// Copyright 2015 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
package org.chromium.components.external_intents;
import android.content.ComponentName;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.pm.ResolveInfo;
import android.os.SystemClock;
import android.provider.Browser;
import android.text.TextUtils;
import androidx.annotation.VisibleForTesting;
import org.chromium.base.ContextUtils;
import org.chromium.base.IntentUtils;
import org.chromium.base.Log;
import org.chromium.base.metrics.RecordHistogram;
import org.chromium.ui.base.PageTransition;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.function.Function;
/** This class contains the logic to determine effective navigation/redirect. */
public class RedirectHandler {
private static final String TAG = "RedirectHandler";
// The last committed entry index when no navigations have committed.
public static final int NO_COMMITTED_ENTRY_INDEX = -1;
// An invalid entry index.
private static final int INVALID_ENTRY_INDEX = -2;
public static final long INVALID_TIME = -1;
// Analogous to Transient User Activation in blink (See
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/interaction.html#tracking-user-activation). We don't
// want an "unattended" page to redirect to an app as the user is likely not expecting that.
// However, historically there was no timeout like this for external navigation (and instead
// touching the screen reset the navigation chain), so this timeout is very generous and should
// allow for redirect chains.
public static final long NAVIGATION_CHAIN_TIMEOUT_MILLIS = 15000;
private static class IntentState {
final Intent mInitialIntent;
final boolean mIsCustomTabIntent;
final boolean mPreferToStayInChrome;
final boolean mExternalIntentStartedTask;
// A resolver list which includes all resolvers of |mInitialIntent|.
HashSet<ComponentName> mCachedResolvers = new HashSet<ComponentName>();
Intent initialIntent,
boolean preferToStayInChrome,
boolean isCustomTabIntent,
boolean externalIntentStartedTask) {
mInitialIntent = initialIntent;
mPreferToStayInChrome = preferToStayInChrome;
mIsCustomTabIntent = isCustomTabIntent;
mExternalIntentStartedTask = externalIntentStartedTask;
/** Captures the state of the initial navigation in a Navigation Chain. */
public class InitialNavigationState {
public final boolean isRendererInitiated;
public final boolean isFromReload;
public final boolean isFromTyping;
public final boolean isFromFormSubmit;
public final boolean isFromIntent;
public final boolean hasUserGesture;
public InitialNavigationState(
boolean isRendererInitiated,
boolean hasUserGesture,
boolean isFromReload,
boolean isFromTyping,
boolean isFromFormSubmit,
boolean isFromIntent) {
this.isRendererInitiated = isRendererInitiated;
this.hasUserGesture = hasUserGesture;
this.isFromReload = isFromReload;
this.isFromTyping = isFromTyping;
this.isFromFormSubmit = isFromFormSubmit;
this.isFromIntent = isFromIntent;
private class NavigationChainState {
final boolean mHasUserStartedNonInitialNavigation;
boolean mIsOnFirstLoadInChain = true;
boolean mShouldNotOverrideUrlLoadingOnCurrentNavigationChain;
// TODO(crbug.com/40815393): Plumb through the user activation time from blink.
final long mNavigationChainStartTime = currentRealtime();
boolean mUsedBackOrForward;
boolean mPerformedHiddenCrossFrameNavigation;
final InitialNavigationState mInitialNavigationState;
boolean hasUserStartedNonInitialNavigation,
InitialNavigationState initialNavigationChainState) {
mHasUserStartedNonInitialNavigation = hasUserStartedNonInitialNavigation;
mInitialNavigationState = initialNavigationChainState;
private IntentState mIntentState;
private boolean mIsPrefetchLoadForIntent;
private NavigationChainState mNavigationChainState;
// Not part of NavigationChainState as this should persist through resetting of the
// NavigationChain so that the history state can be correctly set even after the tab is hidden.
private int mLastCommittedEntryIndexBeforeStartingNavigation = INVALID_ENTRY_INDEX;
private long mLastUserInteractionTimeMillis;
public static RedirectHandler create() {
return new RedirectHandler();
protected RedirectHandler() {}
/** Resets |mIntentState| for the newly received Intent. */
public void updateIntent(
Intent intent,
boolean isCustomTabIntent,
boolean sendToExternalApps,
boolean externalIntentStartedTask) {
if (intent == null || !Intent.ACTION_VIEW.equals(intent.getAction())) {
mIntentState = null;
boolean preferToStayInChrome = isIntentToChrome(intent);
// A Custom Tab Intent from a Custom Tab Session will always have the package set, so the
// Intent will always be to Chrome. Therefore, we provide an Extra to allow the initial
// Intent navigation chain to leave Chrome.
if (isCustomTabIntent && sendToExternalApps) preferToStayInChrome = false;
// A sanitized copy of the initial intent for detecting if resolvers have changed.
