
# Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.


static_library("crx_file") {
  sources = [

  deps = [

  public_deps = [ ":crx3_proto" ]

static_library("crx_creator") {
  sources = [

  deps = [

  public_deps = [ ":crx3_proto" ]

bundle_data("unit_tests_bundle_data") {
  visibility = [ ":unit_tests" ]
  testonly = true
  sources = [
  outputs = [ "{{bundle_resources_dir}}/" +
              "{{source_root_relative_dir}}/{{source_file_part}}" ]

source_set("unit_tests") {
  testonly = true
  sources = [

  deps = [

proto_library("crx3_proto") {
  sources = [ "crx3.proto" ]

if (host_toolchain == current_toolchain) {
  executable("crx3_build_action") {
    testonly = true

    sources = [ "" ]

    deps = [