
// Copyright 2012 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

// TODO( Remove this and convert code to safer constructs.
#pragma allow_unsafe_buffers

// History unit tests come in two flavors:
// 1. The more complicated style is that the unit test creates a full history
//    service. This spawns a background thread for the history backend, and
//    all communication is asynchronous. This is useful for testing more
//    complicated things or end-to-end behavior.
// 2. The simpler style is to create a history backend on this thread and
//    access it directly without a HistoryService object. This is much simpler
//    because communication is synchronous. Generally, sets should go through
//    the history backend (since there is a lot of logic) but gets can come
//    directly from the HistoryDatabase. This is because the backend generally
//    has no logic in the getter except threading stuff, which we don't want
//    to run.

#include <stddef.h>

#include "components/history/core/browser/history_backend.h"
#include "components/history/core/test/history_backend_db_base_test.h"

namespace history {
namespace {

// This must be outside the anonymous namespace for the friend statement in
// HistoryBackend to work.
class ContentHistoryBackendDBTest : public HistoryBackendDBBaseTest {};

struct InterruptReasonAssociation {};

// Test is dependent on interrupt reasons being listed in header file
// in order.
const InterruptReasonAssociation current_reasons[] =;

// This represents a list of all reasons we've previously used;
// Do Not Remove Any Entries From This List.
const InterruptReasonAssociation historical_reasons[] =;

// Make sure no one has changed a DownloadInterruptReason we've previously
// persisted.
       ConfirmDownloadInterruptReasonBackwardsCompatible) {}
}  // namespace
}  // namespace history