# Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import dataclasses
import enum
import os.path
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterable, List, Mapping, Optional, Tuple
import xml.etree.ElementTree
# Short aliases for typing
Element = xml.etree.ElementTree.Element
class Description:
"""Holds the data from a Wayland protocol <description> subtree."""
# The value of the name summary of the <description>.
summary: str
# The text content of the <description>.
description: str
def parse_xml(e: Element) -> Optional['Description']:
return Description(summary=e.get('summary'),
if e.text else '') if e is not None else None
class MessageArgType(enum.Enum):
"""The valid types of an <arg>."""
INT = 'int'
UINT = 'uint'
FIXED = 'fixed'
STRING = 'string'
FD = 'fd' # File descriptor
ARRAY = 'array' # untyped Array
NEW_ID = 'new_id' # Special type for constructing
OBJECT = 'object' # An interface
class MessageArg:
"""Holds the data from a Wayland protocol <arg> subtree."""
# The containing Message, for context.
message: 'Message' = dataclasses.field(repr=False, hash=False)
# The value of the name attribute of the <arg>.
name: str
# The value of the type attribute of the <arg>.
type: MessageArgType
# The value of the optional summary attribute of the <arg>.
summary: Optional[str]
# The value of the optional interface attribute of the <arg>.
interface: Optional[str]
# The value of the optional nullable attribute of the <arg>.
nullable: Optional[bool]
# The value of the optional enum attribute of the <arg>.
enum: Optional[str]
# The optional <description> child element of the <arg>.
description: Optional[Description]
def parse_xml(message: 'Message', e: Element) -> 'MessageArg':
return MessageArg(message=message,
nullable=e.get('allow-null') == 'true'
if e.get('allow-null') else None,
class RequestType(enum.Enum):
"""The valid types of a <request> message."""
DESTRUCTOR = 'destructor'
class Message:
"""Holds the data from a Wayland protocol <request> OR <event> subtree."""
# The containing Interface, for context.
interface: 'Interface' = dataclasses.field(repr=False, hash=False)
# If true, this message is an <event> in the containing interface.
# Otherwise it is a <request>.
is_event: bool
# The value of the name attribute of the <request> or <event>.
name: str
# The value of the optional type attribute of the <request> Always empty
# for <events>.
request_type: Optional[RequestType]
# The value of the optional since attribute of the <request> or <event>.
since: Optional[int]
# The optional <description> child element of the <request> or <event>.
description: Optional[Description]
# The child <arg> elements of the <request> or <event>
args: Tuple[MessageArg, ...] = dataclasses.field(init=False)
def parse_xml(interface: 'Interface', is_event: bool,
e: Element) -> 'Message':
message = Message(
since=int(e.get('since')) if e.get('since') else None,
# Note: This is needed to finish up since the instance is frozen.
message, 'args',
tuple(MessageArg.parse_xml(message, c) for c in e.findall('arg')))
return message
class EnumEntry:
"""Holds the data from a Wayland protocol <entry> subtree."""
# The containing Enum, for context.
enum: 'Enum' = dataclasses.field(repr=False, hash=False)
# The value of the name attribute of the <entry>.
name: str
# The value of the value attribute of the <entry>.
value: int
# The value of the optional summary attribute of the <entry>.
summary: Optional[str]
# The value of the optional since attribute of the <entry>.
since: Optional[int]
# The optional <description> child element of the <request> or <event>.
description: Optional[Description]
def parse_xml(enum: 'Enum', e: Element) -> 'EnumEntry':
return EnumEntry(
value=int(e.get('value'), 0),
since=int(e.get('since'), 0) if e.get('since') else None,
class Enum:
"""Holds the data from a Wayland protocol <enum> subtree."""
# The containing Interface, for context.
interface: 'Interface' = dataclasses.field(repr=False, hash=False)
# The value of the name attribute of the <enum>.
name: str
# The value of the optional since attribute of the <enum>.
since: Optional[int]
# The value of the optional bitfield attribute of the <enum>.
bitfield: Optional[bool]
# The optional <description> child element of the <request> or <event>.
description: Optional[Description]
# The child <entry> elements for the <enum>.
entries: Tuple[EnumEntry, ...] = dataclasses.field(init=False)
def parse_xml(interface: 'Interface', e: Element) -> 'Enum':
enum = Enum(interface=interface,
since=int(e.get('since'), 0) if e.get('since') else None,
bitfield=e.get('bitfield') == 'true'
if e.get('bitfield') else None,
# Note: This is needed to finish up since the instance is frozen.
enum, 'entries',
tuple(EnumEntry.parse_xml(enum, c) for c in e.findall('entry')))
return enum
class Interface:
"""Holds the data from a Wayland protocol <interface> subtree."""
# The containing Protocol, for context.
protocol: 'Protocol' = dataclasses.field(repr=False, hash=False)
# The value of the name attribute of the <interface>.
name: str
# The value of the version attribute of the <interface>.
version: int
# The optional <description> child element of the <interface>.
description: Optional[Description]
# The child <request> elements for the <interface>.
requests: Tuple[Message, ...] = dataclasses.field(init=False)
# The child <event> elements for the <interface>.
events: Tuple[Message, ...] = dataclasses.field(init=False)
# The child <enum> elements for the <interface>.
enums: Tuple[Enum, ...] = dataclasses.field(init=False)
def parse_xml(protocol: 'Protocol', e: Element) -> 'Interface':
interface = Interface(protocol=protocol,
version=int(e.get('version'), 0),
# Note: This is needed to finish up since the instance is frozen.
interface, 'requests',
Message.parse_xml(interface, False, c)
for c in e.findall('request')))
interface, 'events',
Message.parse_xml(interface, True, c)
for c in e.findall('event')))
interface, 'enums',
tuple(Enum.parse_xml(interface, c) for c in e.findall('enum')))
return interface
class Copyright:
"""Holds the data from a Wayland protocol <copyright> subtree."""
# The text content of the <copyright>.
text: str
def parse_xml(e: Element) -> Optional['Copyright']:
return Copyright(text=e.text.strip()) if e is not None else None
class Protocol:
"""Holds the data from a Wayland protocol <protocol> subtree."""
# The universe of known protocols this is part of.
protocols: 'Protocols' = dataclasses.field(repr=False, hash=False)
# The containing base filename (no path, no extension), for context.
filename: str
# The value of the name attribute of the <protocol>.
name: str
# The optional <copyright> child element of the <protocol>.
copyright: Optional[Copyright]
# The optional <description> child element of the <protocol>.
description: Optional[Description]
# The child <interface> elements for the <protocol>.
interfaces: Tuple[Interface, ...] = dataclasses.field(init=False)
def parse_xml(protocols: 'Protocols', filename: str,
e: Element) -> 'Protocol':
protocol = Protocol(protocols,
# Note: This is needed to finish up since the instance is frozen.
protocol, 'interfaces',
Interface.parse_xml(protocol, i)
for i in e.findall('interface')))
return protocol
class Protocols:
"""Holds the data from multiple Wayland protocol files."""
# The parsed protocol dataclasses
protocols: Tuple[Protocol, ...] = dataclasses.field(init=False)
def parse_xml_files(filenames: Iterable[str]) -> 'Protocols':
protocols = Protocols()
# Note: This is needed to finish up since the instance is frozen.
protocols, 'protocols',
for filename in filenames))
return protocols