// Copyright 2023 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <array>
#include <string>
#include "build/build_config.h"
#include "build/chromeos_buildflags.h"
#include "chromeos/dbus/dlp/dlp_service.pb.h"
namespace data_controls {
// A representation of destinations to which sharing confidential data is
// restricted by DataLeakPreventionRulesList policy. This is only applicable to
// ChromeOS as other platforms don't have the same visibility into applications
// directly outside of Chrome.
enum class Component {
kArc, // ARC++ as a Guest OS.
kCrostini, // Crostini as a Guest OS.
kPluginVm, // Plugin VM (Parallels/Windows) as a Guest OS.
kUsb, // Removable disk.
kDrive, // Google drive for file storage.
kOneDrive, // Microsoft OneDrive for file storage.
kMaxValue = kOneDrive
// String equivalents of the `Component` enum, used for parsing JSON.
inline constexpr char kArc[] = "ARC";
inline constexpr char kCrostini[] = "CROSTINI";
inline constexpr char kPluginVm[] = "PLUGIN_VM";
inline constexpr char kDrive[] = "DRIVE";
inline constexpr char kOneDrive[] = "ONEDRIVE";
inline constexpr char kUsb[] = "USB";
// List of all possible component values, used to simplify iterating over all
// the options.
constexpr static const std::array<Component,
kAllComponents = {Component::kArc, Component::kCrostini,
Component::kPluginVm, Component::kUsb,
Component::kDrive, Component::kOneDrive};
// Maps a string to the corresponding `Component`, or vice-versa.
// `Component::kUnknownComponent` is return if the string matches no component.
Component GetComponentMapping(const std::string& component);
std::string GetComponentMapping(Component component);
::dlp::DlpComponent GetComponentProtoMapping(const std::string& component);
} // namespace data_controls