syntax = "proto2";
option java_package = "";
option java_multiple_files = true;
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME; // crbug/800281
// Describes a set of overrides for `base::Feature` flags.
message BaseFeatureOverrides {
// Describes the state of a given base::Feature.
// Note that currently this doesn't support customizing the name of the fake
// field trial (a.k.a study) and group (a.k.a experiment) that will be
// associated with the base::Feature. It is highly unlikely you'd need to do
// this, though.
message FeatureState {
// If set, the feature will be overridden to the enabled state (true) or the
// disabled state (false). If unset, the feature state will not be
// overridden.
optional bool enabled = 1;
// The set of Feature Params that will be associated with the feature, as
// key-value pairs. (More specifically: the set of params that will be
// associated with the "fake" field trial and group that the feature is
// associated with.)
// The usual Feature Params APIs will return an empty params map for
// disabled features. It is possible to work around this limitation, but
// typical code wouldn't, so you almost certainly want to explicitly enable
// the feature by setting the `enabled` field above to `true` if you want
// this field to have any effect.
// Behind the scenes, feature params are always string-valued, which is why
// this map is string-valued as well (actually bytes-valued, to hedge
// against the remote possibility that someone might want to stuff binary or
// non-UTF-8 data in there). The non-string variants of the
// base::FeatureParam API (int, float, etc.) are really just convenience
// string parsers.
// The base::FeatureParam API will return the param default value if there
// is no entry for the corresponding param name, OR if the value is the
// empty string. Crucially, this means it is NOT possible to override a
// base::FeatureParam to the empty string. This limitation does not apply to
// lower-level APIs such as base::GetFieldTrialParamsByFeature().
// If this field is empty, no param map will be associated with the feature.
// Note that this is subtly different from an empty param map as that
// affects the return value of low-level APIs such as
// base::GetFieldTrialParamsByFeature(). The high-level base::FeatureParam
// API will not surface that difference, though. This proto does not
// currently provide a way to associate an empty map.
map<string, bytes> params = 2;
// The key is the name of the base::Feature.
map<string, FeatureState> feature_states = 1;