Intent initialIntent = new Intent(intent);
mIntentState =
new IntentState(
* Will cause the next FROM_API navigation to be treated as though it were coming from an Intent
* even if an Intent even if an Intent has not yet been received.
public void setIsPrefetchLoadForIntent(boolean isPrefetchLoadForIntent) {
mIsPrefetchLoadForIntent = isPrefetchLoadForIntent;
private static boolean isIntentToChrome(Intent intent) {
String chromePackageName = ContextUtils.getApplicationContext().getPackageName();
return TextUtils.equals(chromePackageName, intent.getPackage())
|| TextUtils.equals(
IntentUtils.safeGetStringExtra(intent, Browser.EXTRA_APPLICATION_ID));
/** Resets navigation and intent state. */
public void clear() {
mIntentState = null;
mNavigationChainState = null;
mIsPrefetchLoadForIntent = false;
* Will cause shouldNotOverrideUrlLoading() to return true until a new user-initiated navigation
* occurs.
public void setShouldNotOverrideUrlLoadingOnCurrentRedirectChain() {
mNavigationChainState.mShouldNotOverrideUrlLoadingOnCurrentNavigationChain = true;
* @return true if the task for the Activity was created by the most recent external intent
* navigation to the current tab. Note that this doesn't include cold Activity starts that
* re-use an existing task (eg. Chrome was killed by Android without its task being swiped
* away or timed out).
public boolean wasTaskStartedByExternalIntent() {
return mIntentState != null && mIntentState.mExternalIntentStartedTask;
* Updates new url loading information to trace navigation.
* A time based heuristic is used to determine if this loading is an effective redirect or not
* if core of |pageTransType| is LINK.
* http://crbug.com/322567 : Trace navigation started from an external app.
* http://crbug.com/331571 : Trace navigation started from user typing to do not override such
* navigation.
* http://crbug.com/426679 : Trace every navigation and the last committed entry index right
* before starting the navigation.
* @param pageTransType page transition type of this loading.
* @param isRedirect whether this loading is http redirect or not.
* @param hasUserGesture whether this loading is started by a user gesture.
* @param lastUserInteractionTime time when the last user interaction was made.
* @param lastCommittedEntryIndex the last committed entry index right before this loading.
* @param isInitialNavigation whether this loading is for the initial navigation in a Tab.
* @param isRendererInitiated whether the navigation was initiated by a Renderer.
public void updateNewUrlLoading(
int pageTransType,
boolean isRedirect,
boolean hasUserGesture,
long lastUserInteractionTime,
int lastCommittedEntryIndex,
boolean isInitialNavigation,
boolean isRendererInitiated) {
mLastUserInteractionTimeMillis = lastUserInteractionTime;
// Treat anything renderer-initiated without a gesture as part of the same navigation
// chain. Server redirects are also part of the same navigation chain.
boolean isSameNavigationChain = isRedirect || (isRendererInitiated && !hasUserGesture);
if (mNavigationChainState != null && isSameNavigationChain) {
} else {
boolean isBackOrForward = (pageTransType & PageTransition.FORWARD_BACK) != 0;
if (isBackOrForward) mNavigationChainState.mUsedBackOrForward = true;
private void updateNavigationChainState(int pageTransType) {
mNavigationChainState.mIsOnFirstLoadInChain = false;
private void resetNavigationChainState(
int pageTransType,
boolean hasUserGesture,
int lastCommittedEntryIndex,
boolean isInitialNavigation,
boolean isRendererInitiated) {
// Create the NavigationChainState for a new Navigation chain.
int pageTransitionCore = pageTransType & PageTransition.CORE_MASK;
boolean isFromApi = (pageTransType & PageTransition.FROM_API) != 0;
boolean isFromIntent = isFromApi && (mIntentState != null || mIsPrefetchLoadForIntent);
boolean isFromReload = pageTransitionCore == PageTransition.RELOAD;
boolean isFromTyping = pageTransitionCore == PageTransition.TYPED;
boolean isFromFormSubmit = pageTransitionCore == PageTransition.FORM_SUBMIT;
if (!isFromIntent) {
mIntentState = null;
mIsPrefetchLoadForIntent = false;
InitialNavigationState initialNavigationChainState =
new InitialNavigationState(
mNavigationChainState =
new NavigationChainState(!isInitialNavigation, initialNavigationChainState);
mLastCommittedEntryIndexBeforeStartingNavigation = lastCommittedEntryIndex;
* @return whether this is a navigation chain initiated by an intent that is on a noninitial
* navigation (eg. has followed a client or server redirect).
