// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include <string>
#include <string_view>
#include "base/functional/callback_forward.h"
#include "base/memory/raw_ptr.h"
#include "base/memory/scoped_refptr.h"
#include "base/memory/weak_ptr.h"
#include "base/metrics/field_trial.h"
#include "base/scoped_multi_source_observation.h"
#include "base/scoped_observation.h"
#include "base/sequence_checker.h"
#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/metrics/enabled_state_provider.h"
#include "components/metrics/metrics_log_uploader.h"
#include "components/metrics/metrics_service_client.h"
#include "components/metrics/persistent_synthetic_trial_observer.h"
#include "components/variations/synthetic_trial_registry.h"
#include "components/version_info/android/channel_getter.h"
#include "content/public/browser/render_process_host_creation_observer.h"
#include "content/public/browser/render_process_host_observer.h"
#include "content/public/browser/web_contents.h"
class PrefRegistrySimple;
class PrefService;
namespace network {
class SharedURLLoaderFactory;
namespace metrics {
class MetricsStateManager;
extern const char kCrashpadHistogramAllocatorName[];
// AndroidMetricsServiceClient is a singleton which manages metrics collection
// intended for use by WebView & WebLayer.
// Metrics should be enabled iff all these conditions are met:
// - The user has not opted out.
// - The app has not opted out.
// - This client is in the 10% sample (controlled by client ID hash).
// The first two are recorded in |user_consent_| and |app_consent_|, which are
// set by SetHaveMetricsConsent(). The last is recorded in |is_in_sample_|.
// Metrics are pseudonymously identified by a randomly-generated "client ID".
// AndroidMetricsServiceClient stores this in prefs, written to the app's data
// directory. There's a different such directory for each user, for each app,
// on each device. So the ID should be unique per (device, app, user) tuple.
// In order to be transparent about not associating an ID with an opted out user
// or app, the client ID should only be created and retained when neither the
// user nor the app have opted out. Otherwise, the presence of the ID could give
// the impression that metrics were being collected.
// AndroidMetricsServiceClient metrics set up happens like so:
// startup
// │
// ├────────────┐
// │ ▼
// │ query for consent
// ▼ │
// Initialize() │
// │ ▼
// │ SetHaveMetricsConsent()
// │ │
// │ ┌──────────┘
// ▼ ▼
// MaybeStartMetrics()
// │
// ▼
// MetricsService::Start()
// All the named functions in this diagram happen on the UI thread. Querying GMS
// happens in the background, and the result is posted back to the UI thread, to
// SetHaveMetricsConsent(). Querying GMS is slow, so SetHaveMetricsConsent()
// typically happens after Initialize(), but it may happen before.
// Each path sets a flag, |init_finished_| or |set_consent_finished_|, to show
// that path has finished, and then calls MaybeStartMetrics(). When
// MaybeStartMetrics() is called the first time, it sees only one flag is true,
// and does nothing. When MaybeStartMetrics() is called the second time, it
// decides whether to start metrics.
// If consent was granted, MaybeStartMetrics() determines sampling by hashing
// the client ID (generating a new ID if there was none). If this client is in
// the sample, it then calls MetricsService::Start(). If consent was not
// granted, MaybeStartMetrics() instead clears the client ID, if any.
// To match chrome on other platforms (including android), the MetricsService is
// always created.
class AndroidMetricsServiceClient
: public MetricsServiceClient,
public EnabledStateProvider,
public content::RenderProcessHostCreationObserver,
public content::RenderProcessHostObserver {
~AndroidMetricsServiceClient() override;
AndroidMetricsServiceClient(const AndroidMetricsServiceClient&) = delete;
AndroidMetricsServiceClient& operator=(const AndroidMetricsServiceClient&) =
static void RegisterPrefs(PrefRegistrySimple* registry);
// Initializes, but does not necessarily start, the MetricsService. See the
// documentation at the top of the file for more details.
void Initialize(PrefService* pref_service);
void SetHaveMetricsConsent(bool user_consent, bool app_consent);
void SetFastStartupForTesting(bool fast_startup_for_testing);
void SetUploadIntervalForTesting(const base::TimeDelta& upload_interval);
// Updates the state of whether UKM is enabled or not by calling back into
// IsUkmAllowedForAllProfiles(). If |must_purge| is true then currently
// collected data will be purged.
void UpdateUkm(bool must_purge);
// Updates the state of the UKM service if it's running. This should be called
// when a BrowserContext is created or destroyed which would change the value
// of IsOffTheRecordSessionActive().
void UpdateUkmService();
// Whether or not consent state has been determined, regardless of whether
// it is positive or negative.
bool IsConsentDetermined() const;
// EnabledStateProvider
bool IsConsentGiven() const override;
bool IsReportingEnabled() const override;
// Returns the MetricService only if it has been started (which means consent
// was given).
MetricsService* GetMetricsServiceIfStarted();
// MetricsServiceClient
variations::SyntheticTrialRegistry* GetSyntheticTrialRegistry() override;
MetricsService* GetMetricsService() override;
ukm::UkmService* GetUkmService() override;
void SetMetricsClientId(const std::string& client_id) override;
std::string GetApplicationLocale() override;
const network_time::NetworkTimeTracker* GetNetworkTimeTracker() override;
bool GetBrand(std::string* brand_code) override;
SystemProfileProto::Channel GetChannel() override;
bool IsExtendedStableChannel() override;
std::string GetVersionString() override;
void MergeSubprocessHistograms() override;
void CollectFinalMetricsForLog(
const base::OnceClosure done_callback) override;
std::unique_ptr<MetricsLogUploader> CreateUploader(
const GURL& server_url,
const GURL& insecure_server_url,
std::string_view mime_type,
MetricsLogUploader::MetricServiceType service_type,
const MetricsLogUploader::UploadCallback& on_upload_complete) override;
base::TimeDelta GetStandardUploadInterval() override;
bool IsUkmAllowedForAllProfiles() override;
bool ShouldStartUpFastForTesting() const override;
// Gets the embedding app's package name if it's OK to log. Otherwise, this
// returns the empty string.
