
// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

syntax = "proto2";

option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;

package enterprise_reporting;

// LegacyTechEvent is sent whenever a chrome deprecated feature is encountered
// on the client side chrome browser.
// Next ID: 9.
message LegacyTechEvent {
  reserved 2;

  // ID of the deprecated feature.
  optional string feature_id = 1;

  // This includes url + path but not the params. The params will be cut before
  // data uploading.
  optional string url = 3;

  // The entity from the allowlist policy that has matched the url on the client
  // side.
  optional string allowlisted_url_match = 4;

  // The js filename where the deprecated feature was encountered.
  optional string filename = 5;
  // The column where the legacy tech was encountered.
  optional uint64 column = 6;
  // The line where the legacy tech was encountered.
  optional uint64 line = 7;

  // Details of a Cookie Issue.
  optional CookieIssueDetails cookie_issue_details = 8;

  // The URL of the frame that raised the event.
  optional string frame_url = 9;

// Operation of the cookie access.
// Next ID: 3
enum CookieAccessOperation {
  // Unspecified operation.
  // The cookie was read.
  // The cookie was written.

// Details of the Cookie Issue of an event.
// Next ID: 6
message CookieIssueDetails {
  // If the cookie is accessed by a network transfer, this is the URL being
  // loaded; if it is read by a script, it's the URL of the window or service
  // worker script looking them up.
  optional string transfer_or_script_url = 1;

  // Name of the cookie.
  optional string name = 2;

  // Domain of the cookie.
  optional string domain = 3;

  // Path of the cookie.
  optional string path = 4;

  // The operation performed on the cookie.
  optional CookieAccessOperation access_operation = 5;