
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
// Holds helpers for gathering UMA stats about downloads.


#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>

#include <string>
#include <vector>

#include "base/functional/callback.h"
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "components/download/public/common/download_content.h"
#include "components/download/public/common/download_danger_type.h"
#include "components/download/public/common/download_export.h"
#include "components/download/public/common/download_interrupt_reasons.h"
#include "components/download/public/common/download_source.h"
#include "mojo/public/c/system/types.h"
#include "net/base/network_change_notifier.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"

namespace base {
class FilePath;
class Time;
class TimeDelta;
}  // namespace base

namespace download {

// We keep a count of how often various events occur in the
// histogram "Download.Counts".
enum DownloadCountTypes {};

// Events for user scheduled downloads. Used in histograms, don't reuse or
// remove items. Keep in sync with DownloadLaterEvent in enums.xml.
enum class DownloadLaterEvent {};

// Increment one of the above counts.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordDownloadCount(DownloadCountTypes type);

// Record download count with download source.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordDownloadCountWithSource(
    DownloadCountTypes type,
    DownloadSource download_source);

// Record metrics when a new download is started.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordNewDownloadStarted(
    net::NetworkChangeNotifier::ConnectionType connection_type,
    DownloadSource download_source);

// Record COMPLETED_COUNT and how long the download took.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordDownloadCompleted(
    int64_t download_len,
    bool is_parallelizable,
    net::NetworkChangeNotifier::ConnectionType connection_type,
    DownloadSource download_source);

// Record INTERRUPTED_COUNT, |reason|, |received| and |total| bytes.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordDownloadInterrupted(
    DownloadInterruptReason reason,
    int64_t received,
    int64_t total,
    bool is_parallelizable,
    bool is_parallel_download_enabled,
    DownloadSource download_source);

// Record a dangerous download accept event.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordDangerousDownloadAccept(
    DownloadDangerType danger_type,
    const base::FilePath& file_path);

// Records the interrupt reason when a download is retried.
    DownloadInterruptReason reason);

// Returns the type of download.
DownloadContentFromMimeType(const std::string& mime_type_string,
                            bool record_content_subcategory);

// Records the mime type of the download.
    const std::string& mime_type,
    bool is_transient);

// Records the mime type of the download for normal profile.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordDownloadMimeTypeForNormalProfile(
    const std::string& mime_type,
    bool is_transient);

// Record overall bandwidth stats at the file end.
// Does not count in any hash computation or file open/close time.
    size_t length,
    base::TimeDelta elapsed_time);

// Increment one of the count for parallelizable download.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordParallelizableDownloadCount(
    DownloadCountTypes type,
    bool is_parallel_download_enabled);

// Record the result of a download file rename.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordDownloadFileRenameResultAfterRetry(
    base::TimeDelta time_since_first_failure,
    DownloadInterruptReason interrupt_reason);

// Enumeration for histogramming purposes.
// These values are written to logs.  New enum values can be added, but existing
// enums must never be renumbered or deleted and reused.
enum DownloadConnectionSecurity {};

enum class DownloadMetricsCallsite {};

enum class InputStreamReadError {};

CheckDownloadConnectionSecurity(const GURL& download_url,
                                const std::vector<GURL>& url_chain);

// Records a download's mime-type and security state. This is a short-lived
// metric recorded in multiple callsites to investigate discrepancies in other
// metrics.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordDownloadValidationMetrics(
    DownloadMetricsCallsite callsite,
    DownloadConnectionSecurity state,
    DownloadContent file_type);

COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordDownloadConnectionSecurity(
    const GURL& download_url,
    const std::vector<GURL>& url_chain);

COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordDownloadHttpResponseCode(
    int response_code,
    bool is_background_mode);

// Records the interrupt reason that causes download to restart.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordResumptionStrongValidators(
    DownloadInterruptReason reason);

// TODO( This is only used for the purposes of tests
// and should be refactored.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordParallelRequestCreationFailure(
    DownloadInterruptReason reason);


// Records the input stream read error type.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordInputStreamReadError(
    MojoResult mojo_result);

enum class BackgroudTargetDeterminationResultTypes {
  // Target determination succeeded.
  kSuccess = 0,

  // Target path doesn't exist.
  kTargetPathMissing = 1,

  // Path reservation failed.
  kPathReservationFailed = 2,

  kMaxValue = kPathReservationFailed

COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void RecordDuplicatePdfDownloadTriggered(
    bool open_inline);


}  // namespace download