std::string GetAppPackageNameIfLoggable() override;
void OnWebContentsCreated(content::WebContents* web_contents);
// content::RenderProcessHostCreationObserver
void OnRenderProcessHostCreated(content::RenderProcessHost* host) override;
// RenderProcessHostObserver:
void RenderProcessExited(
content::RenderProcessHost* host,
const content::ChildProcessTerminationInfo& info) override;
// Runs |closure| when CollectFinalMetricsForLog() is called, when we begin
// collecting final metrics.
void SetCollectFinalMetricsForLogClosureForTesting(base::OnceClosure closure);
// Runs |listener| after all final metrics have been collected.
void SetOnFinalMetricsCollectedListenerForTesting(
base::RepeatingClosure listener);
metrics::MetricsStateManager* metrics_state_manager() const {
return metrics_state_manager_.get();
// GENERATED_JAVA_ENUM_PACKAGE: org.chromium.components.metrics
enum class InstallerPackageType {
// App has been initially preinstalled in the system image.
// App has been installed/updated by Google Play Store. Doesn't apply for
// apps whose most recent updates are sideloaded, even if the app was
// installed via Google Play Store.
// App has been Sideloaded or installed/updated through a 3rd party app
// store.
// Returns the embedding application's package name (unconditionally). The
// value returned by this method shouldn't be logged/stored anywhere, callers
// should use `GetAppPackageNameIfLoggable`.
std::string GetAppPackageName();
// Returns the installer type of the app.
virtual InstallerPackageType GetInstallerPackageType();
// Called by MaybeStartMetrics() to allow embedder specific initialization.
virtual void OnMetricsStart() = 0;
// Called by MaybeStartMetrics() when metrics collection failed to start.
virtual void OnMetricsNotStarted() = 0;
// Returns the metrics sampling rate, to be used by IsInSample(). This is a
// per mille value, so this integer must always be in the inclusive range [0,
// 1000]. A value of 0 will always be out-of-sample, and a value of 1000 is
// always in-sample.
virtual int GetSampleRatePerMille() const = 0;
// Returns a value in the inclusive range [0, 999], to be compared against a
// per mille sample rate. This value will be based on a persisted value, so it
// should be consistent across restarts. This value should also be mostly
// consistent across upgrades, to avoid significantly impacting IsInSample()
// and ShouldRecordPackageName(). Virtual for testing.
virtual int GetSampleBucketValue() const;
// Determines if the client is within the random sample of clients for which
// we log metrics. If this returns false, MetricsServiceClient should
// indicate reporting is disabled. Sampling is due to storage/bandwidth
// considerations.
virtual bool IsInSample() const;
// Determines if the embedder app is the type of app for which we may log the
// package name. If this returns false, GetAppPackageNameIfLoggable() must
// return empty string. Virtual for testing.
virtual bool CanRecordPackageNameForAppType();
// Determines if this client falls within the group for which the embedding
// app's package name may be included. If this returns false,
// GetAppPackageNameIfLoggable() must return the empty string.
virtual bool ShouldRecordPackageName();
// Caps the rate at which we include package names in UMA logs, expressed as a
// per mille value. See GetSampleRatePerMille() for a description of how per
// mille values are handled.
virtual int GetPackageNameLimitRatePerMille() = 0;
// Called by CreateMetricsService, allows the embedder to register additional
// MetricsProviders. Does nothing by default.
virtual void RegisterAdditionalMetricsProviders(MetricsService* service);
// Returns whether there are any OffTheRecord browsers/tabs open.
virtual bool IsOffTheRecordSessionActive();
// Returns a URLLoaderFactory when the system uploader isn't used.
virtual scoped_refptr<network::SharedURLLoaderFactory> GetURLLoaderFactory();
void EnsureOnValidSequence() const {
PrefService* pref_service() const { return pref_service_; }
void MaybeStartMetrics();
void RegisterForNotifications();
void RegisterMetricsProvidersAndInitState();
void CreateUkmService();
void OnApplicationNotIdle();
void OnDidStartLoading();
std::unique_ptr<MetricsStateManager> metrics_state_manager_;
std::unique_ptr<variations::SyntheticTrialRegistry> synthetic_trial_registry_;
// Metrics service observer for synthetic trials.
metrics::PersistentSyntheticTrialObserver synthetic_trial_observer_;
std::unique_ptr<MetricsService> metrics_service_;
std::unique_ptr<ukm::UkmService> ukm_service_;
raw_ptr<PrefService> pref_service_ = nullptr;
bool init_finished_ = false;
bool set_consent_finished_ = false;
bool user_consent_ = false;
bool app_consent_ = false;
bool is_client_id_forced_ = false;
bool fast_startup_for_testing_ = false;
bool did_start_metrics_ = false;
// When non-zero, this overrides the default value in
// GetStandardUploadInterval().
base::TimeDelta overridden_upload_interval_;
base::OnceClosure collect_final_metrics_for_log_closure_;
base::RepeatingClosure on_final_metrics_collected_listener_;
bool did_start_metrics_with_consent_ = false;
// MetricsServiceClient may be created before the UI thread is promoted to
// BrowserThread::UI. Use |sequence_checker_| to enforce that the
// MetricsServiceClient is used on a single thread.
base::WeakPtrFactory<AndroidMetricsServiceClient> weak_ptr_factory_{this};
} // namespace metrics