// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <optional>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/uuid.h"
#include "chromeos/ui/base/window_state_type.h"
#include "components/app_restore/app_launch_info.h"
#include "components/app_restore/restore_data.h"
#include "components/app_restore/window_info.h"
#include "components/services/app_service/public/cpp/app_launch_util.h"
#include "components/sync/protocol/workspace_desk_specifics.pb.h"
#include "components/tab_groups/tab_group_color.h"
#include "components/tab_groups/tab_group_info.h"
#include "ui/base/ui_base_types.h"
#include "ui/base/window_open_disposition.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/rect.h"
#include "ui/gfx/range/range.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"
namespace ash {
class DeskTemplate;
enum class DeskTemplateSource;
enum class DeskTemplateType;
} // namespace ash
namespace desks_storage {
// This structure represents an app that has been built by a builder.
// Both the window_info struct and the launch info struct are needed by the
// AppRestoreClass to add a new app.
struct BuiltApp {
enum Status {
// All apps must have a window Id.
BuiltApp(Status status,
std::unique_ptr<app_restore::WindowInfo> window_info,
std::unique_ptr<app_restore::AppLaunchInfo> launch_info);
BuiltApp& operator=(BuiltApp&&);
// Any BuiltApp that does not have status kOk should be discarded.
Status status;
std::unique_ptr<app_restore::WindowInfo> window_info;
std::unique_ptr<app_restore::AppLaunchInfo> launch_info;
// Generic App Builder class that contains the definitions for the
// base fields that can be set for every app. Chrome Apps, SWAs
// and other unknown types can be generated via this class.
class SavedDeskGenericAppBuilder {
SavedDeskGenericAppBuilder(const SavedDeskGenericAppBuilder&) = delete;
SavedDeskGenericAppBuilder& operator=(const SavedDeskGenericAppBuilder&) =
SavedDeskGenericAppBuilder& operator=(SavedDeskGenericAppBuilder&&);
// This method builds a generic app and populates a BuiltApp struct with
// initial fields.
BuiltApp Build();
// Setters and Adders.
SavedDeskGenericAppBuilder& SetAppId(std::string app_id_);
SavedDeskGenericAppBuilder& SetWindowBound(gfx::Rect bounds);
SavedDeskGenericAppBuilder& SetWindowState(chromeos::WindowStateType state);
SavedDeskGenericAppBuilder& SetPreMinimizedWindowState(
ui::WindowShowState state);
SavedDeskGenericAppBuilder& SetZIndex(int index);
SavedDeskGenericAppBuilder& SetWindowId(int window_id);
SavedDeskGenericAppBuilder& SetDisplayId(int64_t display_id);
SavedDeskGenericAppBuilder& SetLaunchContainer(
apps::LaunchContainer container);
SavedDeskGenericAppBuilder& SetWindowOpenDisposition(
WindowOpenDisposition disposition);
SavedDeskGenericAppBuilder& SetName(std::string name);
SavedDeskGenericAppBuilder& SetSnapPercentage(int percentage);
SavedDeskGenericAppBuilder& SetEventFlag(int32_t event_flag);
// Apps are keyed by their ID, this returns the ID associated with this app
// assuming it has been set. There are some special app cases in which this
// ID is a constant (i.e. a browser) In the case where this is an app
// with an assignable ID then a random one is assigned upon calling this
// method.
const std::string& GetAppId();
std::optional<std::string> app_id_;
std::optional<gfx::Rect> window_bounds_;
std::optional<chromeos::WindowStateType> window_show_state_;
std::optional<ui::WindowShowState> pre_minimized_window_show_state_;
std::optional<int> z_index_;
std::optional<int> window_id_;
std::optional<int64_t> display_id_;
std::optional<apps::LaunchContainer> launch_conatiner_;
std::optional<WindowOpenDisposition> disposition_;
std::optional<std::string> name_;
std::optional<int> snap_percentage_;
std::optional<int32_t> event_flag_;
// Builder for TabGroups. Each instance represents a single tab group.
class SavedDeskTabGroupBuilder {
enum TabGroupBuildStatus {
// All fields must be set to build a TabGroup.
// Caller will have to release the TabGroup from the unique_ptr contained
// within. This will help facilitate moving this result object around after
// calling build.
struct TabGroupWithStatus {
TabGroupWithStatus(TabGroupBuildStatus status,
std::unique_ptr<tab_groups::TabGroupInfo> tab_group);
TabGroupBuildStatus status;
std::unique_ptr<tab_groups::TabGroupInfo> tab_group;
SavedDeskTabGroupBuilder(const SavedDeskTabGroupBuilder&) = delete;
SavedDeskTabGroupBuilder& operator=(const SavedDeskTabGroupBuilder&) = delete;
// Setters and adders.
SavedDeskTabGroupBuilder& SetRange(gfx::Range range);
SavedDeskTabGroupBuilder& SetTitle(std::string title);
SavedDeskTabGroupBuilder& SetColor(tab_groups::TabGroupColorId color);
SavedDeskTabGroupBuilder& SetIsCollapsed(bool is_collapsed);
// Returns a TabGroupWithStatus, pointer to the tab group will be nullptr
// unless all fields associated with this struct are set.
