
// Describes the proto schema for HTTP flags.
// IMPORTANT: a copy of the proto schema described here is used by the HTTP
// flags producer, which is the responsibility of the host system. Be very
// careful about backward compatibility implications of any changes made in this
// file.

syntax = "proto2";


option java_package = "";
option java_multiple_files = true;

// Describes the value that an HTTP flag should have, based on various criteria
// depending on the context in which the flag is used.
message FlagValue {
  // A possible value for this flag, along with a set of constraints that have
  // to be met for that value to be used.
  message ConstrainedValue {
    // App selector: only apply this value to applications whose package ID
    // matches the value of this field, e.g. "".
    // If not set, matches all apps.
    optional string app_id = 1;

    // Only apply this value to client libraries running at least this version.
    // Currently this refers to Cronet versions, which are in the form
    // The comparison is done in the usual way version numbers are compared,
    // i.e. they are treated as numeric tuples and compared
    // lexicographically. If the tuple dimensions differ, the smallest tuple is
    // zero-extended to match. For example, a `min_version` of (or
    // just 4.5.6) will match,,,,,
    //, etc. but will not match,,, etc.
    // If not set, matches all versions. The empty string is not a valid value.
    optional string min_version = 2;

    // If none of these fields are set, the flag is deemed to be unset.
    oneof value {
      bool bool_value = 3;
      int64 int_value = 4;
      float float_value = 5;
      string string_value = 6;
      bytes bytes_value = 7;

  // Each entry in this list is tried in turn, and the first entry to match
  // determines the flag value. If no entries match, the flag is deemed to be
  // unset.
  repeated ConstrainedValue constrained_values = 8;

// The format of the HTTP flags file is defined as the binary representation of
// an instance of this proto.
message Flags {
  // The key is the name of the flag. For example, "Cronet_log_me".
  map<string, FlagValue> flags = 1;