
// Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include <vector>

#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "base/values.h"
#include "components/feed/core/v2/enums.h"
#include "components/feed/core/v2/public/stream_type.h"

namespace feedstore {
class Metadata;
namespace feed {
// A schedule for making Feed refresh requests.
// |anchor_time| + |refresh_offsets[i]| is the time each fetch should be made.
struct RequestSchedule {};

base::Value::Dict RequestScheduleToDict(const RequestSchedule& schedule);
RequestSchedule RequestScheduleFromDict(const base::Value::Dict& dict);
// Given a schedule, returns the next time a request should be made.
// Updates |schedule| accordingly. If |schedule| has no fetches remaining,
// returns a scheduled time using |Config::default_background_refresh_interval|.
base::Time NextScheduledRequestTime(base::Time now, RequestSchedule* schedule);

// Returns whether we should wait for new content before showing stream content.
bool ShouldWaitForNewContent(const feedstore::Metadata& metadata,
                             const StreamType& stream_type,
                             base::TimeDelta content_age,
                             bool is_web_feed_subscriber);

bool ContentInvalidFromAge(const feedstore::Metadata& metadata,
                           const StreamType& stream_type,
                           base::TimeDelta content_age,
                           bool is_web_feed_subscriber);
}  // namespace feed