TabGroupWithStatus Build();
std::optional<gfx::Range> range_;
std::optional<std::string> title_;
std::optional<tab_groups::TabGroupColorId> color_;
std::optional<bool> is_collapsed_;
// Builder that constructs Browser representations, this can also be used to
// create PWAs. To construct a PWA only use a single URL in the URLs field
// and set IsApp to true. Requires a GenericAppBuilder with `window_id` set
// in order to correctly build.
class SavedDeskBrowserBuilder {
SavedDeskBrowserBuilder(const SavedDeskBrowserBuilder&) = delete;
SavedDeskBrowserBuilder& operator=(const SavedDeskBrowserBuilder&) = delete;
BuiltApp Build();
// Compose a generic builder to build with altered generic traits.
SavedDeskBrowserBuilder& SetGenericBuilder(
SavedDeskGenericAppBuilder& generic_builder);
// setters and adders.
SavedDeskBrowserBuilder& SetFirstNonPinnedTabIndex(int index);
SavedDeskBrowserBuilder& SetActiveTabIndex(int index);
SavedDeskBrowserBuilder& SetUrls(std::vector<GURL> urls);
SavedDeskBrowserBuilder& SetIsLacros(bool is_lacros);
SavedDeskBrowserBuilder& SetLacrosProfileId(uint64_t lacros_profile_id);
SavedDeskBrowserBuilder& AddTabGroupBuilder(
SavedDeskTabGroupBuilder tab_group);
// Indicates that this browser instance is a PWA.
SavedDeskBrowserBuilder& SetIsApp(bool is_app);
const std::string& GetAppId();
SavedDeskGenericAppBuilder generic_builder_;
bool is_lacros_ = false;
std::optional<bool> is_app_;
std::vector<SavedDeskTabGroupBuilder> tab_group_builders_;
std::optional<int> active_tab_index_;
std::optional<int> first_non_pinned_tab_index_;
std::optional<uint64_t> lacros_profile_id_;
std::vector<GURL> urls_;
// Builder that constructs arc apps. Requires a GenericAppBuilder with the
// `window_id` field set to construct properly.
class SavedDeskArcAppBuilder {
SavedDeskArcAppBuilder(const SavedDeskArcAppBuilder&) = delete;
SavedDeskArcAppBuilder operator=(const SavedDeskArcAppBuilder&) = delete;
BuiltApp Build();
// set composed generic builder for setting generic traits.
SavedDeskArcAppBuilder& SetGenericBuilder(
SavedDeskGenericAppBuilder& generic_builder);
// setters and adders.
SavedDeskArcAppBuilder& SetAppId(std::string app_id);
SavedDeskArcAppBuilder& SetMinimumSize(gfx::Size size);
SavedDeskArcAppBuilder& SetMaximumSize(gfx::Size size);
SavedDeskArcAppBuilder& SetBoundsInRoot(gfx::Rect bounds_in_root);
SavedDeskGenericAppBuilder generic_builder_;
std::optional<std::string> app_id_;
std::optional<gfx::Size> minimum_size_;
std::optional<gfx::Size> maximum_size_;
std::optional<gfx::Rect> bounds_in_root_;
// Helper class for building a saved desk for test.
class SavedDeskBuilder {
SavedDeskBuilder(const SavedDeskBuilder&) = delete;
SavedDeskBuilder& operator=(const SavedDeskBuilder&) = delete;
// Builds a saved desk. This should only be called once per builder
// instance.
std::unique_ptr<ash::DeskTemplate> Build();
// Sets saved desk UUID. If not set, the built desk will have a random UUID.
SavedDeskBuilder& SetUuid(const std::string& uuid);
// Sets saved desk name. If not set, the built desk will have a fixed name.
SavedDeskBuilder& SetName(const std::string& name);
// Sets saved desk type. If not set, the built desk will default to
// DeskTemplate.
SavedDeskBuilder& SetType(ash::DeskTemplateType desk_type);
// Sets saved desk source. If not set, the built desk will default to kUser.
SavedDeskBuilder& SetSource(ash::DeskTemplateSource desk_source);
// Sets saved desk creation timestamp. If not set, the built desk will have
// its creation timestamp set at the creation time of the SavedDeskBuilder.
SavedDeskBuilder& SetCreatedTime(const base::Time& created_time);
// Sets the saved desk updated timestamp. If not set the built desk will
// have its updated timestamp set to the same time as its created timestamp.
SavedDeskBuilder& SetUpdatedTime(const base::Time& updated_time);
// Sets the policy value if needed to define a policy template.
SavedDeskBuilder& SetPolicyValue(const base::Value& value);
// Sets whether or not the template should be launched on startup.
SavedDeskBuilder& SetPolicyShouldLaunchOnStartup(
bool should_launch_on_startup);
// Sets the optional lacros profile association.
SavedDeskBuilder& SetLacrosProfileId(uint64_t lacros_profile_id);
// Adds an app window.
SavedDeskBuilder& AddAppWindow(BuiltApp built_app);
// additional state for whether or not to set updated time. This prevents
// some older tests from breaking. Because we are not supposed to use a
// null time in base::Time we will track whether or not we have set this
// field via this variable.
bool has_updated_time_ = false;
// state for instantiating template
base::Uuid desk_uuid_;
std::string desk_name_;
ash::DeskTemplateSource desk_source_;
ash::DeskTemplateType desk_type_;
base::Time created_time_;
base::Time updated_time_;
base::Value policy_value_;
bool policy_should_launch_on_startup_ = false;
std::optional<uint64_t> lacros_profile_id_;
std::vector<BuiltApp> built_apps_;
} // namespace desks_storage