
// Copyright 2017 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "base/files/file.h"
#include "components/download/internal/background_service/constants.h"
#include "components/download/internal/background_service/download_blockage_status.h"
#include "components/download/internal/background_service/driver_entry.h"
#include "components/download/public/background_service/clients.h"
#include "components/download/public/background_service/download_params.h"
#include "components/download/public/task/download_task_types.h"

namespace download {

struct StartupStatus;

namespace stats {

// Please follow the following rules for all enums:
// 1. Keep them in sync with the corresponding entry in enums.xml.
// 2. Treat them as append only.
// 3. Do not remove any enums.  Only mark them as deprecated.

// Enum used to track download service start up result and failure reasons.
// Most of the fields should map to StartupStatus.
// Failure reasons are not mutually exclusive.
enum class StartUpResult {};

// Enum used by UMA metrics to track which actions a Client is taking on the
// service.
enum class ServiceApiAction {};

// Enum used by UMA metrics to log the status of scheduled tasks.
enum class ScheduledTaskStatus {};

// Enum used by UMA metrics to track various types of cleanup actions taken by
// the service.
enum class FileCleanupReason {};

// Enum used by UMA metrics to log a type of download event that occurred in the
// Controller.
enum class DownloadEvent {};

// Logs the results of starting up the Controller.  Will log each failure reason
// if |status| contains more than one initialization failure.
void LogControllerStartupStatus(bool in_recovery, const StartupStatus& status);

// Logs the service starting up result.
void LogStartUpResult(bool in_recovery, StartUpResult result);

// Logs an action taken on the service API.
void LogServiceApiAction(DownloadClient client, ServiceApiAction action);

// Logs the result of a StartDownload() attempt on the service.
void LogStartDownloadResult(DownloadClient client,
                            DownloadParams::StartResult result);

// Logs download completion event, and the file size.
void LogDownloadCompletion(DownloadClient client,
                           CompletionType type,
                           uint64_t file_size_bytes);

// Logs various pause reasons for download. The reasons are not mutually
// exclusive.
void LogDownloadPauseReason(const DownloadBlockageStatus& blockage_status,
                            bool on_upload_data_received);

// Log statistics about the status of a TaskFinishedCallback.
void LogScheduledTaskStatus(DownloadTaskType task_type,
                            ScheduledTaskStatus status);

// Logs download files directory creation error.
void LogsFileDirectoryCreationError(base::File::Error error);

// Logs statistics about the reasons of a file cleanup.
void LogFileCleanupStatus(FileCleanupReason reason,
                          int succeeded_cleanups,
                          int failed_cleanups,
                          int external_cleanups);

// Logs the file life time for successfully completed download.
void LogFileLifeTime(const base::TimeDelta& file_life_time);

// Logs an action the Controller takes on an active download.
void LogEntryEvent(DownloadEvent event);

// At the time of a retry, logs which retry attempt count this is.
void LogEntryRetryCount(uint32_t retry_count);

}  // namespace stats
}  // namespace download