// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#include <memory>
#include "base/files/scoped_temp_dir.h"
#include "components/exo/display.h"
#include "components/exo/test/exo_test_base.h"
namespace exo {
class SecurityDelegate;
class Display;
namespace wayland {
class Server;
namespace test {
// Use ExoTestBase because Server starts to depends on ash::Shell.
using TestBase = exo::test::ExoTestBase;
// Base class for tests that create an exo's wayland server.
class WaylandServerTestBase : public TestBase {
// When using on-demand sockets (described on go/securer-exo-ids) the server
// does not own the socket and will not clean it up. This class is used to
// help manage creation/cleanup of such sockets
class ScopedTempSocket {
// Not copyable.
ScopedTempSocket(const ScopedTempSocket&) = delete;
ScopedTempSocket& operator=(const ScopedTempSocket&) = delete;
// Once created, this class owns the socket FD. Use this method to move the
// FD out of here (and into a wayland server).
base::ScopedFD TakeFd();
const base::FilePath& server_path() const { return server_path_; }
base::ScopedTempDir socket_dir_;
base::FilePath server_path_;
base::ScopedFD fd_;
// Constructs a WaylandServerTestBase with |traits| being forwarded to its
// TaskEnvironment. See the corresponding |AshTestBase| constructor.
template <typename... TaskEnvironmentTraits>
explicit WaylandServerTestBase(TaskEnvironmentTraits&&... traits)
: TestBase(std::forward<TaskEnvironmentTraits>(traits)...) {}
WaylandServerTestBase(const WaylandServerTestBase&) = delete;
WaylandServerTestBase& operator=(const WaylandServerTestBase&) = delete;
~WaylandServerTestBase() override;
void SetUp() override;
void TearDown() override;
std::unique_ptr<Server> CreateServer(
std::unique_ptr<SecurityDelegate> security_delegate);
std::unique_ptr<Server> CreateServer();
std::unique_ptr<Display> display_;
base::ScopedTempDir xdg_temp_dir_;
} // namespace test
} // namespace wayland
} // namespace exo