// Copyright 2014 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
syntax = "proto2";
package userfeedback;
option optimize_for = LITE_RUNTIME;
// Data present in Web related feedbacks
import "annotations.proto";
import "dom.proto";
// Data present in feedbacks sent from web extension.
message WebData {
// Data captured from DOM Navigator object.
optional Navigator navigator = 1;
// Details of the extension from which this data was sent.
optional ExtensionDetails extension_details = 2;
// The URL of the document.
// Useful when user opts out from sending html structure.
optional string url = 3;
// A list of annotations.
repeated Annotation annotation = 4;
// The ID of the suggestion selected by the user.
// Possible values:
// - Not set if no suggestions were shown, either because the version of
// the client did not support suggestions, suggestions were disabled or
// no matching suggestions were found.
// - NONE_OF_THE_ABOVE if the user has chosen "None of the above".
// - Empty string if suggestions were shown but the user hasn't chosen
// any of them (and also they haven't chosen "None of the above").
// - Actual suggestion identifier as returned from the server.
optional string suggestion_id = 5;
repeated ProductSpecificData product_specific_data = 6;
// Name of the binary data stored. Replicated from
// ProductSpecificBinaryData.name which is stored as a separate
// column in Feedbacks3 megastore table.
repeated string product_specific_binary_data_name = 7;
message ExtensionDetails {
// Indicates browser and mpm release.
required string extension_version = 1;
required string protocol_version = 2;
// Additional data sent by the internal version.
message InternalWebData {
// List of user names in google.com domain to which feedback should be sent
// directly apart from submitting it to server.
repeated string email_receiver = 1;
// Subject of the problem entered by user.
optional string subject = 2;
// If this flag is set then product support team should be notified
// immediately.
optional bool DEPRECATED_urgent = 3 [default = false];
// Product specific data. Contains one key/value pair that is specific to the
// product for which feedback is submitted.
message ProductSpecificData {
required string key = 1;
optional string value = 2;
message ProductSpecificBinaryData {
required string name = 1;
// mime_type of data
optional string mime_type = 2;
// raw data
optional bytes data = 3;