
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "components/favicon/core/favicon_backend.h"

#include <memory>
#include <vector>

#include "base/containers/lru_cache.h"
#include "base/files/scoped_temp_dir.h"
#include "base/test/task_environment.h"
#include "components/favicon/core/favicon_backend_delegate.h"
#include "components/favicon/core/favicon_database.h"
#include "components/favicon/core/favicon_types.h"
#include "components/favicon_base/favicon_types.h"
#include "testing/gmock/include/gmock/gmock.h"
#include "testing/gtest/include/gtest/gtest.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkBitmap.h"
#include "third_party/skia/include/core/SkColor.h"
#include "ui/gfx/codec/png_codec.h"
#include "ui/gfx/geometry/size.h"
#include "ui/gfx/image/image_unittest_util.h"
#include "url/gurl.h"

namespace favicon {

namespace {


const int kTinyEdgeSize =;
const int kSmallEdgeSize =;
const int kLargeEdgeSize =;

const gfx::Size kTinySize =;
const gfx::Size kSmallSize =;
const gfx::Size kLargeSize =;

}  // namespace

class FaviconBackendTest : public testing::Test, public FaviconBackendDelegate {};

// Test that SetFaviconMappingsForPageAndRedirects correctly updates icon
// mappings based on redirects, icon URLs and icon types.
TEST_F(FaviconBackendTest, SetFaviconMappingsForPageAndRedirects) {}

       SetFaviconMappingsForPageAndRedirectsWithFragmentWithoutStripping) {}

// Test that there is no churn in icon mappings from calling
// SetFavicons() twice with the same `bitmaps` parameter.
TEST_F(FaviconBackendTest, SetFaviconMappingsForPageDuplicates) {}

// Test that calling SetFavicons() with FaviconBitmapData of different pixel
// sizes than the initially passed in FaviconBitmapData deletes the no longer
// used favicon bitmaps.
TEST_F(FaviconBackendTest, SetFaviconsDeleteBitmaps) {}

// Test updating a single favicon bitmap's data via SetFavicons.
TEST_F(FaviconBackendTest, SetFaviconsReplaceBitmapData) {}

// Test that if two pages share the same FaviconID, changing the favicon for
// one page does not affect the other.
TEST_F(FaviconBackendTest, SetFaviconsSameFaviconURLForTwoPages) {}

// Test that if two pages share the same favicon, reported via a single call to
// SetFavicons(), it gets associated to both page URLs.
TEST_F(FaviconBackendTest, SetFaviconsWithTwoPageURLs) {}

// Test that favicon mappings can be deleted using DeleteFaviconMappings().
TEST_F(FaviconBackendTest, DeleteFaviconMappings) {}

// Tests calling SetOnDemandFavicons(). Neither `page_url` nor `icon_url` are
// known to the database.
TEST_F(FaviconBackendTest, SetOnDemandFaviconsForEmptyDB) {}

// Tests calling SetOnDemandFavicons(). `page_url` is known to the database
// but `icon_url` is not (the second should be irrelevant though).
TEST_F(FaviconBackendTest, SetOnDemandFaviconsForPageInDB) {}

// Tests calling SetOnDemandFavicons(). `page_url` is not known to the
// database but `icon_url` is.
TEST_F(FaviconBackendTest, SetOnDemandFaviconsForIconInDB) {}

// Test repeatedly calling MergeFavicon(). `page_url` is initially not known
// to the database.
TEST_F(FaviconBackendTest, MergeFaviconPageURLNotInDB) {}

// Test calling MergeFavicon() when `page_url` is known to the database.
TEST_F(FaviconBackendTest, MergeFaviconPageURLInDB) {}

// Test calling MergeFavicon() when `icon_url` is known to the database but not
// mapped to `page_url`.
TEST_F(FaviconBackendTest, MergeFaviconIconURLMappedToDifferentPageURL) {}

// Test that MergeFavicon() does not add more than
// `kMaxFaviconBitmapsPerIconURL` to a favicon.
TEST_F(FaviconBackendTest, MergeFaviconMaxFaviconBitmapsPerIconURL) {}

// Tests that the favicon set by MergeFavicon() shows up in the result of
// GetFaviconsForURL().
TEST_F(FaviconBackendTest, MergeFaviconShowsUpInGetFaviconsForURLResult) {}

// Tests that calling MergeFavicon() with identical favicon data does not affect
// the favicon bitmap's "last updated" time. This is important because sync
// calls MergeFavicon() for all of the favicons that it manages at startup.
TEST_F(FaviconBackendTest, MergeIdenticalFaviconDoesNotChangeLastUpdatedTime) {}

// Tests GetFaviconsForURL with icon_types priority,
TEST_F(FaviconBackendTest, TestGetFaviconsForURLWithIconTypesPriority) {}

// Test the the first types of icon is returned if its size equal to the
// second types icon.
TEST_F(FaviconBackendTest, TestGetFaviconsForURLReturnFavicon) {}

// Test the favicon is returned if its size is smaller than minimal size,
// because it is only one available.
TEST_F(FaviconBackendTest, TestGetFaviconsForURLReturnFaviconEvenItSmaller) {}

// Test the results of GetFaviconsForUrl() when there are no found favicons.
TEST_F(FaviconBackendTest, GetFaviconsForUrlEmpty) {}

// Test the results of GetFaviconsForUrl() when there are matching favicons
// but there are no associated favicon bitmaps.
TEST_F(FaviconBackendTest, GetFaviconsForUrlNoFaviconBitmaps) {}

// Test that GetFaviconsForUrl() returns results for the bitmaps which most
// closely match the passed in the desired pixel sizes.
TEST_F(FaviconBackendTest, GetFaviconsForUrlSelectClosestMatch) {}

// Test the results of GetFaviconsForUrl() when called with different
// `icon_types`.
TEST_F(FaviconBackendTest, GetFaviconsForUrlIconType) {}

// Test that GetFaviconsForUrl() behaves correctly for different values of
// `fallback_to_host`.
TEST_F(FaviconBackendTest, GetFaviconsForUrlFallbackToHost) {}

// Test that when GetFaviconsForUrl() is called with multiple icon types that
// the best favicon bitmap is selected from among all of the icon types.
TEST_F(FaviconBackendTest, GetFaviconsForUrlMultipleIconTypes) {}

// Test that GetFaviconsForUrl() correctly sets the expired flag for bitmap
// reults.
TEST_F(FaviconBackendTest, GetFaviconsForUrlExpired) {}

// Test that a favicon isn't loaded cross-origin.
TEST_F(FaviconBackendTest, FaviconCacheWillNotLoadCrossOrigin) {}

}  // namespace favicon