# Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
assert(is_chromeos_ash, "Files Internals is ash-chrome only")
static_library("files_internals") {
sources = [
deps = [
js_type_check("closure_compile") {
deps = [ ":js" ]
closure_flags = default_closure_args + mojom_js_args
js_library("js") {
sources = [ "resources/index.js" ]
deps = [ "//ash/webui/files_internals/mojom:mojom_webui_js" ]
grd_prefix = "ash_files_internals"
mojo_grdp = "$target_gen_dir/files_internals_mojo_resources.grdp"
generate_grd("build_mojo_grdp") {
grd_prefix = grd_prefix
out_grd = mojo_grdp
deps = [ "//ash/webui/files_internals/mojom:mojom_webui_js" ]
# Flatten out the dependency tree of your mojom and add generated bindings
# file here.
input_files =
[ "ash/webui/files_internals/mojom/files_internals.mojom-webui.js" ]
input_files_base_dir =
rebase_path("$root_gen_dir/mojom-webui", "$root_build_dir")
generate_grd("build_grd") {
input_files_base_dir = rebase_path("resources", "//")
input_files = [
grd_prefix = grd_prefix
out_grd = "$target_gen_dir/${grd_prefix}_resources.grd"
deps = [ ":build_mojo_grdp" ]
grdp_files = [ mojo_grdp ]