%1$s<ex>$100</ex></ph> price drop on <ph name="PRODUCT_NAME">%2$s<ex>Chromebook</ex></ph>
  <message name="IDS_PRICE_DROP_POPUP_CONTENT_TEXT" desc="Text shown on the price drop popup notification below the content title. It tells users the current price of the product and the source website." formatter_data="android_java">
    Now <ph name="CURRENT_PRICE">%1$s<ex>$799</ex></ph> on <ph name="SOURCE_WEBSITE">%2$s<ex></ex></ph>
  <message name="IDS_PRICE_DROP_POPUP_ACTION_BUTTON" desc="Text shown on the price drop popup notification below the content text. When users click this button, we send them to the source website." formatter_data="android_java">
    Visit site
  <message name="IDS_PRICE_DROP_POPUP_UNTRACK_BUTTON" desc="Text shown on the price drop popup notification below the content text. When users click this button, we untrack this product and will no longer send its price drop to users." formatter_data="android_java">
    Untrack price
  <message name="IDS_PRICE_RANGE_ALL_OPTIONS" desc="Text shown in Shopping Insights side panel indicating the typical price range of all buying options found on the page.">
    All options typically <ph name="LOW_PRICE">$1<ex>500</ex></ph> - <ph name="HIGH_PRICE">$2<ex>600</ex></ph>
  <message name="IDS_PRICE_RANGE_ALL_OPTIONS_ONE_TYPICAL_PRICE" desc="Text shown in Shopping Insights side panel indicating the typical price range of all buying options found on the page. This string is used when we only find one typical price instead of a typical range.">
    All options typically <ph name="TYPICAL_PRICE">$1<ex>500</ex></ph>
  <message name="IDS_PRICE_RANGE_SINGLE_OPTION" desc="Text shown in Shopping Insights side panel indicating the typical price range. This string is used when we only find one buying option on the page.">
    Typically <ph name="LOW_PRICE">$1<ex>500</ex></ph> - <ph name="HIGH_PRICE">$2<ex>600</ex></ph>
  <message name="IDS_PRICE_RANGE_SINGLE_OPTION_ONE_TYPICAL_PRICE" desc="Text shown in Shopping Insights side panel indicating the typical price range. This string is used when we only find one buying option on the page and we only find one typical price for this option instead of a typical range.">
    Typically <ph name="LOW_PRICE">$1<ex>500</ex></ph>
  <message name="IDS_PRICE_TRACKING_DESCRIPTION" desc="The description text for price tracking section of price insights.">
    Get alerts when the price drops on any site across the web
  <message name="IDS_PRICE_INSIGHTS_BUYING_OPTIONS_TITLE" desc="The title text for the buying options section of price insights.">
    Search More Buying Options
  <message name="IDS_PRICE_INSIGHTS_BUYING_OPTIONS_SUBTITLE" desc="The description text for the BUYING_OPTIONS section of price insights.">
    From other stores across the web
  <message name="IDS_PRICE_INSIGHTS_TRACK_BUTTON_TITLE" desc="The title text for track button of price insights.">
  <message name="IDS_PRICE_INSIGHTS_TRACKING_BUTTON_TITLE" desc="The title text for tracking button of price insights.">
  <message name="IDS_INSIGHTS_ICON_EXPANDED_TEXT_GOOD_DEAL" desc="The expanded text for the price insights icon in the location bar, indicating an option is a good deal.">
    Good Deal Now
  <message name="IDS_INSIGHTS_RICH_IPH_TEXT" desc="The text displayed in the price insights rich IPH.">
    See price history and more to help you shop smarter.
  <message name="IDS_INSIGHTS_ICON_PRICE_HIGH_EXPANDED_TEXT" desc="The expanded text for the price insights icon when price is high, indicating that the user should track the page.">
    Track this item
  <message name="IDS_INSIGHTS_ICON_EXPANDED_TEXT_PRICE_HISTORY" desc="The expanded text for the price insights icon in the location bar, indicating to see the price history.">
    See Price History
  <message name="IDS_PRICE_INSIGHTS_ACCESSIBILITY" desc="Accessibility string for the price insights entry point when the confidence is low.">
    Price Insights
  <message name="IDS_PRICE_INSIGHTS_SNACKBAR_BUTTON_TITLE" desc="The snackbar button title for Price Insights when the user has notification enabled.">
  <message name="IDS_PRICE_INSIGHTS_SNACKBAR_MESSAGE_TITLE_NOTIFICATION_DISABLED" desc="The snackbar title for Price Insights when the user has notification disabled.">
    You can view price drops for products you track anytime.
