
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

/* DO NOT EDIT. Generated from {{module.path}} */

{%- if variant -%}
{%-   set variant_path = "%s-%s"|format(module.path, variant) -%}
{%- else -%}
{%-   set variant_path = module.path -%}
{%- endif -%}

{%- set header_guard = "%s_C_H_"|format(
            replace("-", "_")) %}

{%- import "module_macros.tmpl" as module_macros %}

#ifndef {{header_guard}}
#define {{header_guard}}

{#-- TODO(mef): Derive EXPORT_MACRO from module name --#}
{%- set export_macro = "CRONET_EXPORT" %}
#include "cronet_export.h"

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#include <stdint.h>

typedef const char* Cronet_String;
typedef void* Cronet_RawDataPtr;
typedef void* Cronet_ClientContext;

// Forward declare interfaces.
{%- for interface in interfaces %}
{%- set interface_name = interface|get_name_for_kind %}
typedef struct {{interface_name}} {{interface_name}};
typedef struct {{interface_name}}* {{interface_name}}Ptr;
{%- endfor %}

// Forward declare structs.
{%- for struct in structs %}
{%- set struct_name = struct|get_name_for_kind %}
typedef struct {{struct_name}} {{struct_name}};
typedef struct {{struct_name}}* {{struct_name}}Ptr;
{%- endfor %}

// Declare enums
{%-  for enum in all_enums %}
{%-   set enum_name = enum|get_name_for_kind(flatten_nested_kind=False) %}
typedef enum {{enum_name}} {
{%-   for field in enum.fields %}
{%-     if field.value %}
  {{enum_name}}_{{}} = {{field.value|expression_to_text}},
{%-     else %}
{%-     endif %}
{%-   endfor %}
} {{enum_name}};

{%   endfor %}

// Declare constants
{%- for constant in module.constants %}
{%- endfor %}

{#--- Interface Stubs -#}
{%  for interface in interfaces %}
{%- set interface_name = interface|get_name_for_kind %}

{%-  if interface|is_abstract %}
// Abstract interface {{interface_name}} is implemented by the app.

// There is no method to create a concrete implementation.

{% else %}
// Concrete interface {{interface_name}}.

// Create an instance of {{interface_name}}.
{{export_macro}} {{interface_name}}Ptr {{interface_name}}_Create(void);
{%-   endif %}
// Destroy an instance of {{interface_name}}.
{{export_macro}} void {{interface_name}}_Destroy({{interface_name}}Ptr self);
// Set and get app-specific Cronet_ClientContext.
{{export_macro}} void {{interface_name}}_SetClientContext({{interface_name}}Ptr self, Cronet_ClientContext client_context);
{{export_macro}} Cronet_ClientContext {{interface_name}}_GetClientContext({{interface_name}}Ptr self);
{%-  if interface|is_abstract %}
// Abstract interface {{interface_name}} is implemented by the app.
// The following concrete methods forward call to app implementation.
// The app doesn't normally call them.
{%- else %}
// Concrete methods of {{interface_name}} implemented by Cronet.
// The app calls them to manipulate {{interface_name}}.
{%-   endif %}
{%- for method in interface.methods %}
{%-  if method.response_parameters and method.sync %}
{%-   for param in method.response_parameters %}
{%-   endfor -%}
{%-  else %}
{%- endif %}
 {{interface_name}}_{{}}({{interface_name}}Ptr self
{%-   if method.parameters %}, {{module_macros.declare_c_params("", method.parameters)}}
{%-   endif %});
{%- endfor %}

{%-  if interface|is_abstract %}
// The app implements abstract interface {{interface_name}} by defining custom functions
// for each method.
{%- else %}
// Concrete interface {{interface_name}} is implemented by Cronet.
// The app can implement these for testing / mocking.
{%-   endif %}
{%- for method in interface.methods %}
{%-  if method.response_parameters and method.sync %}
{%-   for param in method.response_parameters %}
typedef {{param.kind|c_wrapper_type}}
{%-   endfor -%}
{%-  else %}
typedef void
{%- endif %}
 (*{{interface_name}}_{{}}Func)({{interface_name}}Ptr self
{%-   if method.parameters %}, {{module_macros.declare_c_params("", method.parameters)}}
{%-   endif %});
{%- endfor %}

{%-  if interface|is_abstract %}
// The app creates an instance of {{interface_name}} by providing custom functions
// for each method.
{%- else %}
// Concrete interface {{interface_name}} is implemented by Cronet.
// The app can use this for testing / mocking.
{%-   endif %}
{{export_macro}} {{interface_name}}Ptr {{interface_name}}_CreateWith(
{%- for method in interface.methods -%}
  {{interface_name}}_{{}}Func {{}}Func
{%- if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}
{%-   endfor %}
{%- endfor %}

{% for struct in structs %}
{% set struct_name = struct|get_name_for_kind %}
// Struct {{struct_name}}.
{{export_macro}} {{struct_name}}Ptr {{struct_name}}_Create(void);
{{export_macro}} void {{struct_name}}_Destroy({{struct_name}}Ptr self);
// {{struct_name}} setters.
{%- for packed_field in struct.packed.packed_fields_in_ordinal_order %}
{%-  set kind = packed_field.field.kind %}
{%-  if kind|is_array_kind %}
void {{struct_name}}_{{}}_add({{struct_name}}Ptr self, const {{kind.kind|c_wrapper_type}} element);
{%-  else %}
void {{struct_name}}_{{}}_set({{struct_name}}Ptr self, const {{packed_field.field.kind|c_wrapper_type}} {{}});
{%- endif %}
{%-  if kind|is_struct_kind %}
// Move data from |{{}}|. The caller retains ownership of |{{}}| and must destroy it.
void {{struct_name}}_{{}}_move({{struct_name}}Ptr self, {{packed_field.field.kind|c_wrapper_type}} {{}});
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
// {{struct_name}} getters.
{%- for packed_field in struct.packed.packed_fields_in_ordinal_order %}
{%-  set kind = packed_field.field.kind %}
{%-  if kind|is_array_kind %}
uint32_t {{struct_name}}_{{}}_size(const {{struct_name}}Ptr self);
{{kind.kind|c_wrapper_type}} {{struct_name}}_{{}}_at(const {{struct_name}}Ptr self, uint32_t index);
void {{struct_name}}_{{}}_clear({{struct_name}}Ptr self);
{%-  else %}
{{packed_field.field.kind|c_wrapper_type}} {{struct_name}}_{{}}_get(const {{struct_name}}Ptr self);
{%- endif %}
{%- endfor %}
{%- endfor %}

#ifdef __cplusplus

#endif  // {{header_guard}}