
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.

"""Links the deps of a binary into a static library.

Run with a working directory, the name of a binary target, and the name of the
static library that should be produced. For example:

  $ out/Release-iphoneos \

import argparse
import os
import re
import subprocess
import sys

class SubprocessError(Exception):

def extract_inputs(query_result, prefix=''):
  """Extracts inputs from ninja query output.

  Given 'ninja -t query' output for a target, extracts all the inputs of that
  target, prefixing them with an optional prefix. Inputs prefixed with '|' are
  implicit, so we discard them as they shouldn't be linked into the resulting
  binary (these are things like the .ninja files themselves, dep lists, and so

  Example query result:
      input: link
        obj/[long path...]/crnet_consumer.crnet_consumer_app_delegate.armv7.o
        obj/[long path...]/crnet_consumer.crnet_consumer_view_controller.armv7.o
        obj/[long path...]/crnet_consumer.main.armv7.o
        ... many more inputs ...
        | obj/content/content.actions_depends.stamp
        | gen/components/data_reduction_proxy/common/version.h
        | obj/ui/resources/ui_resources.actions_rules_copies.stamp
        ... more implicit inputs ...

    query_result: output from 'ninja -t query'
    prefix: optional file system path to prefix to returned inputs

    A list of the inputs.
  extracting = False
  inputs = []
  for line in query_result.splitlines():
    if line.startswith('  input:'):
      extracting = True
    elif line.startswith('  outputs:'):
      extracting = False
    elif extracting and '|' not in line:
      inputs.append(os.path.join(prefix, line.strip()))
  return inputs

def query_ninja(target, workdir, prefix=''):
  """Returns the inputs for the named target.

  Queries ninja for the set of inputs of the named target, then returns the list
  of inputs to that target.

    target: ninja target name to query for
    workdir: workdir for ninja
    prefix: optional file system path to prefix to returned inputs

    A list of file system paths to the inputs to the named target.
  proc = subprocess.Popen(['ninja', '-C', workdir, '-t', 'query', target],
  stdout, _ = proc.communicate()
  return extract_inputs(stdout, prefix)

def is_library(target):
  """Returns whether target is a library file."""
  return os.path.splitext(target)[1] in ('.a', '.o')

def library_deps(targets, workdir, query=query_ninja):
  """Returns the set of library dependencies for the supplied targets.

  The entries in the targets list can be either a static library, an object
  file, or an executable. Static libraries and object files are incorporated
  directly; executables are treated as being thin executable inputs to a fat
  executable link step, and have their own library dependencies added in their

    targets: list of targets to include library dependencies from
    workdir: working directory to run ninja queries in
    query: function taking target, workdir, and prefix and returning an input
    Set of library dependencies.
  deps = set()
  for target in targets:
    if is_library(target):
      deps.add(os.path.join(workdir, target))
      deps = deps.union(query(target, workdir, workdir))
  return deps

def link(output, inputs):
  """Links output from inputs using libtool.

    output: file system path to desired output library
    inputs: list of file system paths to input libraries
  libtool_re = re.compile(r'^.*libtool: (?:for architecture: \S* )?'
                          r'file: .* has no symbols$')
  p = subprocess.Popen(
      ['libtool', '-o', output] + inputs, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
  _, err = p.communicate()
  for line in err.splitlines():
    if not libtool_re.match(line):
  if p.returncode != 0:
    message = "subprocess libtool returned {0}".format(p.returncode)
    raise SubprocessError(message)

def main():
  parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
      description='Link dependencies of a ninja target into a static library')
  parser.add_argument('workdir', nargs=1, help='ninja working directory')
  parser.add_argument('target', nargs=1, help='target to query for deps')
  parser.add_argument('output', nargs=1, help='path to output static library')
  args = parser.parse_args()

  inputs = query_ninja([0], args.workdir[0])
  link(args.output[0], list(library_deps(inputs, args.workdir[0])))

if __name__ == '__main__':