
// Copyright 2022 The Chromium Authors
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.

#include "components/history/core/browser/keyword_search_term_util.h"

#include <algorithm>

#include "base/time/time.h"
#include "components/history/core/browser/features.h"
#include "components/history/core/browser/keyword_search_term.h"

namespace history {

namespace {

// Calculates the score for the given number of visits in a given day.
// Recent visits count more than historical ones, so multiply in a boost
// depending on how long ago this day was. This boost is a curve that
// smoothly goes through these values: Today gets 3x, a week ago 2x, three
// weeks ago 1.5x, gradually falling off to 1x at the very end.
double GetMostVisitedFrecencyScore(int visit_count,
                                   base::Time day,
                                   base::Time now) {}

// Returns whether two search terms are identical - i.e., they have the same
// normalized search terms.
bool IsSameSearchTerm(const KeywordSearchTermVisit& lhs,
                      const KeywordSearchTermVisit& rhs) {}

// Return whether a visit to a search term constitutes a duplicative visit -
// i.e., a visit to the same search term in an interval smaller than
// kAutocompleteDuplicateVisitIntervalThreshold.
// Called with identical search terms only. i.e., IsSameSearchTerm() is true.
bool IsDuplicativeVisitToSearchTerm(const KeywordSearchTermVisit& lhs,
                                    const KeywordSearchTermVisit& rhs) {}

// Transforms a visit time to its timeslot, i.e., day of the viist.
base::Time VisitTimeToTimeslot(base::Time visit_time) {}

// Returns whether two search term visits are in the same timeslot.
// Called with identical search terms only. i.e., IsSameSearchTerm() is true.
bool IsInSameTimeslot(const KeywordSearchTermVisit& lhs,
                      const KeywordSearchTermVisit& rhs) {}

}  // namespace

const base::TimeDelta kAutocompleteDuplicateVisitIntervalThreshold =;

// Returns the frecency score of the visit based on the following formula:
//            (frequency ^ kFrequencyExponent) * kRecencyDecayUnitSec
// frecency = ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
//                   recency_in_seconds + kRecencyDecayUnitSec
double GetFrecencyScore(int visit_count,
                        base::Time visit_time,
                        base::Time now) {}

// AutocompleteSearchTermHelper ------------------------------------------------

// A helper class to aggregate keyword search term visits returned by the
// `KeywordSearchTermVisitEnumerator` into unique search terms with
// `visit_count` aggregated across the visits for use as prefix or zero-prefix
// suggestions in the omnibox.
class AutocompleteSearchTermHelper {};

void GetAutocompleteSearchTermsFromEnumerator(
    KeywordSearchTermVisitEnumerator& enumerator,
    const size_t count,
    SearchTermRankingPolicy ranking_policy,
    KeywordSearchTermVisitList* search_terms) {}

// MostRepeatedSearchTermHelper ------------------------------------------------

// A helper class to aggregate keyword search term visits returned by the
// `KeywordSearchTermVisitEnumerator` into unique search terms with
// `visit_count` and `score` aggregated across the days of visit for use in the
// Most Visited tiles.
class MostRepeatedSearchTermHelper {};

void GetMostRepeatedSearchTermsFromEnumerator(
    KeywordSearchTermVisitEnumerator& enumerator,
    const size_t count,
    KeywordSearchTermVisitList* search_terms) {}

}  // namespace history