// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <stddef.h>
#include <memory>
#include "ash/public/cpp/desk_template.h"
#include "base/containers/flat_map.h"
#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "base/memory/ref_counted.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/task/cancelable_task_tracker.h"
#include "base/task/sequenced_task_runner.h"
#include "base/task/sequenced_task_runner_helpers.h"
#include "base/uuid.h"
#include "components/account_id/account_id.h"
#include "components/desks_storage/core/admin_template_model.h"
#include "components/desks_storage/core/desk_model.h"
namespace ash {
class OverviewTestBase;
} // namespace ash
namespace desks_storage {
class LocalDeskDataManagerTest;
// The LocalDeskDataManager is the local storage implementation of
// the DeskModel interface and handles storage operations for local
// desk templates and save and recall desks.
// TODO(crbug.com/1227215): add calls to DeskModelObserver
class LocalDeskDataManager : public DeskModel, public AdminTemplateModel {
// This enumerates the possible statuses of the cache and is
// used by the implementation in order to change the outcomes
// of operations given certain states as well as to instantiate
// the cache if it hasn't been instantiated.
enum class CacheStatus {
// Cache is ready for operations.
// Cache needs to be initialized before operations can be performed.
// The Path the DataManager was constructed with is invalid. All DeskModel
// statuses returned from this object will return failures.
// Local Desk Data Manager is agnostic towards a specific directory to save
// information in, below are the possible locations the cache could be read
// an wrote. KSavedDeskDir is the default parameter for instantiating a
// local desk data manager.
enum class StorageLocation {
// This data manager reads and writes to the standard saved desks template
// directory.
// This data manager reads and writes to the admin templates directory, also
// known as the app launch automation directory.
const base::FilePath& user_data_dir_path,
const AccountId& account_id,
StorageLocation storage_location = StorageLocation::kSavedDeskDir);
LocalDeskDataManager(const LocalDeskDataManager&) = delete;
LocalDeskDataManager& operator=(const LocalDeskDataManager&) = delete;
~LocalDeskDataManager() override;
struct LoadCacheResult {
LoadCacheResult(CacheStatus status,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ash::DeskTemplate>> entries);
LoadCacheResult(LoadCacheResult&& other);
CacheStatus status;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ash::DeskTemplate>> entries;
struct DeleteTaskResult {
DeleteTaskResult(DeleteEntryStatus status,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ash::DeskTemplate>> entries);
DeleteTaskResult(DeleteTaskResult&& other);
DeleteEntryStatus status;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ash::DeskTemplate>> entries;
// DeskModel:
DeskModel::GetAllEntriesResult GetAllEntries() override;
DeskModel::GetEntryByUuidResult GetEntryByUUID(
const base::Uuid& uuid) override;
void AddOrUpdateEntry(std::unique_ptr<ash::DeskTemplate> new_entry,
AddOrUpdateEntryCallback callback) override;
void DeleteEntry(const base::Uuid& uuid,
DeleteEntryCallback callback) override;
void DeleteAllEntries(DeleteEntryCallback callback) override;
size_t GetEntryCount() const override;
size_t GetSaveAndRecallDeskEntryCount() const override;
size_t GetDeskTemplateEntryCount() const override;
size_t GetMaxSaveAndRecallDeskEntryCount() const override;
size_t GetMaxDeskTemplateEntryCount() const override;
std::set<base::Uuid> GetAllEntryUuids() const override;
bool IsReady() const override;
bool IsSyncing() const override;
ash::DeskTemplate* FindOtherEntryWithName(
const std::u16string& name,
ash::DeskTemplateType type,
const base::Uuid& uuid) const override;
std::string GetCacheGuid() override;
// AdminTemplateModel:
void UpdateEntry(std::unique_ptr<ash::DeskTemplate> entry) override;
// This must be called after the class has been initialized and ready in the
// test.
void SetupFloatingWorkspaceForTest();
static void SetDisableMaxTemplateLimitForTesting(bool disabled);
friend class ash::OverviewTestBase;
friend class LocalDeskDataManagerTest;
// Update entry status used in testing to verify
// behavior.
enum class UpdateEntryStatus {
// Loads templates from `user_data_dir_path` and `sub_directory_name` into the
// `saved_desks_list_`, based on the template's desk type, if the cache is not
// loaded yet.
static LoadCacheResult LoadCacheOnBackgroundSequence(
const base::FilePath& user_data_dir_path,
const std::string sub_directory_name);
// Add or update an entry by `new_entry`'s UUID.
static AddOrUpdateEntryStatus AddOrUpdateEntryTask(
const base::FilePath& local_saved_desk_path,
const base::Uuid uuid,
base::Value entry_base_value,
ash::DeskTemplateType desk_type);
// Wrapper method to call AddOrUpdateEntryCallback.
void OnAddOrUpdateEntry(AddOrUpdateEntryCallback callback,
bool is_update,
ash::DeskTemplateType desk_type,
const base::Uuid uuid,
std::unique_ptr<ash::DeskTemplate> old_entry,
std::unique_ptr<ash::DeskTemplate> new_entry,
AddOrUpdateEntryStatus status);
using SavedDesks =
base::flat_map<base::Uuid, std::unique_ptr<ash::DeskTemplate>>;
// Remove entry with `uuid`. If the entry with `uuid` does not
// exist, then the deletion is considered a success.
static DeleteTaskResult DeleteEntryTask(
const base::FilePath& local_saved_desk_path,
const base::Uuid& uuid,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ash::DeskTemplate>> roll_back_entry);
// Delete all entries.
static DeleteTaskResult DeleteAllEntriesTask(
const base::FilePath& local_saved_desk_path,
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ash::DeskTemplate>> entries);
// Wrapper method to call DeleteEntryCallback.
void OnDeleteEntry(DeleteEntryCallback callback,
DeleteTaskResult delete_return);
// Returns the desk type of the `uuid`.
ash::DeskTemplateType GetDeskTypeOfUuid(const base::Uuid uuid) const;
// Returns the max entry count of desk type `desk_type`.
size_t GetMaxEntryCountByDeskType(ash::DeskTemplateType desk_type) const;
// Wrapper method to load the read files into the `saved_desks_list_`
// cache.
void MoveEntriesIntoCache(LoadCacheResult cache_result);
// Task runner used to schedule tasks on the IO thread.
scoped_refptr<base::SequencedTaskRunner> task_runner_;
// File path to the user data directory's: e.g.
// "/path/to/user/data/dir/".
const base::FilePath user_data_dir_path_;
// File path to the saveddesks template subdirectory in user data directory's:
// e.g. "/path/to/user/data/dir/saveddesk".
const base::FilePath local_saved_desk_path_;
// Account ID of the user this class will cache app data for.
const AccountId account_id_;
// Cache status of the templates cache for both desk types.
CacheStatus cache_status_;
// Used in testing to verify update behavior.
UpdateEntryStatus last_update_status_;
// In memory cache of saved desks based on their type.
base::flat_map<ash::DeskTemplateType, SavedDesks> saved_desks_list_;
// Weak pointer factory for posting tasks to task runner.
base::WeakPtrFactory<LocalDeskDataManager> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace desks_storage