// Copyright 2021 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
import {FakeObservables} from 'chrome://resources/ash/common/fake_observables.js';
import {FirmwareUpdate, InstallControllerRemote, UpdateObserverRemote} from './firmware_update.mojom-webui.js';
import {FakeInstallControllerInterface, FakeUpdateProviderInterface} from './firmware_update_types.js';
import {getUpdateController, setUseFakeProviders} from './mojo_interface_provider.js';
// Method names.
export const ON_UPDATE_LIST_CHANGED = 'UpdateObserver_onUpdateListChanged';
* @fileoverview
* Implements a fake version of the UpdateProvider mojo interface.
export class FakeUpdateProvider implements FakeUpdateProviderInterface {
private observables = new FakeObservables();
private observePeripheralUpdatesPromise: Promise<void>|null = null;
private inflightUpdate: FirmwareUpdate|null = null;
constructor() {
* Implements UpdateProviderInterface.ObservePeripheralUpdates.
observePeripheralUpdates(remote: UpdateObserverRemote): void {
this.observePeripheralUpdatesPromise = this.observe<FirmwareUpdate[]>(
ON_UPDATE_LIST_CHANGED, (firmwareUpdates: FirmwareUpdate[]) => {
* Implements UpdateProviderInterface.FetchInProgressUpdate.
fetchInProgressUpdate(): Promise<{update: FirmwareUpdate | null}> {
return new Promise((resolve) => resolve({update: this.inflightUpdate}));
* Implements UpdateProviderInterface.PrepareForUpdate.
prepareForUpdate(deviceId: string):
Promise<{controller: InstallControllerRemote | null}> {
const controller = getUpdateController();
(controller as FakeInstallControllerInterface)
return new Promise(
(resolve) =>
resolve({controller: (controller as InstallControllerRemote)}));
* Sets the values that will be observed from observePeripheralUpdates.
setFakeFirmwareUpdates(firmwareUpdates: FirmwareUpdate[][]): void {
ON_UPDATE_LIST_CHANGED, [firmwareUpdates]);
* Sets the inflight update.
setInflightUpdate(update: FirmwareUpdate): void {
this.inflightUpdate = update;
* Returns the promise for the most recent peripheral updates observation.
getObservePeripheralUpdatesPromiseForTesting(): Promise<void>|null {
return this.observePeripheralUpdatesPromise;
* Causes the device added observer to fire.
triggerDeviceAddedObserver(): void {
registerObservables(): void {
* Disables all observers and resets provider to its initial state.
reset(): void {
this.observables = new FakeObservables();
* Sets up an observer for methodName.
private observe<T>(methodName: string, callback: (arg: T) => void):
Promise<void> {
return new Promise((resolve) => {
this.observables.observe(methodName, callback);