
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <stddef.h>

#include <memory>
#include <optional>

#include "components/download/database/download_db_entry.h"
#include "components/download/database/in_progress/download_entry.h"
#include "components/download/public/common/download_export.h"
#include "components/download/public/common/download_interrupt_reasons.h"
#include "components/download/public/common/download_item.h"
#include "components/download/public/common/download_item_impl.h"
#include "components/download/public/common/download_source.h"
#include "components/download/public/common/resume_mode.h"
#include "net/base/net_errors.h"
#include "net/cert/cert_status_flags.h"
#include "net/http/http_response_headers.h"
#include "services/network/public/mojom/url_response_head.mojom.h"

namespace net {
class HttpRequestHeaders;

namespace network {
struct ResourceRequest;

namespace download {
struct DownloadCreateInfo;
struct DownloadSaveInfo;
class DownloadUrlParameters;

// Used to check if the URL is safe. For most cases, this is
// ChildProcessSecurityPolicy::CanRequestURL.

// Handle the url request completion status and return the interrupt reasons.
// |cert_status| is ignored if error_code is not net::ERR_ABORTED.
HandleRequestCompletionStatus(net::Error error_code,
                              bool has_strong_validators,
                              net::CertStatus cert_status,
                              bool is_partial_request,
                              DownloadInterruptReason abort_reason);

// Parse the HTTP server response code.
// If |fetch_error_body| is true, most of HTTP response codes will be accepted
// as successful response.
HandleSuccessfulServerResponse(const net::HttpResponseHeaders& http_headers,
                               DownloadSaveInfo* save_info,
                               bool fetch_error_body);

// Parse response headers and update |create_info| accordingly.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT void HandleResponseHeaders(
    const net::HttpResponseHeaders* headers,
    DownloadCreateInfo* create_info);

// Create a ResourceRequest from |params|.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT std::unique_ptr<network::ResourceRequest>
CreateResourceRequest(DownloadUrlParameters* params);

// Gets LoadFlags from |params|.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT int GetLoadFlags(DownloadUrlParameters* params,
                                            bool has_upload_data);

// Gets addtional request headers from |params|.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT std::unique_ptr<net::HttpRequestHeaders>
GetAdditionalRequestHeaders(DownloadUrlParameters* params);

// Helper functions for DownloadItem -> DownloadDBEntry for DownloadDB.
CreateDownloadDBEntryFromItem(const DownloadItemImpl& item);

// Helper function to convert DownloadDBEntry to DownloadEntry.
// TODO(qinmin): remove this function after DownloadEntry is deprecated.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT std::unique_ptr<DownloadEntry>
CreateDownloadEntryFromDownloadDBEntry(std::optional<DownloadDBEntry> entry);

COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT uint64_t GetUniqueDownloadId();

// Given the interrupt reason, and whether restart and user action are required,
// determine the final ResomeMode.
GetDownloadResumeMode(const GURL& url,
                      DownloadInterruptReason reason,
                      bool restart_required,
                      bool user_action_required);

// Check if a download is in terminal state given its url, state and interrupt
// reason.
    const GURL& url,
    DownloadItem::DownloadState state,
    DownloadInterruptReason reason);

    const base::FilePath& path);

// Rename downloaded file |from_path| to a new |display_name|.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT DownloadItem::DownloadRenameResult
RenameDownloadedFile(const base::FilePath& from_path,
                     const base::FilePath& display_name);

// Callback to be invoked when DetermineLocalPath() completes. The argument
// |file_path| should be the determined local path. It should be non-empty
// on success.
// On Android, |file_path| could be a content Uri (e.g. content://media/1234).
// In such cases, |file_name| is provided for displaying the file to the user
// (e.g. test.apk). If |file_path| is not a content Uri, file name could
// be empty and should be ignored.

// If |virtual_path| is not a local path, should return a possibly temporary
// local path to use for storing the downloaded file. If |virtual_path| is
// already local, then it should return the same path. |callback| should be
// invoked to return the path.
void DetermineLocalPath(DownloadItem* download,
                        const base::FilePath& virtual_path,
                        LocalPathCallback callback);

// Finch parameter key value for number of bytes used for content validation
// during resumption.
constexpr char kDownloadContentValidationLengthFinchKey[] =;

// Get the number of bytes to validate from finch configuration.
int64_t GetDownloadValidationLengthConfig();

// Finch parameter key value for the time to delete expired downloads in days.
constexpr char kExpiredDownloadDeleteTimeFinchKey[] =;

// Finch parameter key value for the time to delete expired downloads in days.
constexpr char kOverwrittenDownloadDeleteTimeFinchKey[] =;

// Finch parameter key value for the buffer size to write to the download file.
constexpr char kDownloadFileBufferSizeFinchKey[] =;

// Returns the time to delete expired downloads.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT base::TimeDelta GetExpiredDownloadDeleteTime();

// Returns the time in days to delete download that is overwritten by others.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT base::TimeDelta GetOverwrittenDownloadDeleteTime();

// Returns the size of the file buffer that reads data from the data pipe.
COMPONENTS_DOWNLOAD_EXPORT size_t GetDownloadFileBufferSize();

// Utility function to determine whether an interrupted download should be
// auto-resumable.
bool IsInterruptedDownloadAutoResumable(download::DownloadItem* download_item,
                                        int auto_resumption_size_limit);

// Utility method to determine whether the response head contains
// content-disposition: attachment.
bool IsContentDispositionAttachmentInHead(
    const network::mojom::URLResponseHead& response_head);

}  // namespace download