
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module ash.diagnostics.mojom;

import "ash/system/diagnostics/mojom/input.mojom";

enum KeyEventType {

// Describes an event on a connected keyboard.
struct KeyEvent {
  // The number of the keyboard's /dev/input/event* node.
  uint32 id;
  KeyEventType type;
  // The evdev key code
  uint32 key_code;
  // The kernel-reported 'physical' scancode; this may be a 32-bit Usage for
  // USB and Bluetooth HID devices, or an AT-style scancode for some internal
  // keyboards.
  uint32 scan_code;
  // Position of the key on the top row after escape (0 is leftmost, 1 is next
  // to the right, etc.), or -1 for keys not on the top row. Generally, 0 is F1,
  // in some fashion.
  // NOTE: This position may exceed the length of top_row_keys, for external
  // keyboards with keys in the F11-F15 range.
  int32 top_row_position;

// Implemented by clients that wish to be updated when input devices have keys
// pressed or released, while the client has focus and is visible; pause and
// resume events will be generated if focus/visibility changes.
interface KeyboardObserver {
  // Called when a key is pressed or released on the observed device, and
  // events to this observer have not been paused.
  OnKeyEvent(KeyEvent event);
  // Called when delivery of events to the app are paused temporarily for
  // security reasons. While paused, events will be discarded.
  // Called when delivery of events resumes.

enum TouchDeviceType {
  kDirect,   // e.g. touchscreens, drawing tablets with screens.
  kPointer,  // e.g. touchpads, drawing tablets without displays.

// Describes a touch surface (pad or screen).
struct TouchDeviceInfo {
  // The number of the touch device's /dev/input/event* node.
  uint32 id;
  ConnectionType connection_type;
  TouchDeviceType type;
  string name;
  // Indicates if the device is testable or not. e.g. a laptop is connecting
  // to an external display. While the lid is closed and the internal display
  // is off, the internal touchscreen would be untestable.
  bool testable;

// Implemented by clients that wish to be updated when the internal display
// is on or off.
interface InternalDisplayPowerStateObserver {
  // Called when the internal display power state changed, `is_display_on`
  // indicates the just applied display state.
  OnInternalDisplayPowerStateChanged(bool is_display_on);

// Implemented by clients that wish to be notified when the tablet mode is
// changed.
interface TabletModeObserver {
  // OnTabletModeChanged calls are triggered when dsiplay mode has changed
  // between clamshell mode and tablet mode.
  OnTabletModeChanged(bool is_tablet_mode);

// Implemented by clients that wish to be notified when the lid state changes.
interface LidStateObserver {
  // OnLidStateChanged calls are triggered when the lid of the device opens or
  // closes.
  OnLidStateChanged(bool is_lid_open);

// Implemented by clients that wish to be updated when input devices are
// connected or disconnected.
interface ConnectedDevicesObserver {
  // OnKeyboardConnected calls are triggered when a new keyboard is connected.
  OnKeyboardConnected(KeyboardInfo new_keyboard);
  // OnKeyboardDisconnected calls are triggered when a keyboard is disconnected.
  OnKeyboardDisconnected(uint32 id);
  // OnTouchDeviceConnected calls are triggered when a new touch device is
  // connected.
  OnTouchDeviceConnected(TouchDeviceInfo new_touch_device);
  // OnTouchDeviceDisconnected calls are triggered when a touch device is
  // disconnected.
  OnTouchDeviceDisconnected(uint32 id);

// Provides information about input devices connected to the system. Implemented
// in the browser process and called by the Diagnostics SWA (a renderer
// process).
interface InputDataProvider {
  // Returns a snapshot of the devices connected to the system.
  GetConnectedDevices() =>
    (array<KeyboardInfo> keyboards,
     array<TouchDeviceInfo> touch_devices);

  // Registers an observer for changes to the connected input devices.
  ObserveConnectedDevices(pending_remote<ConnectedDevicesObserver> observer);

  // id is the number of the keyboard device's /dev/input/event* node.
  // Observation is cancelled when KeyboardObserver (or InputDataProvider)
  // is destroyed.
  // The native implementation of InputDataProvider has a reference to the
  // target SWA window, and enforces the security policy of only forwarding
  // key events to the observer when that window is visible and has focus.
  ObserveKeyEvents(uint32 id, pending_remote<KeyboardObserver> observer);

  // Registers an observer for tablet mode changes and returns tablet mode
  // initial state.
  ObserveTabletMode(pending_remote<TabletModeObserver> observer) =>
    (bool is_tablet_mode);

  // Registers an observer for lid state changes and returns lid initial state.
  ObserveLidState(pending_remote<LidStateObserver> observer) =>
    (bool is_lid_open);

  // Registers an observer for changes to the internal display power state.
    pending_remote<InternalDisplayPowerStateObserver> observer);

  // When touchscreen tester is launched, the Diagnostics app should be moved
  // to the correct testing touchscreen. `evdev_id` is the evdev id of the
  // testing touchscreen.
  MoveAppToTestingScreen(uint32 evdev_id);

  // When touchscreen tester is closed, the Diagnostics app should be moved
  // back to previous screen, only if it was moved to a different screen when
  // the tester was launched.

  // While the user launches touchscreen tester, enable A11y touch exploration
  // passthrough so canvas can receive web touch events. Disable it when the
  // user exits the tester. `enabled` is a boolean indicating the just applied
  // state.
  SetA11yTouchPassthrough(bool enabled);