// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "components/desks_storage/core/desk_model.h"
namespace ash {
class DeskTemplate;
enum class DeskTemplateType;
} // namespace ash
namespace desks_storage {
// A fake desk sync bridge used for testing.
class FakeDeskSyncBridge : public DeskModel {
FakeDeskSyncBridge(const FakeDeskSyncBridge&) = delete;
FakeDeskSyncBridge& operator=(const FakeDeskSyncBridge&) = delete;
~FakeDeskSyncBridge() override;
DeskModel::GetAllEntriesResult GetAllEntries() override;
DeskModel::GetEntryByUuidResult GetEntryByUUID(
const base::Uuid& uuid) override;
void AddOrUpdateEntry(std::unique_ptr<ash::DeskTemplate> new_entry,
AddOrUpdateEntryCallback callback) override;
void DeleteEntry(const base::Uuid& uuid,
DeleteEntryCallback callback) override;
void DeleteAllEntries(DeleteEntryCallback callback) override;
size_t GetEntryCount() const override;
size_t GetSaveAndRecallDeskEntryCount() const override;
size_t GetDeskTemplateEntryCount() const override;
size_t GetMaxSaveAndRecallDeskEntryCount() const override;
size_t GetMaxDeskTemplateEntryCount() const override;
std::set<base::Uuid> GetAllEntryUuids() const override;
bool IsReady() const override;
// Whether this sync bridge is syncing local data to sync. This sync bridge
// still allows user to save desk templates locally when users disable syncing
// for Workspace Desk data type.
bool IsSyncing() const override;
ash::DeskTemplate* FindOtherEntryWithName(
const std::u16string& name,
ash::DeskTemplateType type,
const base::Uuid& uuid) const override;
void SetCacheGuid(std::string cache_guid) { cache_guid_ = cache_guid; }
std::string GetCacheGuid() override;
using DeskEntries =
base::flat_map<base::Uuid, std::unique_ptr<ash::DeskTemplate>>;
// Notify all observers of any `new_entries` when they are added/updated via
// sync.
void NotifyRemoteDeskTemplateAddedOrUpdated(
const std::vector<raw_ptr<const ash::DeskTemplate, VectorExperimental>>&
const ash::DeskTemplate* GetUserEntryByUUID(const base::Uuid& uuid) const;
// `desk_template_entries_` is keyed by UUIDs.
DeskEntries desk_template_entries_;
std::string cache_guid_;
base::WeakPtrFactory<FakeDeskSyncBridge> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace desks_storage