
// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "components/feed/core/v2/ios_shared_experiments_translator.h"

class PrefService;

namespace feed {


namespace prefs {

void SetLastFetchHadNoticeCard(PrefService& pref_service, bool value);
bool GetLastFetchHadNoticeCard(const PrefService& pref_service);

// TODO(b/213622639): These two functions are still used for iOS, but should
// be removed along with any calling code.
void SetHasReachedClickAndViewActionsUploadConditions(PrefService& pref_service,
                                                      bool value);
bool GetHasReachedClickAndViewActionsUploadConditions(
    const PrefService& pref_service);

// Increment the stored notice card views count by 1.
void IncrementNoticeCardViewsCount(PrefService& pref_service);
// Increment the stored notice card clicks count by 1.
void IncrementNoticeCardClicksCount(PrefService& pref_service);
int GetNoticeCardClicksCount(const PrefService& pref_service);
int GetNoticeCardViewsCount(const PrefService& pref_service);

// Set/get experiments into prefs.
void SetExperiments(const Experiments& experiments, PrefService& pref_service);
Experiments GetExperiments(PrefService& pref_service);

void MigrateObsoleteFeedExperimentPref_Jun_2024(PrefService* prefs);

}  // namespace prefs
}  // namespace feed