
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

module ash.eche_app.mojom;

import "mojo/public/mojom/base/string16.mojom";

// Interface for sending signal messages from the SWA to the browser. The
// signals are used to bootstrap a full WebRTC connection between a Nearby
// endpoint and the SWA. Any further data exchange happens directly over the
// WebRTC connection.
interface SignalingMessageExchanger {
  // Called when a new signaling message is ready for transmission. The
  // `signal` is a serialized WebRtcSignal.
  SendSignalingMessage(array<uint8> signal);
  // Sets the listener for replies sent from the browser process to the SWA.
      pending_remote<SignalingMessageObserver> observer);
  // Called when we no longer need the signal channel.

// Interface for dispatching response signaling messages as they are received.
interface SignalingMessageObserver {
  // Dispatch message to recipient. The `signal` is a serialized WebRtcSignal.
  OnReceivedSignalingMessage(array<uint8> signal);

// Screen backlight state.
// Reference from ash/public/cpp/screen_backlight_type.h
enum ScreenBacklightState {

// Interface for getting system information.
interface SystemInfoProvider {
  // Get the system info such as board name and device name. The
  // output parameter is JSON encoded set of data.
  GetSystemInfo() => (string system_info);

  // Registers a generic interface to observe events from browser-to-renderer.
  SetSystemInfoObserver(pending_remote<SystemInfoObserver> observer);

// A generic interface to observe events of browser process, all events from
// browser-to-render should be added in this interface if there is no other
// reason.
interface SystemInfoObserver {
  // Interface for monitoring screen backlight state of device. The state is
  // detected from Chrome browser process and is notified to Eche App in
  // renderer process. Updates with the latest screen backlight state.
  OnScreenBacklightStateChanged(ScreenBacklightState state);

  // Interface for monitoring tablet mode state of device. The state is detected
  // from Chrome browser process and is notified to eche app in renderer
  // process. TODO(b/184119538): Need to handle the resize issue and virtual
  // keyboard in table mode.
  OnReceivedTabletModeChanged(bool is_tablet_mode);

  // Interface for monitoring the network state of the Android device.
  // The state is sent by the remote device during the signaling process
  // and processed by CrOS.
  OnAndroidDeviceNetworkInfoChanged(bool is_different_network,
          bool android_device_on_cellular);

// Interface for passing accessibility events between SWA and Browser process.
interface AccessibilityProvider {
  // Registers a function for sending accessibility events from the SWA to
  // the browser.
  // Proto from: ash/webui/eche_app_ui/proto/accessibility_mojom.proto
  HandleAccessibilityEventReceived(array<uint8> serialized_proto);

  // Sets the observer for when accessibility actions need to be send to the
  // SWA from the browser.
  SetAccessibilityObserver(pending_remote<AccessibilityObserver> observer);

  // Returns true if an accessibility feature that requires
  // the tree stream is enabled.
  IsAccessibilityEnabled() => (bool enabled);

// Observer for accessibility provider. Should be created using
// SetAccessibilityObserver in AccessibilityProvider.
// Used to send messages from chrome to interact
// with the android phone through the SWA.
// Proto from: ash/webui/eche_app_ui/proto/accessibility_mojom.proto
interface AccessibilityObserver {
  // Enable or disable accessibility tree streaming
  // based on state of assistive technologies.
  EnableAccessibilityTreeStreaming(bool enable);
  // Enable or disable explore by touch based on the state of chromevox.
  EnableExploreByTouch(bool enable);
  // Sends the accessibility action to the SWA for processing.
  // The proto sent is proto::AccessibilityActionData.
  PerformAction(array<uint8> serialized_proto) => (bool result);

  // Refreshes the current node with extra data.
  // Returns Rect specifying location, or null if textLocation is not available.
  // The result rect is encoded in binary as proto::Rect from the accessibility
  // mojom.
  // `refresh_data_proto` is proto::AccessibilityActionData with the type of
  // `text_location_proto` is proto::Rect.
  RefreshWithExtraData(array<uint8> refresh_data_proto)
      => (array<uint8>? text_location_proto);

// Interface for generating uid. The uid is unique and persistent.
interface UidGenerator {
  // Get the uid.
  GetUid() => (string local_uid);