  <message name="IDS_PRICE_INSIGHTS_SNACKBAR_MESSAGE_TITLE_NOTIFICATION_ENABLED" desc="The snackbar title for Price Insights when the user has notification enabled.">
    You'll get notified if the price drops on any site.
  <message name="IDS_PRICE_RANGE_ACCESSIBILITY_DESCRIPTION" is_accessibility_with_no_ui="true" desc="Accessibility string for the price range component.">
    Typical price for <ph name="PRODUCT_NAME">$1<ex>iPhone 15 Pro</ex></ph> is <ph name="LOW_PRICE">$2<ex>500</ex></ph> - <ph name="HIGH_PRICE">$3<ex>600</ex></ph> but current price is <ph name="CURRENT_PRICE">$4<ex>600</ex></ph> across the web.
  <message name="IDS_BUYING_OPTIONS_ACCESSIBILITY_DESCRIPTION" is_accessibility_with_no_ui="true" desc="Accessibility string for the buying option component of Price Insights.">
    Search more buying options from other stores that sell this product.
  <message name="IDS_PRICE_TRACKING_DESCRIPTION_TRACKED" desc="The description text for the price tracking section of price insights when the product is already being tracked.">
    You're already tracking this product
  <message name="IDS_PRICE_HISTORY_TITLE_WITH_VARIANTS" desc="The title of the Price History section in the Shopping Insights side panel when we have variants.">
    Price History Across the Web for This Option
  <message name="IDS_IOS_PRICE_INSIGHTS_PRICE_TRACK_PERMISSION_REDIRECT_ALERT_TITLE" desc="The title for the UIAlert that redirects the user to iOS' application settings for Chrome.">
     Turn on price tracking notifications
  <message name="IDS_IOS_PRICE_INSIGHTS_PRICE_TRACK_PERMISSION_REDIRECT_ALERT_MESSAGE" desc="The description that argues why push notification permission is necessary for price tracking.">
    To get price drop alerts for products you track, turn on notifications in settings.
  <message name="IDS_IOS_PRICE_INSIGHTS_PRICE_TRACK_PERMISSION_REDIRECT_ALERT_CLOSE" desc="The label for the alert's close button.">
  <message name="IDS_IOS_PRICE_INSIGHTS_PRICE_TRACK_PERMISSION_REDIRECT_ALERT_REDIRECT" desc="The label for the alert's button that redirects the user to Chrome's application settings in iOS.">
  <message name="IDS_PRICE_INSIGHTS_UNTRACK_SNACKBAR_MESSAGE" desc="The snackbar title for Price Insights when the user successfully untrack a product.">
    Price tracking stopped.
  <message name="IDS_PRICE_INSIGHTS_UNTRACK_SNACKBAR_BUTTON_TITLE" desc="The snackbar button title for Price Insights when the user successfully untrack a product..">
  <if expr="use_titlecase">
    <message name="IDS_PRICE_HISTORY_TITLE_SINGLE_OPTION" desc="The title of the Price History section in the Shopping Insights side panel when we only find one option of this product.">
      Price History Across the Web
    <message name="IDS_SHOPPING_INSIGHTS_ICON_EXPANDED_TEXT_LOW_PRICE" desc="The expanded text for the price insights icon in the location bar, indicating an option has relatively low price.">
      Price is Low
    <message name="IDS_SHOPPING_INSIGHTS_ICON_EXPANDED_TEXT_HIGH_PRICE" desc="The expanded text for the price insights icon in the location bar, indicating an option has relatively high price.">
      Price is High
  </if> <!-- use_titlecase -->
  <if expr="not use_titlecase">
    <message name="IDS_PRICE_HISTORY_TITLE_SINGLE_OPTION" desc="The title of the Price History section in the Shopping Insights side panel when we only find one option of this product.">
      Price history across the web
    <message name="IDS_SHOPPING_INSIGHTS_ICON_EXPANDED_TEXT_LOW_PRICE" desc="The expanded text for the price insights icon in the location bar, indicating an option has relatively low price.">
      Price is low
