// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import '//resources/polymer/v3_0/iron-icon/iron-icon.js';
import '//resources/polymer/v3_0/iron-media-query/iron-media-query.js';
import './fingerprint_progress_icons.html.js';
import '//resources/cros_components/lottie_renderer/lottie-renderer.js';
import {LottieRenderer} from '//resources/cros_components/lottie_renderer/lottie-renderer.js';
import {assert} from '//resources/js/assert.js';
import {IronIconElement} from '//resources/polymer/v3_0/iron-icon/iron-icon.js';
import {PolymerElement} from '//resources/polymer/v3_0/polymer/polymer_bundled.min.js';
import {getTemplate} from './fingerprint_progress.html.js';
export const FINGERPRINT_SCANNED_ICON: string =
export const FINGERPRINT_CHECK_URL: string =
export const FINGERPRINT_ANIMATION_URL: string =
* The time in milliseconds of the animation updates.
const ANIMATE_TICKS_MS: number = 20;
* The duration in milliseconds of the animation of the progress circle when the
* user is touching the scanner.
const ANIMATE_DURATION_MS: number = 200;
* The radius of the add fingerprint progress circle.
* The default height of the icon located in the center of the fingerprint
* progress circle.
const ICON_HEIGHT: number = 118;
* The default width of the icon located in the center of the fingerprint
* progress circle.
const ICON_WIDTH: number = 106;
* The default size of the check mark located in the bottom-right corner of the
* fingerprint progress circle.
const CHECK_MARK_SIZE: number = 53;
* The time in milliseconds of the fingerprint scan success timeout.
const FINGERPRINT_SCAN_SUCCESS_MS: number = 500;
* The thickness of the fingerprint progress circle.
export interface FingerprintProgressElement {
$: {
canvas: HTMLCanvasElement,
fingerprintScanned: IronIconElement,
scanningAnimation: LottieRenderer,
export class FingerprintProgressElement extends PolymerElement {
static get is() {
return 'fingerprint-progress';
static get template() {
return getTemplate();
static get properties() {
return {
* The color of the progress circle background.
progressCircleFillColor: {
type: String,
value: 'rgba(66, 133, 244, 1.0)',
* The color of the setup progress.
progressCircleBackgroundColor: {
type: String,
value: 'rgba(232, 234, 237, 1.0)',
* Radius of the fingerprint progress circle being displayed.
circleRadius: {
type: Number,
* Whether lottie animation should be autoplayed.
autoplay: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
* Scale factor based the configured radius (circleRadius) vs the
* default radius (DEFAULT_PROGRESS_CIRCLE_RADIUS). This will affect
* the size of icons and check mark.
scale: {
type: Number,
value: 1.0,
* Whether fingerprint enrollment is complete.
isComplete: Boolean,
* Whether dynamic color should be applied.
dynamic: {
type: Boolean,
value: false,
circleRadius: number;
autoplay: boolean;
dynamic: boolean;
progressCircleFillColor: string;
progressCircleBackgroundColor: string;
private scale: number;
private isComplete: boolean;
// Animation ID for the fingerprint progress circle.
private progressAnimationIntervalId: number|undefined = undefined;
// Percentage of the enrollment process completed as of the last update.
private progressPercentDrawn: number = 0;
// Timer ID for fingerprint scan success update.
private updateTimerId: number|undefined = undefined;
refreshElementColors() {
this.progressCircleFillColor =
this.progressCircleBackgroundColor =
override connectedCallback() {
this.scale = this.circleRadius / DEFAULT_PROGRESS_CIRCLE_RADIUS;
* Reset the element to initial state, when the enrollment just starts.
reset() {
if (this.dynamic) {
this.progressCircleFillColor =
this.progressCircleBackgroundColor =
this.isComplete = false;
// Draw an empty background for the progress circle.
this.drawProgressCircle_(/** currentPercent = */ 0);
this.$.fingerprintScanned.hidden = true;
const scanningAnimation = this.$.scanningAnimation;
scanningAnimation.loop = true;
scanningAnimation.hidden = false;
* Animates the progress circle. Animates an arc that starts at the top of
* the circle to prevPercentComplete, to an arc that starts at the top of the
* circle to currPercentComplete.
* @param prevPercentComplete The previous progress indicates the start angle
* of the arc we want to draw.
* @param currPercentComplete The current progress indicates the end angle of
* the arc we want to draw.
* @param isComplete Indicate whether enrollment is complete.
prevPercentComplete: number, currPercentComplete: number,
isComplete: boolean) {
if (this.isComplete) {
this.isComplete = isComplete;
let nextPercentToDraw = prevPercentComplete;
const endPercent = isComplete ? 100 : Math.min(100, currPercentComplete);
// The value by which to update the progress percent each tick.
const step = (endPercent - prevPercentComplete) /
// Function that is called every tick of the interval, draws the arc a bit
// closer to the final destination each tick, until it reaches the final
// destination.
const doAnimate = () => {
if (nextPercentToDraw >= endPercent) {
if (this.progressAnimationIntervalId) {
this.progressAnimationIntervalId = undefined;
nextPercentToDraw = endPercent;
if (!this.progressAnimationIntervalId) {
this.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent(
{bubbles: true, composed: true}));
nextPercentToDraw += step;
this.progressAnimationIntervalId =
setInterval(doAnimate, ANIMATE_TICKS_MS);
if (isComplete) {
} else {
* Controls the animation based on the value of |shouldPlay|.