// Enum representing notifications from webUI. Numerical values should not
// be changed because they must stay in sync with value on google3
enum WebNotificationType {

// Interface for showing a native notification which was generated from WebUI.
interface NotificationGenerator {
  // Show a native notification, title and message are from WebUI.
  ShowNotification(mojo_base.mojom.String16 title,
          mojo_base.mojom.String16 message, WebNotificationType type);
  // Show a native toast, text is from WebUI.
  ShowToast(mojo_base.mojom.String16 text);

// Enum representing the video streaming status from browser. Numerical
// values should not be changed because they must stay in sync with value on
// Eche web app code.
enum StreamStatus {
    kStreamStatusUnknown,      // Initial state, not trigger anything yet
    kStreamStatusInitializing, // Eche browser is setting up video streaming
    kStreamStatusStarted,      // Video streaming is set up and started
    kStreamStatusStopped,      // Video streaming is stopped

// Interface to notify the video streaming status from Eche browser to Eche
// SWA native code.
interface DisplayStreamHandler {
  // Stream a display video for Eche.

  // Notifies the stream status change for Eche.
  OnStreamStatusChanged(StreamStatus status);

  // Registers a generic interface to observe events from browser-to-renderer.
  SetStreamActionObserver(pending_remote<StreamActionObserver> observer);

// Enum representing stream action from Eche SWA. Numerical values should not
// be changed because they must stay in sync with value on for Eche Web app.
enum StreamAction {
    // Notify the stream should be close.

    // Notify the stream should go back to the previous page.

// A generic interface to observe stream action from Eche SWA native code for
// Eche Web app can free resource for stream
interface StreamActionObserver {
  // Interface for notifying Eche web app that stream action happens from Eche
  // SWA
  OnStreamAction(StreamAction action);

// Interface to send new orientation for the app streaming bubble from Eche SWA.
interface StreamOrientationObserver {
  // Notifies what orientation the stream has changed to.
  OnStreamOrientationChanged(bool isLandscape);

// Enum representing the bootstrap connection status to the phone.
enum ConnectionStatus {
  kConnectionStatusDisconnected, // Initial state before connection is started
  kConnectionStatusConnecting,   // Attempting to establish connection
  kConnectionStatusConnected,    // Connected to phone
  kConnectionStatusFailed,       // Failed to bootstrap connection

// Interface to notify bootstrap connection status from Eche browser to Eche
// SWA native code.
interface ConnectionStatusObserver {
  // Notifies the connection status change for Eche.
  OnConnectionStatusChanged(ConnectionStatus status);

// Interface for when the Eche SWA requests for the current keyboard layout and
// sets an observer to see whenever the layout changes within ChromeOS.
interface KeyboardLayoutHandler {
  // Notifies the native code that the Eche SWA has requested for the current
  // keyboard layout.

  // Registers a generic interface to observe events from browser-to-renderer.
  SetKeyboardLayoutObserver(pending_remote<KeyboardLayoutObserver> observer);

// A generic interface to let Eche SWA observe the system's keyboard layout
// changes.
interface KeyboardLayoutObserver {
  // Sends the keyboard layout information to the Eche SWA.
  // id        - ID that identifies the IME (e.g., "t:latn-post", "pinyin").
  // longName  - Long name of the IME, which is used as the user-visible name.
  // shortName - UI indicator for the IME (e.g., "US"). If the IME has no
  //             indicator, uses the first two characters in its preferred
  //             keyboard layout or language code (e.g., "ko", "ja", "en-US").
  // layoutTag - Keyboard layout name (e.g., "us(workman)", "us(colemak)", "us",
  //             "fr(oss)", "gb(extd)").
  OnKeyboardLayoutChanged(string id, string longName, string shortName,
                          string layoutTag);

// Enum representing what EntryPoint was used to launch the eche app stream.
// Keep in sync with AppStreamLaunchEntryPoint in
// tools/metrics/histograms/enums.xml
enum AppStreamLaunchEntryPoint {
  APPS_LIST = 0,    // App stream was launched from the full apps list.
  NOTIFICATION = 1, // App stream was launched from a notification.
  RECENT_APPS = 2,  // App stream was launched from the recent apps.
  // The initial value set before app streaming started. Should never be
  // recorded histogram since by the time we start app streaming, a proper
  // value should have been set.
  UNKNOWN = 3,