// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include "chromeos/ui/frame/caption_buttons/snap_controller.h"
#include "chromeos/ui/frame/multitask_menu/float_controller_base.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/point.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size_f.h"
namespace exo {
class SecurityDelegate;
class Surface;
// Frame types that can be used to decorate a surface.
enum class SurfaceFrameType {
// Handles events on surfaces in context-specific ways.
class SurfaceDelegate {
// Called when surface was requested to commit all double-buffered state.
virtual void OnSurfaceCommit() = 0;
// Returns true if surface is in synchronized mode. ie. commit of
// double-buffered state should be synchronized with parent surface.
virtual bool IsSurfaceSynchronized() const = 0;
// Returns true if surface should receive input events.
virtual bool IsInputEnabled(Surface* surface) const = 0;
// Called when surface was requested to use a specific frame type.
virtual void OnSetFrame(SurfaceFrameType type) = 0;
// Called when surface was requested to use a specific set of frame colors.
virtual void OnSetFrameColors(SkColor active_color,
SkColor inactive_color) = 0;
// Called when a new "parent" was requested for this surface. |position|
// is the initial position of surface relative to origin of parent.
virtual void OnSetParent(Surface* parent, const gfx::Point& position) = 0;
// Called when surface was requested to set a specific startup ID label.
virtual void OnSetStartupId(const char* startup_id) = 0;
// Called when surface was requested to set a specific application ID label.
virtual void OnSetApplicationId(const char* application_id) = 0;
// Whether to show/hide the shelf when fullscreen. If true, the titlebar/shelf
// will show when the mouse moves to the top/bottom of the screen. If false
// (plain fullscreen), the titlebar and shelf are always hidden.
virtual void SetUseImmersiveForFullscreen(bool value) = 0;
// Called when the surface's application wants it to be activated.
virtual void OnActivationRequested() = 0;
// Called when the new outoupt resource is created.
virtual void OnNewOutputAdded() = 0;
// Called when surface was requested to start resize.
virtual void OnSetServerStartResize() = 0;
// Called to show the snap preview to the primary or secondary position, or
// to hide it.
virtual void ShowSnapPreviewToPrimary() = 0;
virtual void ShowSnapPreviewToSecondary() = 0;
virtual void HideSnapPreview() = 0;
// Called when the client was snapped to primary or secondary position, and
// reset.
virtual void SetSnapPrimary(float snap_ratio) = 0;
virtual void SetSnapSecondary(float snap_ratio) = 0;
virtual void UnsetSnap() = 0;
// Whether the current client window can go back, as per its navigation list.
virtual void SetCanGoBack() = 0;
virtual void UnsetCanGoBack() = 0;
// Called when surface was requested to enter pip.
virtual void SetPip() = 0;
virtual void UnsetPip() = 0;
// Floats the shell surface. The bounds of the surface are determined by
// `float_start_location`.
virtual void SetFloatToLocation(
chromeos::FloatStartLocation float_start_location) = 0;
// Called when surface was requested to maintain an aspect ratio.
virtual void SetAspectRatio(const gfx::SizeF& aspect_ratio) = 0;
// Called when surface was requested to move the window to a desk at
// |desk_index|.
virtual void MoveToDesk(int desk_index) = 0;
// Called when surface was requested to be visible on all workspaces.
virtual void SetVisibleOnAllWorkspaces() = 0;
// Called to set the initial workspace to restore a window to the
// corresponding desk.
virtual void SetInitialWorkspace(const char* initial_workspace) = 0;
// Pins/locks a window to the screen so that the user cannot do anything
// else before the mode is released. If trusted is set, it is an invocation
// from a trusted app like a school test mode app.
virtual void Pin(bool trusted) = 0;
// Releases the pinned mode and allows the user to do other things again.
virtual void Unpin() = 0;
// Sets the system modality.
virtual void SetSystemModal(bool modal) = 0;
// Sets the top inset (header height).
virtual void SetTopInset(int height) = 0;
// Returns the SecurityDelegate which this surface should use to perform
// security-sensitive operations. See go/secure-exo-ids for more information.
virtual SecurityDelegate* GetSecurityDelegate() = 0;
virtual ~SurfaceDelegate() {}
} // namespace exo