public boolean isOnNoninitialLoadForIntentNavigationChain() {
return mNavigationChainState.mInitialNavigationState.isFromIntent
&& !mNavigationChainState.mIsOnFirstLoadInChain;
/** @return whether we're on the first load in the current navigation chain. */
public boolean isOnFirstLoadInNavigationChain() {
return mNavigationChainState.mIsOnFirstLoadInChain;
/** @return Whether this navigation is initiated by a Custom Tabs {@link Intent}. */
public boolean isFromCustomTabIntent() {
return mIntentState != null && mIntentState.mIsCustomTabIntent;
/** @return whether navigation is from a user's typing or not. */
public boolean isNavigationFromUserTyping() {
return mNavigationChainState.mInitialNavigationState.isFromTyping;
/** @return whether we should stay in Chrome or not. */
public boolean shouldNotOverrideUrlLoading() {
return mNavigationChainState.mShouldNotOverrideUrlLoadingOnCurrentNavigationChain;
* @return whether on navigation or not.
public boolean isOnNavigation() {
return mNavigationChainState != null;
/** @return the last committed entry index which was saved before starting this navigation. */
public int getLastCommittedEntryIndexBeforeStartingNavigation() {
assert mLastCommittedEntryIndexBeforeStartingNavigation != INVALID_ENTRY_INDEX;
return mLastCommittedEntryIndexBeforeStartingNavigation;
/** @return whether the user has started a non-initial navigation. */
public boolean hasUserStartedNonInitialNavigation() {
return mNavigationChainState != null
&& mNavigationChainState.mHasUserStartedNonInitialNavigation;
/** @return whether |intent| has a new resolver against |mIntentHistory| or not. */
public boolean hasNewResolver(
List<ResolveInfo> resolvingInfos,
Function<Intent, List<ResolveInfo>> queryIntentActivitiesFunction) {
if (mIntentState == null) return !resolvingInfos.isEmpty();
if (mIntentState.mCachedResolvers.isEmpty()) {
for (ResolveInfo r : queryIntentActivitiesFunction.apply(mIntentState.mInitialIntent)) {
new ComponentName(r.activityInfo.packageName, r.activityInfo.name));
if (resolvingInfos.size() > mIntentState.mCachedResolvers.size()) return true;
for (ResolveInfo r : resolvingInfos) {
if (!mIntentState.mCachedResolvers.contains(
new ComponentName(r.activityInfo.packageName, r.activityInfo.name))) {
return true;
return false;
/** @return The initial intent of the navigation chain, if available. */
public Intent getInitialIntent() {
return mIntentState != null ? mIntentState.mInitialIntent : null;
* @return whether the navigation chain has expired, meaning
* {@link #NAVIGATION_CHAIN_TIMEOUT_MILLIS} milliseconds passed since a navigation initiated by
* the user was started.
public boolean isNavigationChainExpired() {
return currentRealtime() - mNavigationChainState.mNavigationChainStartTime
public boolean navigationChainUsedBackOrForward() {
return mNavigationChainState.mUsedBackOrForward;
public InitialNavigationState getInitialNavigationState() {
return mNavigationChainState.mInitialNavigationState;
public boolean intentPrefersToStayInChrome() {
return mIntentState != null && mIntentState.mPreferToStayInChrome;
public void maybeLogExternalRedirectBlockedWithMissingGesture() {
if (!mNavigationChainState.mInitialNavigationState.isRendererInitiated
|| mNavigationChainState.mInitialNavigationState.hasUserGesture) {
long millisSinceLastGesture =
SystemClock.elapsedRealtime() - mLastUserInteractionTimeMillis;
"External navigation blocked due to missing gesture. Last input was "
+ millisSinceLastGesture
+ "ms ago.");
"Android.Intent.BlockedExternalNavLastGestureTime", millisSinceLastGesture);
public void setPerformedHiddenCrossFrameNavigation() {
mNavigationChainState.mPerformedHiddenCrossFrameNavigation = true;
public boolean navigationChainPerformedHiddenCrossFrameNavigation() {
return mNavigationChainState.mPerformedHiddenCrossFrameNavigation;
// Facilitates simulated waiting in tests.
public long currentRealtime() {
return SystemClock.elapsedRealtime();