
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


namespace component_updater {

enum {};

// Call once to register the provider for the path keys defined above.
// |components_system_root_key| is the path provider key defining where bundled
// components are already installed system-wide.
// |components_system_root_key_alt| is the path provider key defining an
// alternate location where bundled components are already installed
// system-wide. On most platforms this is the directory in which Chrome plug-ins
// are stored; on platforms where there is no good alternate value, callers
// should provide the same value that they use for |components_system_root_key|.
// |components_user_root_key| is the path provider key defining where the
// component updater should install new versions of components.
void RegisterPathProvider(int components_system_root_key,
                          int components_system_root_key_alt,
                          int components_user_root_key);

}  // namespace component_updater