
# Copyright 2020 The Chromium Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.


mojom("mojom") {
  sources = [ "mojom/snapshot_controller.mojom" ]
  deps = [ "//mojo/public/mojom/base" ]

mojom("test_mojom") {
  sources = [ "mojom/test_connector.mojom" ]
  deps = [

source_set("in_process") {
  # HeapProfilerController's dependencies are not compiled on iOS unless
  # use_allocator_shim is true.
  if (!is_ios || use_allocator_shim) {
    sources = [

    deps = [

source_set("unit_tests") {
  testonly = true

  # HeapProfilerController's dependencies are not compiled on iOS unless
  # use_allocator_shim is true.
  if (!is_ios || use_allocator_shim) {
    sources = [
    deps = [