// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
module ash.diagnostics.mojom;
import "mojo/public/mojom/base/string16.mojom";
// Contains the capabilities of the device.
struct DeviceCapabilities {
bool has_battery;
// Contains information about the OS version on the device.
struct VersionInfo {
string milestone_version;
string full_version_string;
// Contains a snapshot of static system information.
struct SystemInfo {
string board_name;
string marketing_name;
string cpu_model_name;
uint32 total_memory_kib;
uint16 cpu_threads_count;
uint32 cpu_max_clock_speed_khz;
VersionInfo version_info;
DeviceCapabilities device_capabilities;
// Contains information about the battery.
struct BatteryInfo {
string manufacturer;
uint32 charge_full_design_milliamp_hours;
enum ExternalPowerSource {
enum BatteryState {
// Contains information about the charging state of the battery.
struct BatteryChargeStatus {
// String containing a localized time duration. If the time is unreliable
// the string will be empty.
mojo_base.mojom.String16 power_time;
int32 current_now_milliamps;
uint32 charge_now_milliamp_hours;
BatteryState battery_state;
ExternalPowerSource power_adapter_status;
// Contains information about the health of the battery.
struct BatteryHealth {
int32 charge_full_now_milliamp_hours;
int32 charge_full_design_milliamp_hours;
int32 cycle_count;
int8 battery_wear_percentage;
// Contains information about the usage of memory on the device.
struct MemoryUsage {
uint32 total_memory_kib;
uint32 available_memory_kib;
uint32 free_memory_kib;
struct CpuUsage {
uint8 percent_usage_user;
uint8 percent_usage_system;
uint8 percent_usage_free;
uint16 average_cpu_temp_celsius;
uint32 scaling_current_frequency_khz;
// Implemented by clients that wish to be updated periodically about changes to
// the battery charge status.
interface BatteryChargeStatusObserver {
// OnBatteryChargeStatus calls can be triggered by any of 3 conditions:
// 1) A BatteryChargeStatusObserver is registered with SystemDataProvider
// 2) A PowerManagerClient 'PowerChanged' event is received
// 3) A periodic update is sent by SystemDataProvider
OnBatteryChargeStatusUpdated(BatteryChargeStatus battery_charge_status);
// Implemented by clients that wish to be updated periodically about the health
// of the device battery.
interface BatteryHealthObserver {
// OnBatteryHealthUpdated calls can be triggered by either of 2 conditions:
// 1) A BatteryHealthObserver is registered with SystemDataProvider
// 2) A periodic update is sent by SystemDataProvider
OnBatteryHealthUpdated(BatteryHealth battery_health);
// Implemented by clients that wish to be updated periodically about the
// memory usage of the device.
interface MemoryUsageObserver {
// OnMemoryUsageUpdated calls can be triggered by either of 2 conditions:
// 1) A MemoryUsageObserver is registered with SystemDataProvider
// 2) A periodic update is sent by SystemDataProvider
OnMemoryUsageUpdated(MemoryUsage memory_usage);
// Implemented by clients that wish to be updated periodically about the
// cpu usage of the device.
interface CpuUsageObserver {
// OnCpuUsageUpdated calls can be triggered by either of 2 conditions:
// 1) A CpuUsageObserver is registered with SystemDataProvider
// 2) A periodic update is sent by SystemDataProvider
OnCpuUsageUpdated(CpuUsage cpu_usage);
// Provides telemetric information about the system. This API is exposed to the
// Diagnostics SWA.
interface SystemDataProvider {
// Returns a snapshot of system information. |system_info| is static
// information that does not change during the lifetime of the service.
GetSystemInfo() => (SystemInfo system_info);
// Returns information about the battery. |battery_info| is static
// information that does not change during the lifetime fo the service.
// If the device does not have a battery, returns an empty BatteryInfo.
GetBatteryInfo() => (BatteryInfo battery_info);
// Registers an observer of BatteryChargeStatus information.
pending_remote<BatteryChargeStatusObserver> observer);
// Registers an observer of BatteryHealth information.
ObserveBatteryHealth(pending_remote<BatteryHealthObserver> observer);
// Registers an observer of MemoryUsage information.
ObserveMemoryUsage(pending_remote<MemoryUsageObserver> observer);
// Registers an observer of CpuUsage information.
ObserveCpuUsage(pending_remote<CpuUsageObserver> observer);