// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <string_view>
#include "base/files/scoped_temp_dir.h"
#include "base/threading/thread_restrictions.h"
namespace base {
class FilePath;
} // namespace base
namespace device_signals::test {
class ScopedExecutableFiles {
// Returns an absolute path to the signed.exe file in the test data directory.
// Lazily creates the file.
base::FilePath GetSignedExePath();
// Returns an absolute path to the multi-signed.exe file in the test data
// directory. Lazily creates the file.
base::FilePath GetMultiSignedExePath();
// Returns an absolute path to the metadata.exe file in the test data
// directory. Lazily creates the file.
base::FilePath GetMetadataExePath();
// Returns an absolute path to the empty.exe file in the test data directory.
// Lazily creates the file.
base::FilePath GetEmptyExePath();
// Returns the expected product name of the metadata.exe test file.
std::string GetMetadataProductName();
// Returns the expected product version of the metadata.exe test file.
std::string GetMetadataProductVersion();
base::FilePath LazilyCreateFile(std::string_view file_name,
std::string_view file_data);
bool CreateTempFile(const base::FilePath& file_path,
std::string_view file_data);
// TODO(https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project/issues/61334): Explicit
// [[maybe_unused]] attribute shouuld not be necessary here.
[[maybe_unused]] base::ScopedAllowBlockingForTesting allow_blocking_;
base::ScopedTempDir scoped_dir_;
} // namespace device_signals::test