
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <string>

namespace base {
class AtomicFlag;
class FilePath;
}  // namespace base

namespace drive {
namespace util {

// Google Apps MIME types:
const char kGoogleDocumentMimeType[] =;
const char kGoogleDrawingMimeType[] =;
const char kGooglePresentationMimeType[] =;
const char kGoogleSpreadsheetMimeType[] =;
const char kGoogleTableMimeType[] =;
const char kGoogleFormMimeType[] =;
const char kGoogleMapMimeType[] =;
const char kGoogleSiteMimeType[] =;
const char kDriveFolderMimeType[] =;
const char kEncryptedMimeType[] =;
const char kEmailLayoutsMimeType[] =;

// Escapes ' to \' in the |str|. This is designed to use for string value of
// search parameter on Drive API v2.
// See also:
std::string EscapeQueryStringValue(const std::string& str);

// Parses the query, and builds a search query for Drive API v2.
// This only supports:
//   Regular query (e.g. dog => fullText contains 'dog')
//   Conjunctions
//     (e.g. dog cat => fullText contains 'dog' and fullText contains 'cat')
//   Exclusion query (e.g. -cat => not fullText contains 'cat').
//   Quoted query (e.g. "dog cat" => fullText contains 'dog cat').
// See also:
std::string TranslateQuery(const std::string& original_query);

// If |resource_id| is in the old resource ID format used by WAPI, converts it
// into the new format.
std::string CanonicalizeResourceId(const std::string& resource_id);

// Returns the (base-16 encoded) MD5 digest of the file content at |file_path|,
// or an empty string if an error is found.
std::string GetMd5Digest(const base::FilePath& file_path,
                         const base::AtomicFlag* cancellation_flag);

// Returns true if the given mime type is corresponding to one of known hosted
// document types.
bool IsKnownHostedDocumentMimeType(const std::string& mime_type);

// Returns true if the given file path has an extension corresponding to one of
// hosted document types.
bool HasHostedDocumentExtension(const base::FilePath& path);

// Returns true if the given MIME type corresponds to an encrypted (Google Drive
// CSE) file.
bool IsEncryptedMimeType(const std::string& mime_type);

}  // namespace util
}  // namespace drive