
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// Please refer to ISO 3166-1 for information about the two-character country
// codes; is useful. In the
// following (C++) code, we pack the two letters of the country code into an int
// value we call the CountryID.


#include <string>

class PrefRegistrySimple;
class PrefService;

namespace country_codes {

// Integer containing the system Country ID the first time we checked the
// template URL prepopulate data.  This is used to avoid adding a whole bunch of
// new search engine choices if prepopulation runs when the user's Country ID
// differs from their previous Country ID.  This pref does not exist until
// prepopulation has been run at least once.
extern const char kCountryIDAtInstall[];

constexpr int kCountryIDUnknown =;
constexpr char kCountryCodeUnknown[] =;

// Takes in each of the two characters of a ISO 3166-1 country code, and
// converts it into an int value to be used as a reference to that country.
constexpr int CountryCharsToCountryID(char c1, char c2) {}

void RegisterProfilePrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry);

// Returns the identifier for the user current country.
int GetCurrentCountryID();

// Converts a country's ID to its corresponding two-letter code. If unknown or
// invalid, |kCountryCodeUnknown| is returned.
std::string CountryIDToCountryString(int country_id);

// Gets the two-letter code for the user's current country.
std::string GetCurrentCountryCode();

// Converts a two-letter country code to an integer-based country identifier.
int CountryStringToCountryID(const std::string& country);

// Returns the country identifier that was stored at install. If no such pref
// is available, it will return identifier of the current country instead.
int GetCountryIDFromPrefs(PrefService* prefs);

}  // namespace country_codes