
// Copyright 2013 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <stddef.h>

#include <string>

#include "ui/gfx/favicon_size.h"

namespace chrome {

struct ParsedFaviconPath {};

// Enum describing the two possible url formats: the legacy chrome://favicon
// and chrome://favicon2.
// - chrome://favicon format:
//   chrome://favicon/size&scaleFactor/iconUrl/url
// Some parameters are optional as described below. However, the order of the
// parameters is not interchangeable.
// Parameter:
//  'url'               Required
//    Specifies the page URL of the requested favicon. If the 'iconurl'
//    parameter is specified, the URL refers to the URL of the favicon image
//    instead.
//  'size&scaleFactor'  Optional
//    Values: ['size/aa@bx/']
//      Specifies the requested favicon's size in DIP (aa) and the requested
//      favicon's scale factor. (b).
//      The supported requested DIP sizes are: 16x16, 32x32 and 64x64.
//      If the parameter is unspecified, the requested favicon's size defaults
//      to 16 and the requested scale factor defaults to 1x.
//      Example: chrome://favicon/size/16@2x/
//  'iconUrl'           Optional
//    Values: ['iconUrl']
//    'iconurl': Specifies that the url parameter refers to the URL of
//    the favicon image as opposed to the URL of the page that the favicon is
//    on.
//    Example: chrome://favicon/iconurl/
// - chrome://favicon2 format:
//   chrome://favicon2/?queryParameters
// Standard URL query parameters are used as described below.
// URL Parameters:
//  'pageUrl'
//    URL pointing to the page whose favicon we want.
//  'iconUrl'
//    URL pointing directly to favicon image associated with `pageUrl`.
//    Pointed image will not necessarily have the most appropriate resolution
//    to the user's device.
// At least one of the two must be provided and non-empty. If both `pageUrl`
// and `iconUrl` are passed, `pageUrl` will have precedence.
// Other parameters:
//  'size'  Optional
//      Specifies the requested favicon's size in DIP. If unspecified, defaults
//      to 16.
//    Example: chrome://favicon2/?size=32
//  'scaleFactor'  Optional
//      Values: ['SCALEx']
//      Specifies the requested favicon's scale factor. If unspecified, defaults
//      to 1x.
//    Example: chrome://favicon2/?scaleFactor=1.2x
//  'allowGoogleServerFallback' Optional
//      Values: ['1', '0']
//      Specifies whether we are allowed to fall back to an external server
//      request (by page url) in case the icon is not found locally.
//      Setting this to 1 while not providing a non-empty page url will cause
//      parsing to fail.
enum class FaviconUrlFormat {};

// Parses |path| according to |format|, returning true if successful. The result
// of the parsing will be stored in the struct pointed by |parsed|.
bool ParseFaviconPath(const std::string& path,
                      FaviconUrlFormat format,
                      ParsedFaviconPath* parsed);

}  // namespace chrome