
// Copyright 2024 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.


#include "base/files/file_path.h"
#include "components/subresource_filter/core/common/ruleset_config.h"

namespace fingerprinting_protection_filter {

// The config used to identify the Fingerprinting Protection ruleset for the
// RulesetService. Encompasses a ruleset tag and top level directory name where
// the ruleset should be stored.
extern const subresource_filter::RulesetConfig

// The name of the file that stores the unindexed filtering rules for
// Fingerprinting Protection.
extern const base::FilePath::CharType kUnindexedRulesetDataFileName[];

const char ActivationDecisionHistogramName[] =;

const char ActivationLevelHistogramName[] =;

// Console messages
// ----------------

// Console message to be displayed on activation.
constexpr char kActivationConsoleMessage[] =;

// Console message to be displayed on disallowing subframe.
constexpr char kDisallowChildFrameConsoleMessageFormat[] =;

}  // namespace fingerprinting_protection_filter