
// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "components/device_event_log/device_event_log.h"

#include <string>

#include "base/logging.h"
#include "base/task/single_thread_task_runner.h"
#include "components/device_event_log/device_event_log_impl.h"

namespace device_event_log {

namespace {

const size_t kDefaultMaxEntries =;

const int kSlowMethodThresholdMs =;
// Loaded builders may perform badly, set this to a fairly high value to catch
// extreme cases.
const int kVerySlowMethodThresholdMs =;

DeviceEventLogImpl* g_device_event_log =;

}  // namespace

const LogLevel kDefaultLogLevel =;

void Initialize(size_t max_entries) {}

bool IsInitialized() {}

void Shutdown() {}

void AddEntry(const char* file,
              int line,
              LogType type,
              LogLevel level,
              const std::string& event) {}

void AddEntryWithDescription(const char* file,
                             int line,
                             LogType type,
                             LogLevel level,
                             const std::string& event,
                             const std::string& desc) {}

std::string GetAsString(StringOrder order,
                        const std::string& format,
                        const std::string& types,
                        LogLevel max_level,
                        size_t max_events) {}

void ClearAll() {}

void Clear(const base::Time& begin, const base::Time& end) {}

int GetCountByLevelForTesting(LogLevel level) {}

namespace internal {

DeviceEventLogInstance::DeviceEventLogInstance(const char* file,
                                               int line,
                                               device_event_log::LogType type,
                                               device_event_log::LogLevel level)

DeviceEventLogInstance::~DeviceEventLogInstance() {}

    const char* file,
    int line,
    device_event_log::LogType type,
    device_event_log::LogLevel level,
    logging::SystemErrorCode err)

DeviceEventSystemErrorLogInstance::~DeviceEventSystemErrorLogInstance() {}

ScopedDeviceLogIfSlow::ScopedDeviceLogIfSlow(LogType type,
                                             const char* file,
                                             const std::string& name)

ScopedDeviceLogIfSlow::~ScopedDeviceLogIfSlow() {}

}  // namespace internal

}  // namespace device_event_log