
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "components/country_codes/country_codes.h"

#include "build/build_config.h"

#include <locale.h>

#include "base/strings/string_util.h"
#include "components/prefs/pref_registry_simple.h"
#include "components/prefs/pref_service.h"

#include <windows.h>
#undef IN  // On Windows, windef.h defines this, which screws up "India" cases.
#include "base/apple/scoped_cftyperef.h"

#include "base/android/locale_utils.h"

namespace country_codes {

namespace {

// TODO(hcarmona/johntlee): remove this function after confirming if it only
// pertains to obsolete OSes.
int CountryCharsToCountryIDWithUpdate(char c1, char c2) {}


// For reference, a list of GeoIDs can be found at
// .
int GeoIDToCountryID(GEOID geo_id) {
  const int kISOBufferSize = 3;  // Two plus one for the terminator.
  wchar_t isobuf[kISOBufferSize] = {};
  int retval = GetGeoInfo(geo_id, GEO_ISO2, isobuf, kISOBufferSize, 0);

  if (retval == kISOBufferSize && !(isobuf[0] == L'X' && isobuf[1] == L'X')) {
    return CountryCharsToCountryIDWithUpdate(static_cast<char>(isobuf[0]),

  // Various locations have ISO codes that Windows does not return.
  switch (geo_id) {
    case 0x144:  // Guernsey
      return CountryCharsToCountryID('G', 'G');
    case 0x148:  // Jersey
      return CountryCharsToCountryID('J', 'E');
    case 0x3B16:  // Isle of Man
      return CountryCharsToCountryID('I', 'M');

    // 'UM' (U.S. Minor Outlying Islands)
    case 0x7F:    // Johnston Atoll
    case 0x102:   // Wake Island
    case 0x131:   // Baker Island
    case 0x146:   // Howland Island
    case 0x147:   // Jarvis Island
    case 0x149:   // Kingman Reef
    case 0x152:   // Palmyra Atoll
    case 0x52FA:  // Midway Islands
      return CountryCharsToCountryID('U', 'M');

    // 'SH' (Saint Helena)
    case 0x12F:  // Ascension Island
    case 0x15C:  // Tristan da Cunha
      return CountryCharsToCountryID('S', 'H');

    // 'IO' (British Indian Ocean Territory)
    case 0x13A:  // Diego Garcia
      return CountryCharsToCountryID('I', 'O');

    // Other cases where there is no ISO country code; we assign countries that
    // can serve as reasonable defaults.
    case 0x154:  // Rota Island
    case 0x155:  // Saipan
    case 0x15A:  // Tinian Island
      return CountryCharsToCountryID('U', 'S');
    case 0x134:  // Channel Islands
      return CountryCharsToCountryID('G', 'B');
    case 0x143:  // Guantanamo Bay
      return kCountryIDUnknown;

#endif  // BUILDFLAG(IS_WIN)

}  // namespace

const char kCountryIDAtInstall[] =;

int CountryStringToCountryID(const std::string& country) {}

int GetCountryIDFromPrefs(PrefService* prefs) {}

void RegisterProfilePrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry) {}


int GetCurrentCountryID() {
  // Calls to GetCurrentCountryID occur fairly frequently and incur a heavy
  // registry hit within the GetUserGeoID api call. Registry hits can be
  // impactful to perf, particularly on virtualized systems.  To mitigate this
  // we store the result of the first call in a static. The Id is only
  // updated by calls to SetUserGeoID or the user manually updating the
  // language and region settings.  It is expected that if it changes the user
  // would need to restart applications to ensure the updated value is
  // respected.
  static int id = GeoIDToCountryID(GetUserGeoID(GEOCLASS_NATION));
  return id;


int GetCurrentCountryID() {
  base::apple::ScopedCFTypeRef<CFLocaleRef> locale(CFLocaleCopyCurrent());
  CFStringRef country =
      (CFStringRef)CFLocaleGetValue(locale.get(), kCFLocaleCountryCode);
  if (!country)
    return kCountryIDUnknown;

  UniChar isobuf[2];
  CFRange char_range = CFRangeMake(0, 2);
  CFStringGetCharacters(country, char_range, isobuf);

  return CountryCharsToCountryIDWithUpdate(static_cast<char>(isobuf[0]),


int GetCurrentCountryID() {
  return CountryStringToCountryID(base::android::GetDefaultCountryCode());


int GetCurrentCountryID() {}

#endif  // OS_*

std::string CountryIDToCountryString(int country_id) {}

std::string GetCurrentCountryCode() {}

}  // namespace country_codes