
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <string>
#include <utility>

#include "base/compiler_specific.h"
#include "components/content_settings/core/common/content_settings.h"
#include "components/content_settings/core/common/content_settings_constraints.h"
#include "components/content_settings/core/common/content_settings_pattern.h"
#include "components/content_settings/core/common/content_settings_types.h"

class HostContentSettingsMap;

namespace content_settings {


// Helper class to iterate over only the values in a map.
template <typename IteratorType, typename ReferenceType>
class MapValueIterator {};

// These constants are copied from extensions/common/extension_constants.h and
// content/public/common/url_constants.h to avoid complicated dependencies.
const char kChromeDevToolsScheme[] =;
const char kChromeUIScheme[] =;
const char kExtensionScheme[] =;
const char kChromeUIUntrustedScheme[] =;

std::string ContentSettingToString(ContentSetting setting);

// Converts a content setting string to the corresponding ContentSetting.
// Returns true if |name| specifies a valid content setting, false otherwise.
bool ContentSettingFromString(const std::string& name, ContentSetting* setting);

PatternPair ParsePatternString(const std::string& pattern_str);

std::string CreatePatternString(
    const ContentSettingsPattern& item_pattern,
    const ContentSettingsPattern& top_level_frame_pattern);

// Populates |rules| with content setting rules for content types that are
// handled by the renderer.
void GetRendererContentSettingRules(const HostContentSettingsMap* map,
                                    RendererContentSettingRules* rules);

// Returns true if setting |a| is more permissive than setting |b|.
bool IsMorePermissive(ContentSetting a, ContentSetting b);

// Returns whether or not the supplied constraint should be persistently stored.
bool IsConstraintPersistent(const ContentSettingConstraints& constraints);

// Returns whether the given type supports tracking last_visit timestamps.
bool CanTrackLastVisit(ContentSettingsType type);

// Get a timestamp with week-precision.
base::Time GetCoarseVisitedTime(base::Time time);

// Returns a TimeDelta representing a week.
base::TimeDelta GetCoarseVisitedTimePrecision();

// Returns whether ContentSettingsType is an eligible permission for
// auto-revocation.
bool CanBeAutoRevoked(ContentSettingsType type,
                      ContentSetting setting,
                      bool is_one_time = false);
bool CanBeAutoRevoked(ContentSettingsType type,
                      const base::Value& value,
                      bool is_one_time = false);

// Returns whether the chooser permission is allowlisted for auto-revoking.
bool IsChooserPermissionEligibleForAutoRevocation(ContentSettingsType type);

// Returns true if the type and metadata correspond
// to a permission decision that was made by Related Website Sets.
bool IsGrantedByRelatedWebsiteSets(ContentSettingsType type,
                                   const RuleMetaData& metadata);

// Returns the list of ContentSettingsTypes that can be granted for a short
// period of time. This means the following:
// - Permission prompts will have a button that is labeled along the lines of
//   "Allow this time".
// - The `permissions.query` API will report PermissionStatus.state as
//   "granted" within this short time window.
// - Subsequent requests to the permission-gated API in this time window will
//   succeed without user mediation.
const std::vector<ContentSettingsType>& GetTypesWithTemporaryGrants();

// Returns a subset of GetTypesWithTemporaryGrants() that are stored in
// OneTimePermissionProvider in HostContentSettingsMap. Other types not stored
// in the provider have their own custom grant expiry logic.
const std::vector<ContentSettingsType>& GetTypesWithTemporaryGrantsInHcsm();

}  // namespace content_settings