    <message name="IDS_SHOPPING_INSIGHTS_ICON_EXPANDED_TEXT_HIGH_PRICE" desc="The expanded text for the price insights icon in the location bar, indicating an option has relatively high price.">
      Price is high
  </if> <!-- not use_titlecase -->

  <message name="IDS_SHOPPING_COLLECTION_FOLDER_NAME" desc="The name of bookmark folder that is automatically created when a user bookmarks a product page.">
    Shopping list

  <!-- For Compare -->
  <message name="IDS_COMPARE_CITATION_A11Y_LABEL" desc="The accessibility label for a citation in the compare feature's UI.">
    Citation <ph name="CURRENT_CITATION">$1<ex>1</ex></ph> of <ph name="MAX_CITATIONS">$2<ex>3</ex></ph>, <ph name="PRODUCT_NAME">$3<ex>Laptop</ex></ph>, <ph name="URL">$4<ex></ex></ph>
  <message name="IDS_COMPARE_DEFAULT_PAGE_TITLE" desc="The default page title for the tab compare feature.">
  <message name="IDS_COMPARE_DEFAULT_TABLE_TITLE" desc="The default title for a new comparison table.">
    New table
  <message name="IDS_COMPARE_DELETE" desc="The title of the menu item for deleting the tab compare table.">
    Delete comparison table
  <message name="IDS_COMPARE_DISCLAIMER" desc="Disclaimer text shown in tab compare UIs.">
    The tab titles and URLs of pages you add to the table are sent to Google, saved to your account <ph name="EMAIL">$1<ex>[email protected]</ex></ph>, and may be seen by human reviewers to improve this feature.
  <message name="IDS_COMPARE_EMPTY_PRODUCT_SELECTOR" desc="The text displayed in the product selector when there is no currently selected product.">
    Add a tab
  <message name="IDS_COMPARE_EMPTY_SELECTION_MENU" desc="The text that is displayed when the product selection menu has nothing to show.">
    First, open tabs and visit sites
  <message name="IDS_COMPARE_EMPTY_STATE_TITLE" desc="The title of the prompt that shows for tab compare when no products have been selected.">
    Compare products
  <message name="IDS_COMPARE_EMPTY_STATE_TITLE_DESCRIPTION" desc="The description of the prompt that shows for tab compare when no products have been selected.">
    Add tabs with similar products to easily compare the details that matter to you
  <message name="IDS_COMPARE_ENTRY_POINT_DEFAULT" desc="The default text for the Compare entry point button.">
    Compare tabs?
  <message name="IDS_COMPARE_ENTRY_POINT" desc="The text for the Compare entry point button with a placeholder for the category of products being compared.">
    Compare <ph name="CATEGORY">$1<ex>Baby Carriers</ex></ph>?
  <message name="IDS_COMPARE_FEEDBACK_PLACEHOLDER" desc="Placeholder text for the Compare feedback form.">
    Send feedback for Compare
  <message name="IDS_COMPARE_LEARN_MORE" desc="Text for a link in the compare page that links to a help article about tab compare.">
    Learn about comparison tables
  <message name="IDS_COMPARE_LEARN_MORE_A11Y_LABEL" desc="Accessibility label for a link that links to a help article about tab compare.">
    Learn about comparison tables
  <message name="IDS_COMPARE_OFFLINE_TOAST_MESSAGE" desc="The message that shows when tab compare is offline.">
    Check your connection and try again
  <message name="IDS_COMPARE_PAGE_ACTION_ADD_DEFAULT" desc="The default text for the Compare page action chip before adding the current page.">
    Add to Comparison?
  <message name="IDS_COMPARE_PAGE_ACTION_ADDED_DEFAULT" desc="The default text for the Compare page action chip after adding the current page, indicating that the page has been added to a comparison table.">
    Added to Comparison
  <message name="IDS_COMPARE_PAGE_ACTION_ADD" desc="The text for the Compare page action chip with a placeholder for comparison table name, indicating which set the current page will be added to if user clicks on the page action.">
    Add to <ph name="SET">$1<ex>Cell Phones</ex></ph>?
