// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
package download_pb;
import "components/download/database/proto/download_source.proto";
message HttpRequestHeader {
optional string key = 1;
optional string value = 2;
// Slice information for parallel downloading.
message ReceivedSlice {
optional int64 offset = 1;
optional int64 received_bytes = 2;
optional bool finished = 3;
// Stores various in-progress metadata related to a download.
message DownloadEntry {
optional string guid = 1;
optional string request_origin = 2;
optional DownloadSource download_source = 3;
optional int64 ukm_download_id = 4;
optional int64 bytes_wasted = 5;
optional bool fetch_error_body = 6;
repeated HttpRequestHeader request_headers = 7;
// Contains a list of entries.
message DownloadEntries {
repeated DownloadEntry entries = 1;
// Information for ukm reporting
message UkmInfo {
optional DownloadSource download_source = 1;
optional int64 ukm_download_id = 2;
// Information about when to start the download, used by download later feature.
// Deprecated.
message DownloadSchedule {
optional int64 start_time = 1;
// Information about an in progress download.
message InProgressInfo {
repeated string url_chain = 1;
optional string referrer_url = 2;
optional string site_url = 3; // deprecated
optional string tab_url = 4;
optional string tab_referrer_url = 5;
optional bool fetch_error_body = 6;
repeated HttpRequestHeader request_headers = 7;
optional string etag = 8;
optional string last_modified = 9;
optional int64 total_bytes = 10;
optional string mime_type = 11;
optional string original_mime_type = 12;
optional bytes current_path = 13; // Serialized pickles to support string16
optional bytes target_path = 14; // Serialized pickles to support string16
optional int64 received_bytes = 15;
optional int64 start_time = 16;
optional int64 end_time = 17;
repeated ReceivedSlice received_slices = 18;
optional string hash = 19;
optional bool transient = 20;
optional int32 state = 21;
optional int32 danger_type = 22;
optional int32 interrupt_reason = 23;
optional bool paused = 24;
optional bool metered = 25;
optional int64 bytes_wasted = 26;
optional int32 auto_resume_count = 27;
optional DownloadSchedule download_schedule = 28; // // Deprecated.
// Removing DownloadItemRerouteInfo since FileSystem Connector will not
// be released, implementation deleted.
reserved 29;
optional int32 credentials_mode = 30; // network::mojom::CredentialsMode
optional int64 range_request_from = 31;
optional int64 range_request_to = 32;
optional string serialized_embedder_download_data = 33;
reserved 34;
// Stores various metadata related to a download.
// WIP and will replace DownloadEntry.
message DownloadInfo {
optional string guid = 1;
optional int32 id = 2;
optional UkmInfo ukm_info = 3;
optional InProgressInfo in_progress_info = 4;
// In progress database entry for download information.
message DownloadDBEntry {
// Add field for offline page download.
oneof entry { DownloadInfo download_info = 1; }