# Proguard configuration that is common for all type of tests.
-keepattributes Signature,InnerClasses,SourceFile,LineNumberTable,EnclosingMethod
-dontwarn io.netty.**
-keep class io.netty.** { *; }
# https://android.googlesource.com/platform/sdk/+/marshmallow-mr1-release/files/proguard-android.txt#54
-dontwarn android.support.**
# Do not obfuscate this class for testing since some of the tests check the class
# name in order to check that an instantiated engine is the Java one.
-keepnames class org.chromium.net.impl.JavaCronetEngine
# These classes should be explicitly kept to avoid failure if
# class/merging/horizontal proguard optimization is enabled.
# NOTE: make sure that only test classes are added to this list.
-keep class org.chromium.base.test.** {
-keep class org.chromium.net.TestFilesInstaller
-keep class org.chromium.net.MetricsTestUtil
# Generated for chrome apk and not included into cronet.
-dontwarn org.chromium.build.NativeLibraries