  <message name="IDS_COMPARE_PAGE_ACTION_ADDED" desc="The text for the Compare page action chip with a placeholder for what comparison table this current page has been added to.">
    Added to <ph name="SET">$1<ex>Cell Phones</ex></ph>
  <message name="IDS_COMPARE_PRICE_ROW_TITLE" desc="The title for the product price row in the tab compare table.">
  <message name="IDS_COMPARE_PRODUCT_SUMMARY_ROW_TITLE" desc="The title for the product summary row in the tab compare table.">
  <message name="IDS_COMPARE_RECENTLY_VIEWED_TABS_SECTION" desc="The title of the section in the product selection drop-down in the tab compare UI that shows a list of recently viewed tabs.">
    Recently Viewed
  <message name="IDS_COMPARE_REMOVE_COLUMN" desc="The title of the menu item for removing a column in the tab compare table.">
    Remove column
  <message name="IDS_COMPARE_RENAME" desc="The title of the menu item for renaming the tab compare table.">
    Rename table
  <message name="IDS_COMPARE_SEE_ALL" desc="The title of the menu item for viewing all tab compare tables.">
    See all comparison tables
  <message name="IDS_COMPARE_SUGGESTIONS_SECTION" desc="The title of the section in the product selection drop-down in the tab compare UI that shows a list of tabs suggested by the browser to be put into the table.">
  <message name="IDS_COMPARE_TABLE_MENU_A11Y_LABEL" desc="The accessibility label for the 3-dot menu containing actions for the table in the compare UI.">
    More actions for Compare table
  <message name="IDS_COMPARE_TITLE_INPUT_A11Y_LABEL" desc="The accessibility label for the input field for the table name in the compare feature's UI.">
    Compare table title, edit text
  <message name="IDS_TOOLTIP_COMPARE_ENTRY_POINT_CLOSE" desc="The tooltip text for the close button within the Compare entry point button.">
    Dismiss suggestion
  <message name="IDS_COMPARE_SYNC_PROMO_MESSAGE" desc="The message on the sync promo for compare when user does not have sync enabled.">
    Compare products
  <message name="IDS_COMPARE_SYNC_PROMO_DESCRIPTION" desc="The description on the sync promo for compare when user does not have sync enabled">
    To see comparison tables, turn on sync
  <message name="IDS_COMPARE_SYNC_PROMO_BUTTON" desc="The text on the sync button of the sync promo for compare, when user does not have sync enabled.">
    Turn on sync
  <message name="IDS_COMPARE_ERROR_TITLE" desc="The title for the error message in the compare UI when data cannot be loaded.">
    Compare isn't available right now
  <message name="IDS_COMPARE_ERROR_DESCRIPTION" desc="The description in the compare UI when data cannot be loaded.">
    Something went wrong. Try again later
  <!-- For Compare Disclosure -->
  <message name="IDS_COMPARE_DISCLOSURE_TITLE" desc="The text for the title of the Compare first-run experience disclosure bubble.">
    Chrome can help you compare similar products side-by-side
  <message name="IDS_COMPARE_DISCLOSURE_ITEMS_HEADER" desc="The text for the Compare disclosure items header.">
    Things to consider
  <message name="IDS_COMPARE_DISCLOSURE_ABOUT_AI_ITEM" desc="The text for the Compare disclosure item that states that the feature uses AI.">
    This feature uses AI and won't always get it right
  <message name="IDS_COMPARE_DISCLOSURE_TAB_ITEM" desc="The text for the Compare disclosure item that states what tab data is shared with Google.">
    Selected tab titles and URLs using are sent to Google
  <message name="IDS_COMPARE_DISCLOSURE_ACCOUNT_ITEM" desc="The text for the Compare disclosure item that states where the data is stored.">
    Comparison tables are saved to your account <ph name="EMAIL">$1<ex>[email protected]</ex></ph>
  <message name="IDS_COMPARE_DISCLOSURE_DATA_ITEM" desc="The text for the Compare disclosure item that states who might see the data.">
    Data may be seen by trained reviewers to improve this feature
  <message name="IDS_COMPARE_DISCLOSURE_LEARN_MORE" desc="The text for the Compare disclosure statement if user wants to learn more about the feature.">
    <ph name="BEGIN_LINK">&lt;a href="#"&gt;</ph>Learn more<ph name="END_LINK">&lt;/a&gt;</ph> about comparison tables
  <message name="IDS_COMPARE_DISCLOSURE_ACCEPT" desc="The text for the accept button on the Compare first-run experience disclosure.">
    Let's go
  <message name="IDS_COMPARE_DISCLOSURE_DECLINE" desc="The text for the decline button on the Compare first-run experience disclosure.">
    No thanks