* @param shouldPlay Will play the animation if true else pauses it.
setPlay(shouldPlay: boolean) {
this.autoplay = shouldPlay;
* Draws an arc on the canvas element around the center with radius
* |circleRadius|.
* @param startAngle The start angle of the arc we want to draw.
* @param endAngle The end angle of the arc we want to draw.
* @param color The color of the arc we want to draw. The string is
* in the format rgba(r',g',b',a'). r', g', b' are values from [0-255]
* and a' is a value from [0-1].
private drawArc_(startAngle: number, endAngle: number, color: string) {
const c = this.$.canvas;
const ctx = c.getContext('2d');
ctx.arc(c.width / 2, c.height / 2, this.circleRadius, startAngle, endAngle);
ctx.strokeStyle = color;
* Draws a circle on the canvas element around the center with radius
* |circleRadius|. The first |currentPercent| of the circle, starting at the
* top, is drawn with |progressCircleFillColor|; the remainder of the
* circle is drawn |progressCircleBackgroundColor|.
* @param currentPercent A value from [0-100] indicating the
* percentage of progress to display.
private drawProgressCircle_(currentPercent: number) {
// Angles on HTML canvases start at 0 radians on the positive x-axis and
// increase in the clockwise direction. We want to start at the top of the
// circle, which is 3pi/2.
const start = 3 * Math.PI / 2;
const currentAngle = 2 * Math.PI * currentPercent / 100;
// Drawing two arcs to form a circle gives a nicer look than drawing an arc
// on top of a circle (i.e., compared to drawing a full background circle
// first). If |currentAngle| is 0, draw from 3pi/2 to 7pi/2 explicitly;
// otherwise, the regular draw from |start| + |currentAngle| to |start|
// will do nothing.
this.drawArc_(start, start + currentAngle, this.progressCircleFillColor);
start + currentAngle, currentAngle <= 0 ? 7 * Math.PI / 2 : start,
this.progressPercentDrawn = currentPercent;
* Updates the lottie animation taking into account the current state
private async updateAnimationAsset_() {
const scanningAnimation = this.$.scanningAnimation;
if (this.isComplete) {
scanningAnimation.setAttribute('asset-url', FINGERPRINT_CHECK_URL);
scanningAnimation.setAttribute('asset-url', FINGERPRINT_ANIMATION_URL);
* Updates the fingerprint-scanned icon.
private updateIconAsset_() {
this.$.fingerprintScanned.icon = FINGERPRINT_SCANNED_ICON;
* Cleans up any pending animation update created by setInterval().
private cancelAnimations_() {
this.progressPercentDrawn = 0;
if (this.progressAnimationIntervalId) {
this.progressAnimationIntervalId = undefined;
if (this.updateTimerId) {
this.updateTimerId = undefined;
* Show animation for enrollment completion.
private animateScanComplete_() {
const scanningAnimation = this.$.scanningAnimation;
scanningAnimation.loop = false;
scanningAnimation.autoplay = true;
this.$.fingerprintScanned.hidden = false;
* Show animation for enrollment in progress.
private animateScanProgress_() {
this.$.fingerprintScanned.hidden = false;
this.$.scanningAnimation.hidden = true;
this.updateTimerId = window.setTimeout(() => {
this.$.scanningAnimation.hidden = false;
this.$.fingerprintScanned.hidden = true;
* Clear the canvas of any renderings.
private clearCanvas_() {
const c = this.$.canvas;
const ctx = c.getContext('2d');
ctx.clearRect(0, 0, c.width, c.height);
* Update the size and position of the animation images.
private updateImages_() {
* Resize the icon based on the scale and place it in the center of the
* fingerprint progress circle.
private resizeAndCenterIcon_(target: HTMLElement) {
// Resize icon based on the default width/height and scale.
target.style.width = ICON_WIDTH * this.scale + 'px';
target.style.height = ICON_HEIGHT * this.scale + 'px';
// Place in the center of the canvas.
const left = this.$.canvas.width / 2 - ICON_WIDTH * this.scale / 2;
const top = this.$.canvas.height / 2 - ICON_HEIGHT * this.scale / 2;
target.style.left = left + 'px';
target.style.top = top + 'px';
* Resize the check mark based on the scale and place it in the bottom-right
* corner of the fingerprint progress circle.
private resizeCheckMark_(target: HTMLElement) {
// Resize check mark based on the default size and scale.
target.style.width = CHECK_MARK_SIZE * this.scale + 'px';
target.style.height = CHECK_MARK_SIZE * this.scale + 'px';
// Place it in the bottom-right corner of the fingerprint progress circle.
const top = this.$.canvas.height / 2 + this.circleRadius -
CHECK_MARK_SIZE * this.scale;
const left = this.$.canvas.width / 2 + this.circleRadius -
CHECK_MARK_SIZE * this.scale;
target.style.left = left + 'px';
target.style.top = top + 'px';
declare global {
interface HTMLElementTagNameMap {
'fingerprint-progress': FingerprintProgressElement;
FingerprintProgressElement.is, FingerprintProgressElement);