# Copyright 2019 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Templatize a file based on wayland specifications.
The templating engine takes an input template and one or more wayland
specifications (see third_party/wayland/src/protocol/wayland.dtd), and
instantiates the template based on the wayland content.
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import platform as platform_module
import subprocess
import sys
import jinja2
import wayland_utils as wlu
proto_type_conversions = {
'array': 'bytes',
'fixed': 'double',
'fd': 'small_value',
'int': 'int32',
'new_id': None,
'object': 'small_value',
'string': 'string',
'uint': 'uint32',
cpp_type_conversions = {
'array': 'struct wl_array*',
'fd': 'int',
'fixed': 'wl_fixed_t',
'int': 'int32_t',
'string': 'const char*',
'uint': 'uint32_t',
def GetClangFormatPath():
"""Returns the path to clang-format, for formatting the output."""
new_path_platform_suffix = ''
if sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
platform, exe_suffix = 'linux64', ''
exe_suffix = ""
elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
platform, exe_suffix = 'mac', ''
host_arch = platform_module.machine().lower()
if host_arch == 'arm64' or host_arch.startswith('aarch64'):
new_path_platform_suffix = '_arm64'
elif sys.platform == 'win32':
platform, exe_suffix = 'win', '.exe'
assert False, 'Unknown platform: ' + sys.platform
this_dir = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
root_src_dir = os.path.abspath(
os.path.join(this_dir, '..', '..', '..', '..'))
buildtools_platform_dir = os.path.join(root_src_dir, 'buildtools', platform)
new_buildtools_platform_dir = os.path.join(
root_src_dir, 'buildtools', platform + new_path_platform_suffix)
# TODO(b/328065301): Remove old paths once clang hooks are migrated
possible_paths = [
buildtools_platform_dir, 'clang-format' + exe_suffix),
new_buildtools_platform_dir, 'format', 'clang-format' + exe_suffix),
f'{new_buildtools_platform_dir}-format', 'clang-format' + exe_suffix),
for path in possible_paths:
if os.path.isfile(path):
return path
def ClangFormat(source, filename):
"""Runs clang-format on source and returns the result."""
# clang-format the output, for better readability and for
# -Wmisleading-indentation.
clang_format_cmd = [GetClangFormatPath(), '--assume-filename=' + filename]
proc = subprocess.Popen(
clang_format_cmd, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
stdout_output, stderr_output = proc.communicate(input=source.encode('utf8'))
retcode = proc.wait()
if retcode != 0:
raise CalledProcessError(retcode, 'clang-format error: ' + stderr_output)
return stdout_output.decode()
def WriteIfChanged(contents, filename):
"""Writes contents to filename.
If filename already has the right contents, nothing is written so that
the mtime on filename doesn't change.
if os.path.exists(filename):
with open(filename, 'r') as in_fi:
if in_fi.read() == contents:
with open(filename, 'w') as out_fi:
def GetCppPtrType(interface_name):
"""Returns the c++ type associated with interfaces of the given name.
interface_name: the name of the interface you want the type for, or None.
the c++ type which wayland will generate for this interface, or void* if
the interface_name is none. We use "struct foo*" due to a collision between
typenames and function names (specifically, wp_presentation has a feedback()
method and there is also a wp_presentation_feedback interface).
if not interface_name:
return 'void*'
return 'struct ' + interface_name + '*'
def GetCppType(arg):
ty = arg.attrib['type']
if ty in ['object', 'new_id']:
return GetCppPtrType(arg.get('interface'))
return cpp_type_conversions[ty]
class TemplaterContext(object):
"""The context object used for recording stateful/expensive things.
An instance of this class is used when generating the template data, we use
it to cache pre-computed information, as well as to side-effect stateful
queries (such as counters) while generating the template data.
def __init__(self, protocols):
self.non_global_names = {
wlu.GetConstructedInterface(m) for _, _, m in wlu.AllMessages(protocols)
} - {None}
self.interfaces_with_listeners = {
for p, i in wlu.AllInterfaces(protocols)
if wlu.NeedsListener(i)
self.counts = {}
def GetAndIncrementCount(self, counter):
"""Return the number of times the given key has been counted.
counter: the key used to identify this count value.
An int which is the number of times this method has been called before
with this counter's key.
self.counts[counter] = self.counts.get(counter, 0) + 1
return self.counts[counter] - 1
def GetArg(arg):
ty = arg.attrib['type']
return {
'name': arg.attrib['name'],
'type': ty,
'nullable': arg.get('allow-null', 'false') == 'true',
'proto_type': proto_type_conversions[ty],
'cpp_type': GetCppType(arg),
'interface': arg.get('interface'),
'doc': wlu.GetDocumentation(arg),
def GetMessage(message, context):
name = message.attrib['name']
constructed = wlu.GetConstructedInterface(message)
return {
'args': [GetArg(a) for a in message.findall('arg')],
constructed in context.interfaces_with_listeners,
def GetInterface(interface, context):
name = interface.attrib['name']
return {
name not in context.non_global_names,
'events': [GetMessage(m, context) for m in interface.findall('event')],
'requests': [
GetMessage(m, context) for m in interface.findall('request')
def GetTemplateData(protocol_paths):
protocols = wlu.ReadProtocols(protocol_paths)
context = TemplaterContext(protocols)
interfaces = []
for p in protocols:
for i in p.findall('interface'):
interfaces.append(GetInterface(i, context))
assert all(p.endswith('.xml') for p in protocol_paths)
return {
'protocol_names': [str(os.path.basename(p))[:-4] for p in protocol_paths],
def InstantiateTemplate(in_tmpl, in_ctx, output, in_directory):
env = jinja2.Environment(
keep_trailing_newline=True, # newline-terminate generated files
trim_blocks=True) # so don't need {%- -%} everywhere
template = env.get_template(in_tmpl)
raw_output = template.render(in_ctx)
# For readability, and for -Wmisleading-indentation.
if output.endswith(('.h', '.cc', '.proto')):
formatted_output = ClangFormat(raw_output, filename=output)
formatted_output = raw_output
WriteIfChanged(formatted_output, filename=output)
def main(argv):
"""Execute the templater, based on the user provided args.
argv: the command line arguments (including the script name)
parsed_args = wlu.ParseOpts(argv)
InstantiateTemplate(parsed_args.input, GetTemplateData(parsed_args.spec),
parsed_args.output, parsed_args.directory)
if __name__ == '__main__':