# Proguard config for apps that depend on cronet_impl_native_java.jar.
# This constructor is called using the reflection from Cronet API (cronet_api.jar).
-keep class org.chromium.net.impl.NativeCronetProvider {
public <init>(android.content.Context);
# While Chrome doesn't need to keep these with their version of R8, some cronet
# users may be on other optimizers which still require the annotation to be
# kept in order for the keep rules to work.
-keep @interface org.chromium.build.annotations.DoNotInline
-keep @interface org.chromium.build.annotations.UsedByReflection
-keep @interface org.chromium.build.annotations.IdentifierNameString
-keep @interface org.jni_zero.AccessedByNative
-keep @interface org.jni_zero.CalledByNative
-keep @interface org.jni_zero.CalledByNativeUnchecked
# Suppress unnecessary warnings.
-dontnote org.chromium.net.ProxyChangeListener$ProxyReceiver
-dontnote org.chromium.net.AndroidKeyStore
# Needs 'boolean onSearchRequested(android.view.SearchEvent)' (API level 23).
-dontwarn org.chromium.base.WindowCallbackWrapper
# Generated for chrome apk and not included into cronet.
-dontwarn org.chromium.base.multidex.ChromiumMultiDexInstaller
-dontwarn org.chromium.base.library_loader.LibraryLoader
-dontwarn org.chromium.base.SysUtils
-dontwarn org.chromium.build.NativeLibraries
# Objects of this type are passed around by native code, but the class
# is never used directly by native code. Since the class is not loaded, it does
# not need to be preserved as an entry point.
-dontnote org.chromium.net.UrlRequest$ResponseHeadersMap
# https://android.googlesource.com/platform/sdk/+/marshmallow-mr1-release/files/proguard-android.txt#54
-dontwarn android.support.**
# This class should be explicitly kept to avoid failure if
# class/merging/horizontal proguard optimization is enabled.
-keep class org.chromium.base.CollectionUtil
# Skip protobuf runtime check for isOnAndroidDevice().
# A nice-to-have optimization shamelessly stolen from //third_party/protobuf/java/lite/proguard.pgcfg.
-assumevalues class com.google.protobuf.Android {
static boolean ASSUME_ANDROID return true;
# See crbug.com/1440987. We must keep every native that we are manually
# registering. If Cronet bumps its min-sdk past 21, we may be able to move to
# automatic JNI registration.
-keepclasseswithmembers,includedescriptorclasses,allowaccessmodification class org.chromium.**,J.N {
native <methods>;
# Protobuf builder uses reflection so make sure ProGuard leaves it alone. See
# https://crbug.com/1395764.
# Note that we can't simply use the rule from
# //third_party/protobuf/java/lite/proguard.pgcfg, because some users who
# consume our ProGuard rules do not want all their protos to be kept. Instead,
# use a more specific rule that covers Chromium protos only.
-keepclassmembers class org.chromium.** extends com.google.protobuf.GeneratedMessageLite {